2018 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
4-7 November 2018, Rio Othon Palace, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Seven Nobel Laureates have already confirmed their attendance: Prof. Dan Shechtman, Prof. Sir Fraser Stoddart, Prof. Andre Geim, Prof. Thomas Steitz, Prof. Ada Yonath, Prof. Kurt Wüthrich and Prof. Ferid Murad. More than 400 Abstracts Submitted from about 60 Countries.
Abstract Submission

List of Accepted Abstracts

As of 31/03/2025: (Alphabetical Order)
  1. Intl. Symp. on Advanced Sustainable Iron and Steel Making
  2. Intl. Symp. on Electrochemistry for Sustainable Development
  3. Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Molten Salt and Ionic Liquid Processing
  4. Intl. Symp. on Advanced Manufacturing of Advanced Materials and Structures with Sustainable Industrial Applications
  5. Intl. Symp. on Science of Intelligent and Sustainable Advanced Materials (SISAM)
  6. Intl. Symp. on New and Advanced Materials and Technologies for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development
  7. Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Secondary Battery Manufacturing and Recycling
  8. Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Surface and Interface Engineering: Coatings for Extreme Environments
  9. Intl. Symp. on Composite, Ceramic and Nano Materials Processing, Characterization and Applications
  10. Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Energy Production: Fossil; Renewables; Nuclear; Waste handling , processing, and storage for all energy production technologies; Energy conservation
  11. Intl. Symp. on Environmental, Policy, Management , Health, Economic , Financial, Social Issues Related to Technology and Scientific Innovation
  12. Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Mathematics Applications
  13. Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Mineral Processing: Principles, Technologies and Industrial Practice
  14. Intl. Symp. on Synthesis and Properties of Nanomaterials for Future Energy Demands
  15. Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Non-ferrous Smelting and Hydro/Electrochemical Processing
  16. Summit Plenary

    To be Updated with new approved abstracts

    Crystal Growth of High-quality Lithium Metal Phosphates and Its Derivative by Using Flux Method
    Tetsuya Yamada1; Katsuya Teshima1;
    Type of Paper: Invited
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 323
    Topic: 14

    Nowadays, improvement of functional materials is a sought after issue, with the aim of combining high-energy consumption and sustainable society. It is known that functionality of materials depends on crystallographic characteristics. Regarding to battery materials, ionic diffusion in bulk becomes easier by increasing specific surface area and improving crystallinity, whose ionic conductivity depends on crystal face. So, crystallographic controls of battery materials should be one of the crucial concerns to realize innovation in next-generation energy applications. Flux method is one of the crystal growth techniques in liquid phase. This technique enables us to achieve various crystallographic characteristics, in terms of crystallinity and morphology, such as size, shape, and also habits. We have studied flux growth of battery materials. So far, lots of unique and functionalized crystals have been grown. For example, polyhedron, cylinder, flower-type LiCoO2 crystals are representative morphology. Since they have never been grown by other technique, we expected that flux method is a suitable method to improve battery by means of crystallography.
    Recently, we are focusing on designing lithium metal phosphates and its derivative, formulated as LiMPO4 and Li2MPO4F (M=Fe, Mn, Ni). Although they show poor conductivity, their electrochemical stability and high energy density are attractive advantages as active materials. We aimed to control crystal facets of LiMPO4 and Li2MPO4F, which exhibits higher conductivity, by using the flux method. As a result, we grew LiMPO4 and Li2MPO4F crystals with idiomorphic, high-crystalline natures. Some of them showed anisotropic morphology along to one direction, which may be typical due to flux method. In the SIPS2018 conference, we will report the flux growths, crystallographic characteristics, battery properties, and growth manners of a series of LiMPO4 and Li2MPO4F.

    Keywords: Lithium;

    Development of Nanostructured Electrode Materials for High Performance Secondary Batteries Using Ammonium Fluoride
    Jinyoung Chun1;
    Type of Paper: Invited
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 371
    Topic: 14

    The development of advanced electrode materials for secondary Li batteries is essential to meet the increased energy demands posed by portable electronic devices and the rapid growth of electrical vehicles and energy storage systems.[1] In order to replace the intercalation reaction-based materials that have capacity limitations, many researchers have focused on new electrode materials reacting through conversion or alloying reactions, which can take up multiple Li-ions per unit formula.[2]
    In this study, using ammonium fluoride (NH4F), we developed a new synthetic route to fabricate metal fluoride (MFx) nanocomposites for conversion reaction-based high capacity cathodes and nanostructured silicon (Si) for alloying reaction-based high capacity anodes. At first, we discovered that various anhydrous MFx can be obtained through simple heat treatment of metal precursors with NH4F under an inert atmosphere. Based on this process, MFx/mesoporous carbon nanocomposites were successfully synthesized.[3] From the reaction mechanism of this synthetic method, we expected that residual impurities in the raw Si materials, such as SiO2, could be easily removed using NH4F. Interestingly, the reaction of raw Si materials with NH4F not only removed residual SiO2, but also generated nanopores on Si. When used as electrodes in Li batteries, the MFx nanocomposites and nanostructured Si showed noticeable improvements in electrochemical performance. It is expected that this study will motivate further research into the synthesis of advanced electrode materials for secondary batteries using NH4F.

