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December 2021 Events


Dr. Florian Kongoli, CEO of FLOGEN Technologies and Chairman of FLOGEN Star Outreach and SIPS2022, was featured in the French Newspaper L’est Republicain. The article discusses Dr. Kongolis visit to Nancy, France, the Gold Medal of Nancy that he received and his honorary membership to the Lorraine Academy of Science. The English and French text can be seen below.

English Text:

Dr. Florian Kongoli, CEO of the Flogen Technologies Inc. applied research institute in Montreal (Canada), has just spent two intense days in Nancy. Honored by the town hall and by the Lorraine Academy of Sciences. At the beginning of December, it brings together 9 Nobel Prize winners in Thailand …

Dr. Florian Kongoli, CEO of FLOGEN Technologies, with Prof. Jean Marie Dubois, President of the Lorraine Academy of Sciences

The first thing he does when he arrives somewhere is to install a camera, or two, or three, or four, to broadcast live on his social networks the conferences and receptions in which he participates ... it’s one of his hallmarks.

Dr. Florian Kongoli is the CEO of the applied research institute Flogen Technologies Inc., in Montreal (Canada). He is not a boss or a researcher like the others.

In addition to his three degrees, his company, and his 25 years of experience in applied technology, Florian Kongoli, an honorary citizen of Rio de Janeiro, is the president of Flogen Star Outreach and of the organizing committee of a World Summit on sustainable development. The next summit will take place in December, in the presence of nine Nobel Prize-winning scientists who have worked for humanity. He has been pictured in recent years with famous boss Richard Branson and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

This Wednesday, the specialist in sustainable development and the principle of sustainability, from environmental protection to the foundations of science and technology, received the gold medal of the City of Nancy from the hands of Mayor Mathieu Klein.

And, this Thursday, October 14, Florian Kongoli was appointed honorary member of the opening session of the Lorraine Academy of Sciences, an institution chaired by Jean-Marie Dubois which has 150 members and fifty academics. Ceremonies broadcast live on Florian Kongoli's networks. “It keeps in touch with the whole world,” he smiles.

The French article and text can be seen below: