2018 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
4-7 November 2018, Rio Othon Palace, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Seven Nobel Laureates have already confirmed their attendance: Prof. Dan Shechtman, Prof. Sir Fraser Stoddart, Prof. Andre Geim, Prof. Thomas Steitz, Prof. Ada Yonath, Prof. Kurt Wüthrich and Prof. Ferid Murad. More than 400 Abstracts Submitted from about 60 Countries.
Abstract Submission

List of Accepted Abstracts

As of 31/03/2025: (Alphabetical Order)
  1. Intl. Symp. on Advanced Sustainable Iron and Steel Making
  2. Intl. Symp. on Electrochemistry for Sustainable Development
  3. Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Molten Salt and Ionic Liquid Processing
  4. Intl. Symp. on Advanced Manufacturing of Advanced Materials and Structures with Sustainable Industrial Applications
  5. Intl. Symp. on Science of Intelligent and Sustainable Advanced Materials (SISAM)
  6. Intl. Symp. on New and Advanced Materials and Technologies for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development
  7. Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Secondary Battery Manufacturing and Recycling
  8. Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Surface and Interface Engineering: Coatings for Extreme Environments
  9. Intl. Symp. on Composite, Ceramic and Nano Materials Processing, Characterization and Applications
  10. Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Energy Production: Fossil; Renewables; Nuclear; Waste handling , processing, and storage for all energy production technologies; Energy conservation
  11. Intl. Symp. on Environmental, Policy, Management , Health, Economic , Financial, Social Issues Related to Technology and Scientific Innovation
  12. Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Mathematics Applications
  13. Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Mineral Processing: Principles, Technologies and Industrial Practice
  14. Intl. Symp. on Synthesis and Properties of Nanomaterials for Future Energy Demands
  15. Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Non-ferrous Smelting and Hydro/Electrochemical Processing
  16. Summit Plenary

    To be Updated with new approved abstracts

    Deep Online Analysis of Dielectric Parameters for Lubricants and Insulation Oils: Identification of Critical Operation Conditions of Gearboxes and HV Transformers for Live Time Enhancement
    Manfred Mauntz1; Jorn Peuser1;
    1CMC INSTRUMENTS GMBH, Eschborn, Germany;
    Type of Paper: Keynote
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 112
    Topic: 17

    The online oil sensor system measures the components conductivity kappa, the relative permittivity epsilon r and the temperature T independently from each other. For insulation oils, the system calculates the loss factor tan delta with a very high precision. Changes in acidification, humidity, and break down voltage can be identified in real time. The new approach utilizes sensor detection of chemical aging of the insulating oil and its inhibitors.
    Based on a very sensitive measurement method with high accuracy, even small changes in the conductivity and dielectric constant of the transformer oil composition can be detected reliably. The new sensor system effectively controls the proper operation conditions of High Voltage Transformers, oil-filled circuit breakers, oil regeneration, and filtration systems.
    In wind turbine applications, the system enables damage prevention of the gearbox by an advanced warning time of critical operation conditions and an enhanced oil exchange interval realized by a precise measurement of the electrical conductivity, the relative permittivity, and the oil temperature. A new parameter, the WearSens® Index (WSi) is introduced. The mathematical model of the WSi combines all measured values and its gradients in one single parameter for a comprehensive monitoring to prevent wind turbines from damage. Furthermore, the WSi enables a long-term prognosis on the next oil change by 24/7 server data logging. Corrective procedures and/or maintenance can be carried out before actual damage occurs. Raw data and WSi results of wind turbine installations with different lubrication oils are shown. Short-term and long-term analysis of the data show significant trends and events, which are discussed more in detail.
    Once the oil condition monitoring sensor systems are installed on the high voltage transformer or a wind turbine's gearbox, the measured data can be displayed and evaluated elsewhere in sense of a full online condition monitoring system.
    24/7 monitoring of the system (HV transformer or gearbox) during operation enables specific preventive and condition based maintenance independent of rigid inspection intervals.