    Keywords: Anodes; Cathodes; Nanomaterials; SecondaryBattery; Synthesis;

    References: [1] J. B. Goodenough, Y. Kim, Chem. Mater., 2010, 22, 587-603<br />[2] J. Cabana et al., Adv. Mater., 2010, 22, E170-E192<br />[3] J. Chun et al., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2016, 8, 35180-35190

    Dissolution of Spent Lead Acid Battery Paste for Lead Recovery, Bio-sensing and Bio-removal of Residual Pb Ions
    Vimalnath Selvaraj1; Vasant Kumar2; Carsten Schwandt3; Subramanian Sankaran4;
    1UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, Cambridge, United Kingdom; 2UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, Cambridge, United Kingdom ; 3UNIVERSITY OF NIZWA, Nizwa, Oman; 4INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE, Bengaluru, India;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 392
    Topic: 14

    A spent lead acid battery consists of four parts, namely the electrolyte, lead and lead alloy components (for example the battery grid and plate), lead paste (the "redox", otherwise known as active, component of the battery) and organics or plastics with weight percentages of 11-30%, 24-30%, 30-40% and 22-30% respectively [1]. The spent battery paste is arguably the most complex component to recycle. It is complex as it is made up of a multitude of materials including PbSO4 (~60%), which dominates in spent batteries, PbO2 (~28%), PbO (~9%), free metallic lead (~3%) and a small but substantial concentration of impurities such as iron, antimony, tin and barium [1,2].
    The recovery of Pb from spent lead paste is achieved conventionally through pyrometallurgical process requiring relatively elevated temperature (>900°C) for the decomposition of PbSO4 [3]. The elevated temperature releases SO2 gas and lead particulates into the environment, raising serious environmental concerns [4]. Hydro-electro metallurgical processing, which has been developed as an alternative, also consumes high energy and uses toxic acids like HBF4 or H2SiF6 [5]. There is a need for eco-friendly method. In this study, a hydrometallurgical process for complete dissolution of spent lead paste at room temperature has been developed. Post recycling of the dissolved spent lead paste, the residual Pb ions are determined and removed using an eco-friendly biological method.
    The complete dissolution of spent lead acid battery paste is achieved in the presence of sodium hydroxide (NaOH), nitric acid (HNO3) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The concentration of Pb ions in the processed water is determined by deploying bacterial cells, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, using differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry (DPASV). The parameters namely, pH, time, biomass loading and Pb ions concentration were optimized for maximum Pb ions removal by the selected bacterial cells.

    Keywords: Challenges; Electrochemical; Electrochemistry; Recycling; SecondaryBattery; Sustainability;

    References: 1. Zhu, X., Li, L., Sun, X., Yang, D., Gao, L., Liu, J., ... & Yang, J. (2012). Preparation of basic lead oxide from spent lead acid battery paste via chemical conversion. Hydrometallurgy, 117, 24-31.
    2. Chen, T. T., & Dutrizac, J. E. (1996). The mineralogical characterization of lead-acid battery paste. Hydrometallurgy, 40(1-2), 223-245.
    3. Yanakieva, V. P., Haralampiev, G. A., & Lyakov, N. K. (2000). Desulphurization of the damped lead battery paste with potassium carbonate. Journal of Power Sources, 85(1), 178-180.
    4. Sonmez, M. S., & Kumar, R. V. (2009). Leaching of waste battery paste components. Part 1: Lead citrate synthesis from PbO and PbO2. Hydrometallurgy, 95(1-2), 53-60.
    5. Yang, J., Kumar, R. V., & Singh, D. P. (2012). Combustion synthesis of PbO from lead carboxylate precursors relevant to developing a new method for recovering components from spent lead-acid batteries. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 87(10), 1480-1488.

    Enabling Cost Effective Implementation of Next Generation Active Materials for Post Lithium Ion Batteries with Nitrogen-doped Single-walled Carbon Nanohorns
    Claudio Capiglia1;
    1RECRUIT R&D, Tokyo, Japan;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 97
    Topic: 14

    Single-Walled Carbon Nanohorns (SWCNHs), are a kind of carbon material with graphene type surface structure characterized by horn shaped graphitic tubules (2-5 nm diameter and 40-50 nm tube length) to form dahlia-like structures. They can be mass produced (tons/year) using a novel proprietary process technology, making them attractive for various industrial applications. SWCNHs can be considered as the next generation of graphene-based materials. Thanks to their particular 3D structure, they do not stack as in the case of 2D graphene-based materials, and keep their original chemical-physical proprieties at the powder state.
    Inspired by their unique structure, Nitrogen doped Single-Walled Carbon Nanohorns (N-SWCNHs) were used as a conductive substrate with various post lithium ion batteries active materials such as Sulfur (cathode), Germanium, and Tin (anodes).
    The choice of nitrogen doping is motivated by the quest for improved interaction between SWCNHs and the surrounding active material.
    N-SWCNHs were used as porous conductive host for encapsulating sulfur, using a simple melt diffusion method. Electrochemical results obtained from N-SWCNHs-Sulfur composite as cathode for lithium sulfur batteries showed high gravimetric capacities of 1650 mAh/g (almost the theoretical capacity), with high sulfur content of 80% by weight. Furthermore, N-SWCNHs were exploited by growing 5-10 nm germanium nanocrystal around the cones of N-SWCNHs. The Ge@N-SWCNHs composite, when used as anode material, provided extremely stable and high gravimetric capacities of 1400 mAh/g at 0.1C after 100 cycles. Similarly, results were obtained for Sn@N-SWCNHs composites, where a strong reducing agent (Lithium Naphthalenide) was used to decorate Sn nanocrystal on the surface of N-SWCNHs. Capacities as high as 735 mAh/g were achieved at 0.1C even after 140 cycles. The detailed results will be presented and discussed at the symposium.

