Dr. Florian Kongoli went for business trip in Brazil where he met with several business leaders. He also presented a plenary lecture at VIII MSHMT 2013: VIII Meeting of the Southern Hemisphere on Mineral Technology, 20-24 October, 2013, Goiania, Brazil
Dr. Florian Kongoli, President of SIPS and President of FLOGEN, delivering the
Plenary Lecture
Dr. Florian Kongoli, President of SIPS and President of FLOGEN, delivering the Plenary Lecture
Dr. Florian Kongoli, President of SIPS and President of FLOGEN, delivering the Plenary Lecture
Dr. Florian Kongoli, President of SIPS and President of FLOGEN, with Prof. Andre Carlos Silva, Congress Chairman
Dr. Florian Kongoli, President of SIPS and President of FLOGEN, with Dr. Paul Cleary (Australia), ...Prof. Stephen Neethling (UK) and Prof. Ali Ihsan Arol (Turkey)
Dr. Florian Kongoli, President of SIPS and President of FLOGEN, with Prof. Ali Ihsan Arol (Turkey) and Dr. Paul Cleary (Australia)
Dr. Florian Kongoli, President of SIPS and President of FLOGEN, with Prof. Juan Yianatos (Chile)
XXV ENTMME: Plenary Speakers
Dr. Florian Kongoli went for business trip in Serbia where he met with several business and political leaders. He also presented a plenary lecture at IOC 2013: 45th INTERNATIONAL OCTOBER CONFERENCE on Mining and Metallurgy, 16-19 October, Bor, Serbia
Dr. Florian Kongoli, President of SIPS and President of FLOGEN, with colleagues
Dr. Florian Kongoli, President of SIPS and President of FLOGEN, with colleagues
Dr. Florian Kongoli, President of SIPS and President of FLOGEN, with colleauges