    Keywords: Anodes; Li-Ion; Li-S; Lithium; SecondaryBattery;

    References: [1] Nitrogen-Doped Single-Walled Carbon Nanohorns as a Cost-Effective Carbon Host toward High-Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries. C.Capiglia et. al., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10, 5551-5559.

    Flux-Crystal Growth Engineering Toward Next-generation Batteries: Electrode Material and Interfacial Designs
    Katsuya Teshima1; Tetsuya Yamada1; Shuji Oishi2; Nobuyuki Zettsu1;
    Type of Paper: Keynote
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 322
    Topic: 14

    Lithium ion secondary batteries (LIBs) have been widely used as energy-storage systems for a variety of power devices. It is necessary to further develop LIBs toward high-functional devices, such as electric vehicles and mobile electronics. Nowadays, all solid-state LIBs have been of much interest because of high energy densities and high level of safety. All solid-state LIBs provide many advantages in terms of size, flexibility, cost, and performance. However, there are serious problems to be solved toward practical uses. For example, diffusion of lithium ions at the interface between different solid materials is still poor for operating charge/discharge in batteries.
    Our group has studied high-quality crystals for applications as energy and environmental materials by using a flux method. Flux method is a nature-mimetic liquid-phase crystal growth technique. It is possible to construct molten reaction field at any temperature with facile setup and give designed crystals shape, including crystal faces, which has never been achieved using other methods like solid state reaction. Recently, we have applied the flux technique to battery materials to create "all-crystal (solid)-state LIBs". We have expected that flux crystal growth gave (I) crystal-shape control of active materials, (II) construction of good interfaces in electrodes among cathodes, solid electrolytes, and anodes. As a result, smooth ionic transportation through bulks and their interfaces would be realized in all-crystal (solid)-state LIBs. Our concept using flux method would provide new aspect to make innovation in all solid state LIBs as next-generation energy storage. The details of interfacial and crystal designs of battery materials will be introduced in the SIPS2018 conference.

    Keywords: Lithium;

    Fracture in Anodes for Li-ion and Na-ion Batteries
    Katerina Aifantis1;
    1UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA, Gainesville, United States;
    Type of Paper: Keynote
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 425
    Topic: 14

    Si and Sn are the most promising anodes for Li-ion and Na-ion batteries, respectively. Despite their high capacity upon the formation of Li and Na rich alloys, the main drawback in commercializing these promising electrodes lies in the severe volume expansion and subsequent fracture they experience upon electrochemical cycling. The present talk, hence, focuses on capturing and modeling this severe fracture, by electrochemically cycling Si and Sn films with respect to Li and Na. Scanning electron microscopy can illustrate the extent of fracture and reveal that additional plasticity mechanisms occur in the case of Na-Sn. The experimental data are complemented by a phase field model, which can accurately predict the fracture in patterned Si anodes during lithiation. This is the first rigorous correlation between experiments and modelling in fracture of anodes and paves the way for developing design criteria that predict the onset of fracture initiation based on the anode material and geometric properties.

    Keywords: Anodes;

    References: Rethore J.R., Zheng H., Li H., Li J., Aifantis, K.E. A multiphysics model that can capture crack patterns in Si thin films based on their microstructure, Journal of Power Sources, 400, p. 383-391, 2018.

    High Performance of Chemically Modified TiO2 Nanotubes for Lithium-ion Microbatteries
    Thierry Djenizian1;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 203
    Topic: 14

    Modern microelectronic devices such as backup power for computer memories, MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS), medical implants, smart cards, Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) tags, and remote sensors have necessitated the development of high performance power sources at the microscale. In this context, the development of three-dimensional (3D) microbatteries forms a viable alternative to provide high volumetric energy densities to meet the demands of these devices.[1] The development of nano-architectured electrodes is one of the most promising approaches to realize the 3D paradigm of microbatteries.[2] Among all the potential anode materials, TiO2 nanotubes (TiO2-NTs) possess remarkable characteristics for the design of 3D Li-ion microbatteries. Self-organized nanotubular materials allow a good diffusion of Li ions in the porous structures, and the 1D morphology allows an efficient charge transfer along the axis of the tube that results in a good apparent electronic conductivity of the TiO2-NTs layer, when compared to a film composed of nanoparticles [3,4]. Anatase TiO2 can accommodate only 0.5 Li+ per formula unit, corresponding to a theoretical capacity of 168 mAh g-1. Hence, several approaches have been investigated to improve the overall performance of TiO2-NTs for the design of high-performance Li-ion microbatteries. Doping with aliovalent ions like Niobium (Nb5+) is also a facile strategy to modify the electronic properties of titanium oxide and thereby enhance the electrochemical performance.[5,6]
    We report the fabrication of self-supported Nb doped TiO2-NTs by anodization of Nb/Ti alloys devoid of any carbon additives or binders. An increase in the capacity of the TiO2-NTs was observed as the Nb doping concentration increased. Such a composition of 10 wt.% Nb doped TiO2-NTs (Nb10-TiO2-NTs) showed a first cycle capacity of 200 mAh.g-1 (0.144 mAh.cm-2) compared to pristine TiO2-NTs, which gave a capacity of 115 mAh.g-1 (0.078 mAh.cm-2) at C/10. Galvanostatic cycling tests at various C-rates revealed the influence of Nb doping in the TiO2-NTs. Compared to pristine TiO2-NTs, the discharge capacities of doped nanotubes are improved and almost doubled when the Nb concentration reaches 10 wt.%. Besides a good cycling behaviour at multiple C-rates, an overall capacity retention of 87 % is achieved after 100 cycles. According to Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy measurements, the enhanced electrochemical performance of the Nb-doped TiO2-NTs is attributed to their higher electronic conductivity.

    Keywords: Anodes; Characterisation; Electrochemical; Electrochemistry; Li-Ion; Materials; SecondaryBattery;

    References: [1] B.L. Ellis, P. Knauth, T. Djenizian, Three-Dimensional self-supported metal oxides for advanced energy storage, Adv. Mater. 26 (2014) 3368-3397.<br />[2] J.W. Long, B. Dunn, D.R. Rolison, H.S. White, Three-Dimensional Battery Architectures, Chem. Rev., 104 (2004), 4463-4492.<br />[3] G.F. Ortiz, I. Hanzu, T. Djenizian, P. Lavela, J.L. Tirado, P. Knauth, Alternative Li-Ion Battery Electrode Based on Self-Organized Titania Nanotubes, Chem. Mater., 21 (2009), 63-67.<br />[4] T. Djenizian, I. Hanzu, P. Knauth, Nanostructured negative electrodes based on titania for Li-ion microbatteries , J. Mater. Chem., 21 (2011), 9925-9937.<br />[5] Y.Wang, B. M Smarsly, I. Djerdj, Niobium Doped TiO2 with Mesoporosity and Its Application for Lithium Insertion, Chem. Mater., 22 (2010), 6624-6631.<br />[6] M. Fehse, S. Cavaliere, P. E. Lippens, I. Savych, A. Iadecola, L. Monconduit, D. J. Jones, J. Roziere, F. Fischer, C. Tessierand, L. Stievano, Nb-Doped TiO2 Nanofibers for Lithium Ion Batteries, J. Phys. Chem. C, 117 (2013), 13827-13835.

    Hydrometallurgically Generated Nanostructured Lead(II) Oxide from discarded Lead-Acid Batteries: From Laboratory to Pre-Pilot Scale-up
    Robert Liu1; Vimalnath Selvaraj2; Marcel Yiao2; Vasant Kumar3; Steve Andrew1; Spencer Lowe1; Miles Freeman1; Johdie Harris1; Athan Fox1;
    1AURELIUS ENVIRONMENTAL, Dudley, United Kingdom; 2UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, Cambridge, United Kingdom; 3UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, Cambridge, United Kingdom ;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 429
    Topic: 14

    The recycling of lead-acid batteries (LABs) is currently an energy intensive, inefficient and polluting procedure. An alternative hydrometallurgical recycling route using citric acid(1)(2) has been proven to effectively and efficiently facilitate the extraction of lead from discarded LAB paste material to form an intermediate that can be further processed to be potentially reused again in new LABs.
    This citric acid route has been extensively trialled in the laboratory at the University of Cambridge and has recently been through several concurrent iterative experimental trials at a pre-pilot scale at Aurelius Environmental Ltd in Tipton, UK.
    The procedure of scaling up any process from the laboratory to pilot and, if successful, to full commercial scale is a journey that is well trodden. The current review paper will seek to describe some of the challenges and successes that has thus far been encountered in scaling up this promising recycling route.
    As the author, associates and collaborators attempt to translate what has been shown in the laboratory to a pre-pilot scale, the ultimate aim is to transition to a full pilot scale and beyond in the near future. The progress and future aims of this nascent technology will be outlined and discussed in order to inform and educate a wider audience of this exciting and sustainable recycling method.

    Keywords: Recycling; Energy; Scale-up; Nanomaterials; Secondary Battery; Sustainability; Technology; Lead-acid Batteries, Hydrometallurgy

    References: [1] Sonmez MS, Kumar RV. Leaching of waste battery paste components. Part 1: Lead citrate synthesis from PbO and PbO2. Hydrometallurgy. 2009;95(1-2):53-60.
    [2] Sonmez MS, Kumar RV. Leaching of waste battery paste components. Part 2: Leaching and desulphurisation of PbSO4 by citric acid and sodium citrate solution. Hydrometallurgy. 2009;95(1-2):82-6.
    [3] Yang J, Kumar RV, Singh DP. Combustion synthesis of PbO from lead carboxylate precursors relevant to developing a new method for recovering components from spent lead-acid batteries. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology. 2012;87(10):1480-8.

    Internal Hybrid Li-ion Battery-Capacitor Energy Storage Cells
    Annadanesh Shellikeri1; Mark Andrew Hagen1; Jin Yan2; W.J. Cao2; Richard Jow3; Jeffrey A. Read3; Jim Zheng1;
    1FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY AND FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY, Tallahassee, United States; 2GENERAL CAPACITOR LLC, Tallahassee, United States; 3U.S. ARMY RESEARCH LABORATORY, Adelphi, United States;
    Type of Paper: Keynote
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 283
    Topic: 14

    As a new generation of supercapacitor, the Li-ion capacitor (LIC) is an advanced energy storage device which consists of an electric double-layer capacitor (EDLC) cathode and a pre-lithiated anode [1,2], between which the ions shuttle during charge and discharge processes. Because of using pre-lithiated and low surface anode materials, the LIC can be charged to a maximum voltage as high as 4.0 V, which is much higher than of EDLCs and comparable to Li-ion batteries (LIBs); therefore, it allows the LIC and LIB to be assembled in one package as a LIB/LIC hybrid energy storage cell.
    We have demonstrated a new hybrid energy storage cell that combines the advantages of both the LIB and the LIC [3], thereby avoiding their inherent defects, while bridging the gap between the high energy densities offered by batteries and the high power densities seen in EDLCs. The energy density and power density of the hybrid cell can be designed to meet the requirements by a reasonable distribution of the ratio between LIB and LIC electrode materials in the internal hybrid cell. For example, we show a hybrid LIC consisting of a Li nickel cobalt manganese oxide (NMC)/activated carbon (AC) composite cathode in combination with an ultra-thin Li film (u-Li) pre-loaded hard carbon anode. Additionally, we show that by utilizing three design approaches: dry composite electrode fabrication method, cathode to anode capacity ratio design, and pre-lithiation method using u-Li, we can demonstrate an energy storage device with excellent cycle life, and that can be tailored by composite ratios within the cathode to fit different applications. Shown here is an in-depth look at various composite material ratios, pre-lithiation calculations and hybrid Li-ion battery-capacitor energy storage device creation based on targeting essential energy-power performance characteristics.

    Keywords: Anodes; Capacitors; Cathodes; Energy; Li-Ion; Lithium; SecondaryBattery;

    References: [1] W.J. Cao and J.P. Zheng, "Li-ion Capacitors with Carbon Cathode and Hard Carbon/SLMP Anode Electrodes", J. Power Sources, 213, 180 (2012).
    [2] W.J. Cao, J. Shih, J.P. Zheng, and T. Doung, "Development and characterization of Li-ion capacitor pouch cells", J. Power Sources, 257, 388 (2014).
    [3] Zheng, J.-S., Zhang, L., Shellikeri, A., Cao, W., Wu, Q., & Zheng, J. P. (2017). A hybrid electrochemical device based on a synergetic inner combination of Li ion battery and Li ion capacitor for energy storage. Scientific Reports, 7, 41910.

    Lead-acid Battery Recycling - A Different Way
    Athan Fox1; Miles Freeman1; Robert Liu1; Johdie Harris1; Vasant Kumar2;
    1AURELIUS ENVIRONMENTAL, Dudley, United Kingdom; 2UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, Cambridge, United Kingdom ;
    Type of Paper: Keynote
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 426
    Topic: 14

    The lead-acid battery (LAB) market is forecast to reach $84 billion USD by 2025.1 Despite intense competition from alternative and emerging energy storage solutions, LABs continue to deliver the most proven, low-cost, safe and affordable option for electrical energy storage. Indeed, LABs are used widely in automobiles (for starting, lighting and ignition), traction and heavy industry (for example electric forklifts and trucks), telecommunications, emergency lighting, renewable energy systems, medical equipment, railway backup systems, oil and gas exploration, and more.

    The recycling of LABs via current methods is energy intensive and wasteful. In some parts of the world it produces "smelter smoke", a toxic mixture of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and very often lead metal particles. For this reason, although LABs are the world's most successfully recycled commodity product,2 and a perfect example of a successful multi-million tonne circular economy, the incumbent recycling processes are in dire need of improvement and technological innovation.

    At Aurelius, our aim is to revolutionise the art of recycling through science, ethical practice, sustainability and technology. Our vision is a web of industries, where one stream's waste is another stream's feed-stock: bridging linear and wasteful processes to create circular, energy efficient, non-polluting, zero waste industries. Our stepping stone towards this vision is a technology for the recycling of LAB paste.

    Invented in 2006 by Professor Vasant Kumar at the University of Cambridge,3-5 UK, the technology was licensed exclusively in 2016 to Aurelius for further development, scaling up and commercialisation. Our piloting efforts are funded by two Innovate UK awards and a Horizon 2020 (Phase 2) SME grant. To date, we have raised more than 2 million USD in grant funding, while our annual turnover from the collection, dismantling and processing of more than 10,000 tonnes of LAB scrap per year is also used to fund our technology and innovation.

    The patented hydrometallurgical process, branded as FenixPb, brings about a critical improvement to the lead recycling industry.6 It enables conversion of spent battery paste to leady oxide (Pb/PbO) without producing or handling an intermediate ingot, and without utilising electrowinning. In fact, our process reduces the carbon footprint by 80-89%; eliminates noxious gases (including sulphur dioxide) at no added cost; reduces slag by more than 90%; and produces energy (this is because a key stage in the process is highly exothermic, releasing rather than consuming energy).

    Our leady oxide is also a step-change in lead-acid battery technology. Laboratory tests carried out at the University of Cambridge have shown that batteries produced from our leady oxide have a 30% improved energy density. This innovation is largely due to the particle size; indeed, our advanced leady oxide is a nano-crystalline solid. Moreover, our process delivers a scalable means of controlling accurately the free metallic lead content (%Pb) and ratio between the alpha and beta phases of the oxide - enabling battery manufacturers to fine-tune their batteries' active materials dependant on its properties and applications.

    Keywords: Energy; Industry; Materials; Recycling; SecondaryBattery; Sustainability; Technology;

    References: 1) Lead Acid Battery Market Size & Trend Analysis By Product (SLI, Stationary, Motive), By Construction Method, By Application (Automotive, UPS, Telecommunication, Electric Bikes, Transport Vehicles), By Region And Segment Forecasts 2014 - 2025, Report ID 4076564, Research & Markets, January 2017 (URL: https://www.researchandmarkets.com/research/kvf4lb/lead_acid_battery)<br />2) Lead Action 21, Environmental and social responsibility for the 21st Century, International Lead Association, November 2015 (URL: https://www.ila-lead.org/UserFiles/File/ILA9927%20FS_Recycling_V08.pdf)<br />3) M.S. Sonmez, R.V. Kumar, Hydrometallurgy, 95 (2009), 82-86.<br />4) M.S. Sonmez, R.V. Kumar, Hydrometallurgy, 95 (2009), 53-60.<br />5) J. Yang, R.V. Kumar, D.P. Singh, J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 87 (2012), 1480-1488.<br />6) A. Fox and M. Freeman, SciTech Europa Quarterly, 28 (2018), 118-121.

    New Approaches in the Development of Advanced Lithium-sulfur Batteries
    Jiazhao Wang1; Xin Liang1; Mohammed Rejaul Kaiser1; Fang Li1; Huakun Liu1;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 82
    Topic: 14

    Lithium Sulfur (Li-S) batteries are one of the most promising next generation battery technologies due to their high theoretical energy density, low materials cost, environmental friendliness, and relative safety [1]. Nevertheless, sulfur is an electrically insulating material, which leads to poor electrochemical accessibility and low utilization in the electrode. The polysulfide anions that are generated during cycling are highly soluble in the organic electrolyte solvent. The diffusion of polysulfides to the lithium anode results in low active material utilization, low Coulombic efficiency, and short cycle life of the sulfur electrode. In terms of making the lithium/sulfur batteries suitable for operation, carbon and conducting polymers are the promising conducting material to improving performance.
    Ternary composites with porous sulfur/dual-carbon architectures were synthesized by a single-step spray-pyrolysis/sublimation technique, which is an industry-oriented method that features continuous fabrication of products with highly developed porous structures [2]. A double suspension of commercial sulfur and carbon scaffolding particles was dispersed in ethanol/water solution and sprayed at 180°C using a spray pyrolysis system. In the resultant composites, the sulfur particles were subjected to an ultrashort sublimation process, leading to the development of a highly porous surface, and were meanwhile coated with amorphous carbon, obtained through the pyrolysis of the ethanol, which acts as an adhesive interface to bind together the porous sulfur with the scaffolding carbon particles, to form a ternary composite architecture. This material has an effective conducting-carbon/ sulfur-based matrix and interconnected open pores to reduce the diffusion paths of lithium ions, buffer the sulfur volumetric expansion, and absorb electrolyte and polysulfides. Because of the unique structure, the composites show stable cycling performance for 200 cycles and good rate capability of 520 mAh g-1 at 2°C. This advanced spray-pyrolysis/sublimation method is easy to scale up and shows great potential for the commercialization of Li-S batteries.
    Sulfur-conducting polymer composites were also investigated to improve the performance of Li-S batteries. A PPy@S@PPy composite with a novel three-layer-3D-structure was synthesised by the oxidative chemical polymerization method and chemical precipitation method. The discharge specific capacity of the PPy@S@PPy composite cathode is 554 mAh g-1 after 50 cycles, representing approximately 68.8% retention of the initial discharge specific capacity of about 801 mAh g-1 [3].
    A free-standing sulfur-PPy cathode and a PPy nanofiber coated separator were designed for flexible Li-S batteries. The as-prepared PPy film not only has a rough surface, which can enhance adhesion of the active materials and trap dissolved polysulfides, but also possesses elastic properties, which can accommodate the volume expansion and maintain the integrity of electrode during cycling. On the other hand, the PPy-separator not only acts as a reservoir for soluble lithium polysulfides, but also acts as an upper current collector to accelerate the kinetics of the electrochemical reactions. Moreover, PPy is electrochemically active and could contribute to the capacity of Li-S batteries. Benefiting from the advantages above, the flexible Li-S battery can deliver an initial discharge capacity of 1064 mA h g-1, and retain a capacity of 848 mA h g-1 after 20 cycles at 0.1 C. After repeated bending of 10 times, the capacity remains almost the same. In addition, the soft-packaged Li-S battery could power a device containing 24 white LEDs, both before and after bending, indicating its great potential application in flexible electronics. We believe that this flexible electrode structure may provide guidance for fabricating high energy, flexible electrochemical energy-storage devices [4].

    Keywords: Li-S;

    References: [1] M. R. Kaise, S. L. Chou, H. K. Liu, S. X. Dou, C. S Wang, J. Z. Wang, Adv. Mater., 29 (2017) 1700449.
    [2] X. Liang, M.R. Kaiser, K. Konstantinov, R. Tandiono, Z. Wang, C. Chen, H..K. Liu, S. X. Dou, and J. Z. Wang, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 8 (2016) 25251.
    [3] X. Liang, M. Zhang, M. R. Kaiser, X. W. Gao, K. Konstantinov, R. Tandiono, Z. X. Wang, H. K. Liu, S. X. Dou and J. Z. Wang, Nano Energy, 11 (2015) 587.
    [4] F. Li, M. R. Kaiser, J. Ma, Z. P. Guo, Z., H. K. Liu, J. Z. Wang, Energy Storage Materials, 13 (2018) 312.

    New Possibilities in the Next Generation of Lead-Acid Batteries
    Vasant Kumar1;
    1UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, Cambridge, United Kingdom ;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 382
    Topic: 14

    Lead acid batteries have been well established for over 150 years and remain the largest segment of batteries in use. The market continues to grow in the automotive sector in ICVs, HEVs and EVs, e-bikes, small vehicles, energy storage, and back-up UPS. Furthermore it is well supported by a strong recycling infrastructure which is the envy of all other battery technologies. New recycling methods offer opportunities for controlling the morphology and structure of electrode components in order to derive new energy and power benefits from nanotechnology. New materials offer options for long-life electrode grids that are light and corrosion resistant. A doubling of capacity and rate at a lower cost will offer a paradigm shift in creating new markets for lead-acid batteries.

    Keywords: Anodes; Cathodes; Electrochemical; Materials; Nanomaterials; Recycling; SecondaryBattery;

    References: 1. A critical review on secondary lead recycling technology and its prospect, Zhang W, Yang J, Wu X, Hu Y, Yu W, Wang J, Dong J, Li M, Liang S, Hu J, RV Kumar, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 61:108-122 01 Aug 2016
    2. A novel leady oxide combined with porous carbon skeleton synthesized from lead citrate precursors recovered from spent lead-acid battery paste, Hu Y, Yang J, Zhang W, Xie Y, Wang J, Yuan X, Vasant Kumar R, Liang S, Hu J, Wu X; Journal of Power Sources 304:128-135 01 Feb 2016.
    3. A novel ultra-fine leady oxide from spent lead pastes for application as cathode of a lead acid battery, D Yang, J Liu, Q Wang, X Yuan, L Li, W Zhang, Y Hu, X Sun, RV Kumar, J Yang, J Power Sources, 257, 27-36, 2014.
    4. Electrochemical performance of leady oxide nanostructure prepared by hydrometallurgical leaching and low temperature calcinations of lead paste, J L Gao, J Liu, X Zhu, D Yang, Q Wang, L Li, D He, RV Kumar, J Yang; Electrochem. Soc., 160(9), A 1559-64, 2013.

    Novel Electrode Materials as Anodes for High-Performance Na-ion Batteries
    Ghulam Ali1;
    Type of Paper: Invited
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 157
    Topic: 14

    There is a need to develop cost-efficient and high-performance large-scale batteries for intermittent energy sources. In this regard, sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) have emerged as a potential candidate for the use of electrical energy storage systems (ESS), which share similar electrochemical principles to the comparatively high-cost lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). However, high-performance electrode materials are required for the realization of SIBs.
    In this presentation, the development of anode materials for SIBs will be discussed. Our group has contributed to a variety of materials such as carbonaceous, intercalation-based metal oxides, conversion-based metal oxides, and alloying materials as anodes for SIBs. The results show that novel carbon-based anodes possess the capability of high energy and power density. The intercalation-based anodes such as TiO2 have also shown good stability over long cycling, thus demonstrating the suitability as anodes for SIBs. Conversion-based metal oxides also show promising electrochemical properties when used as a full sodium-ion cell. Finally, the nano-sized alloying-based SnF2 material was tested as anodes, and the electrochemical results, as well as the reaction mechanism of the material using synchrotron-based X-ray absorption spectroscopy, are measured. All of the above will be discussed in detail during the talk.

    Keywords: Anodes; Characterisation; Electrochemical; Energy; Materials; Nanoscale; SecondaryBattery;

    NovoPb - A Complete Lead Recycling System to Enhance Brazilian Sustainability
    Deise Menezes Santos1; Yandiara Larissa Barros2; Marcos Benedito Jose Geraldo De Freitas3; André Gustavo De Sousa Galdino4; Matheus Carvalho5; Francklin Jonas De Paula6; Vasant Kumar7;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 385
    Topic: 14

    Pyrometallurgy lead-acid battery recycling causes pollution and is energy-intensive. This research aims to implement an alternative hydrometallurgical process of recycling lead-acid battery paste, NovoPb, by developing processes to make it economically viable in the current market and to ensure the quality of the newly recycled batteries in a 1 ton capacity pilot plant at Minas Gerais - Brazil.
    NovoPb is based on a paste-to-paste route using a biomass source, citric acid. The new intermediary lead compound is calcined at a much lower temperature (340°C) than usual smelted lead (1200°C), saving energy and reducing hazardous gas emissions such as Pb and SOx, to directly generates nanostructured PbO for battery paste.
    The process to be deployed in Brazil has as a first challenge the battery scrap characterisation, to measure the use of reagents per ton of scrap, which is not standard protocol in the current pyrometallurgical process. The study of the characterisation forms will be carried out in the laboratory to define the route to be followed in the pilot plant, which will be built by the British partners.
    The determination of the optimal reaction conditions will be designed by factorial modelling. The influence of the impurities will be evaluated from a pure standard mixture of the main species that compose the battery paste. The optimization of the pilot process will be carried out by application of artificial neural networks after controlled operation.
    This research is part of the Embrapii project of the Vitoria Innovation Center of the Federal Institute of Espirito Santo, in partnership with the University of Cambridge, Innovate UK, Brazilian companies Tudor MG de Baterias, Antares Reciclagem LTDA and the British company, Aurelius Technology.

    Keywords: Characterisation; Electrochemistry; Energy; Pollution; Recycling; Secondary Battery; Sustainability;

    References: 1. Zentner LEA, Rond-PHC. Lead contamination among pregnant Brazilian women living near a lead smelter. Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2004;87(2):147-8. <br />2. Sun Z, Cao H, Zhang X, Lin X, Zheng W, Cao G, et al. Spent lead-acid battery recycling in China : A review and sustainable analyses on mass flow of lead. Waste Manag [Internet]. 2017;64(1):190-201. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2017.03.007<br />3. Zhang W, Yang J, Wu X, Hu Y, Yu W, Wang J, et al. A critical review on secondary lead recycling technology and its prospect. Renew Sustain Energy Rev. 2016;61:108-22. <br />4. Kumar RV. LEAD RECYCLING. UNITED KINGDOM; WO 2008/056125 A1, 2008. p. 35. <br />5. Sonmez MS, Kumar R V. Leaching of waste battery paste components. Part 1: Lead citrate synthesis from PbO and PbO2. Hydrometallurgy. 2009;95(1-60. <br />6. Sonmez MS, Kumar R V. Leaching of waste battery paste components. Part 2: Leaching and desulphurisation of PbSO4 by citric acid and sodium citrate solution. Hydrometallurgy [Internet]. 2009;95(1-6. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.hydromet.2008.04.019<br />7. Ifes. Polo de Inovaio firma convinio com empresas para implantar processo mais limpo na reciclagem de baterias [Internet]. 2018 [cited 2018 Jul 7]. Available from: https://www.ifes.edu.br/noticias/17758-polo-de-inovacao-firma-convenio-com-empresas-para-implantar-processo-mais-limpo-na-reciclagem-de-baterias<br />8. Kumar D, Jain VK, Shanker G, Srivastava A. Citric acid production by solid state fermentation using sugarcane bagasse. Process Biochem. 2003;38(12):1731-8. <br />9. Li L, Zhu X, Yang D, Gao L, Liu J, Kumar RV, et al. Preparation and characterization of nano-structured lead oxide from spent lead acid battery paste. J Hazard Mater [Internet]. 2012;203-204:274-82. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2011.12.021

    Preparation of High-Performance Cathode and Anode Materials for Sodium-Ion Batteries and Investigating the Reaction Mechanism
    Ghulam Ali1; Ji Young Kim1; Hee-Dae Lim1; Kyung Yoon Chung1;
    Type of Paper: Keynote
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 389
    Topic: 14

    The demand for energy storage systems (ESS) has increased tremendously in the last decade due to their use in a variety of applications ranging from mid- to large-scale. The most important factors in the development of ESS include high-performance and cost-effective systems. At present, lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are being used as storage devices but their application is limited to small- to medium-scale. The main reasons to not use LIBs at large-scale are high production cost and limited lithium resources. While searching for alternatives, sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) have emerged as a potential candidate for the use of ESS, which is considered cost-effective and also share similar electrochemical principle to LIBs. However, high-performance cathode and anode materials are urgently required for the commercialization of SIBs.
    In the search of high-performance electrode materials, we have prepared several cathode and anode materials for SIBs. I will briefly discuss the preparation and electrochemical properties of the high-performance cathode materials, which include FeF3.0.5H2O and olivine-type NaFePO4, and also discuss the investigated reaction mechanism. The nanocomposite of FeF3.0.5H2O and reduced graphene oxide has shown high sodium storage performance where it delivers a capacity of 266 mAh g-1 while NaFePO4 has shown excellent cyclability with a capacity retention of 94% after 100 cycles. Further, alloying-based SnF2 anode material was prepared and the electrochemical properties, as well as reaction mechanism, were systematically investigated. The nanocomposite of SnF2 and acetylene black has shown promising electrochemical performance where it delivers a high capacity of 563 mAh g-1. In-situ XRD and synchrotron-based X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) were used to investigate the reaction mechanism of the above-mentioned materials. The details of the investigated reaction mechanism will be discussed in my presentation.

    Keywords: Anodes; Cathodes; Characterisation; SecondaryBattery;

    References: [1] Ali, G., S. H. Oh, S. Y. Kim, J. Y. Kim, B. W. Cho and K. Y. Chung, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3(19): 10258-10266 (2015)
    [2] Ali, G., J. H. Lee, D. Susanto, S. W. Choi, B. W. Cho, K. W. Nam and K. Y. Chung, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8(24): 15422-15429 (2016).
    [3] Ali, G., J. H. Lee, S. H. Oh, H. G. Jung and K. Y. Chung, Nano Energy 42: 106-114 (2017).

    Solution-based Synthesis of Li3PS4 Solid Electrolytes
    Hee-Dae Lim1; Xing Xing2; Ping Liu2;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 384
    Topic: 14

    Sulfide-based solid electrolytes have attracted much attention due to their high conductivities, which are far beyond those of oxide-based solid electrolytes. [1,2] However, They (Li2S-P2S5 system, i.e., LPS) have been normally synthesized by solid state synthesis such as mechanical ball milling. These methods require rigorous control of reaction environment as well as high temperature heat treatment and repeated pelletizing steps. In contrast, solution-based synthesis methods can induce chemical reaction among precursor particles (Li2S and P2S5) at low temperatures resulting in the formation of conductive phases of Li3PS4 and Li3P7S11 with only moderate thermal treatment.[3,4] The method deserves great attention since it simplifies synthesis process, yields products of great purity, and may facilitate the fabrication of composite electrodes with improved interfaces.
    In this work, we have developed an efficient method to form a thin solid electrolyte layer directly on Li metal using the liquid coating techniques. The formation of LPS (Li2S-P2S5) based electrolyte is achieved by rational design of the solvent and the Li, P, and S precursor ratios. The solution electrolyte can be directly coated and formed on Li metal through the in-situ formation of the solid electrolyte layer, which does not require the complex synthesis process and high temperature sintering step. Layers of thickness of < 50 um can be fabricated and electrochemical cycling of lithium is achieved. This liquid-phase coating is a simple and straightforward technique for making a thin solid electrolyte and can be applicable to anode surface with complex contours. The new liquid coating technique holds the promise to overcome the limitations of current state solid electrolytes.

    Keywords: Electrolytes; Energy; Interface; Metals; Synthesis;

    References: [1] Kamaya, N. et al. A lithium superionic conductor. Nature Mater. 10, 682-686 (2011).<br />[2] Yamane, H. et al. Crystal structure of a superionic conductor, Li7P3S11. Solid State Ion. 178, 1163-1167 (2007).<br />[3] Ito, S. et al. A synthesis of crystalline Li7P3S11 solid electrolyte from 1,2-dimethoxyethane solvent. J. Power Sources 271, 342-345 (2014).<br />[4] Liu, Z. et al. Anomalous High Ionic Conductivity of Nanoporous Li3PS4. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135, 975-978 (2013).

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