    Keywords: Energy; Industry; Lubricating; Measurement; Oil; Optimization; Sensors; Sustainability; Technology;

    References: [1] P. Tchakoua, R. Wamkeue, M. Ouhrouche, F.S. Hasnaoui, T.A. Tameghe, G. Ekemb: Wind Turbine Condition Monitoring: State-of-the-Art Review, New Trends, and Future Challenges, Energies 2014,7, pp. 2595-2630, (2014)
    [2] Noria Corporation: The critical role of additives in lubrication, Machinery Lubrication June 2012, (2012)
    [3] M. Mauntz and U. Kuipers: Allsensorsystem- Sensorsystem zur Messung von Komponenten der komplexen Impedanz elektrisch gering leitender und nichtleitender Fluide, dessen Realisierung und Anwendung, patent application no. 10 2008 047 366.9, German Patent Office, Munich, (2008)
    [4] M. Mauntz, U. Kuipers and J. Peuser: New oil condition monitoring system, WearSens® enables continuous, online detection of critical operating conditions and wear damage, Malaysian International Tribology Conference 2015 - MITC2015, Penang, Malaysia on November 16-17, 2015, Conference Proceedings, ISBN: 978-967-13625-0-1, S. 179-180, (2015)

    Electricity Production Choices and Consequences - 2018 Update
    Harold Dodds1;
    1UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE, Knoxville, United States;
    Type of Paper: Plenary
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 163
    Topic: 17

    With the world's population currently increasing from seven billion to approximately nine billion by the year 2040, achieving a healthy lifestyle for all people on earth will depend, in part, on the availability of affordable energy, especially electricity. This work considers the various choices, or options, for producing electricity and the consequences associated with each option. The options are fossil, renewables, and nuclear. The consequences associated with these three options are addressed in five different areas: economics, environmental effects, public health and safety, sustainability, and politics. All options are needed, but some options may be better than others when compared in the five areas. This presentation is a brief summary of a short course entitled "Energy Choices and Consequences", which was created by the author several years ago and is being continually updated. This presentation will provide updated information through October of 2018.

    Keywords: Energy; Electricity Production; Engineering

    References: References will be provided during the oral presentation.

    Estimation of the Contents of Trace Elements in Shales in Connection with the Problems of Shale Development
    Svetlana Punanova1;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Type of Presentation: Poster
    Id Paper: 16
    Topic: 17

    Priority directions of horizontal drilling in shale formations in the USA (Bakken, Barnett, Monterey, etc.) are considered. Growth and further development of this type of drilling in the territory of shale plays of the USA and other countries, as well as productive horizons of the Western Siberia, was noted. With a fairly detailed coverage in the domestic and foreign literature of all the pros and cons of shale horizontal drilling projects, and in particular the negative environmental consequences of hydraulic fracturing, the problem associated with the high content of metals and nonmetals in shales and oils is practically not considered. A significant number of them belong to the category of potentially toxic trace elements, dangerous for the habitat. The report presents the average trace elements content in the combustible and black shale from various basins of the world, the concentrations of a number of elements markedly exceeding in shale the clark content of clay rocks. High concentrations of a number of elements in the Kenderlik shale of the Republic of Kazakhstan, domanic deposits of the Volga-Ural oil and gas basin are shown, as well as some features of the distribution of radioactive elements and mercury in oils and shales. The release of toxic elements significantly increases with the thermal impact on the formation and some processes of hydrocarbon processing. In the case of hydraulic fracturing, it is possible that toxic elements from both shales and from the naphthides contained in them could be discharged to the environment. In the course of horizontal drilling, as with any other processes of impact on the reservoir, additional studies should be conducted to assess trace element composition of the shale formations and the hydrocarbons contained therein for monitoring environmental processes.

    Keywords: Drilling; Energy; Environment; Fuels; Oil; Petroleum; Radiation; Reservoirs; Spectroscopy;

    References: [1] Dvenadtsatova TI. 2015. The ecological back of the shale revolution: risks, bans and
    prospects. In: Neft’, Gaz i Pravo. № 6. Moscow (Russia). P. 36-46.
    [2] Dmitrievskii AN, Vysotskii VI. 2010. Shale gas: a new vector in the development of
    worldwide market of hydrocarbon raw materials. In: Gas industry. № 8. Moscow (Russia).
    P. 44-47.
    [3] Nemec R. 2016. Thriving in a Major U.S. Shale Play the Bakken Unpacked. In: Pipeline and
    Gas Journal. November. P. 56-60.
    [4] Johnson RC, Birdwell JE, Mercier TJ, Brownfield ME. 2016. Geology of Tight Oil and
    Potential Tight Oil Reservoirs in the Lower Part of the Green River Formation, Uinta,
    Piceance, and Greater Green River Basins, Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming. Scientific
    Investigations Report 2016. In: Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia (US). 75 р.
    [5] Punanova SA, Nukenov D. 2017. The question of environmental consequences at horizontal
    drilling of shale formations in connection with their enrichment with trace elemenrs. In:
    Georesources. Volume 19. № 3. Part 1. Kazan. Republic of Tatarstan (Russia). P. 239-248.
    [6] Ozdoev SM, Tsirel’tson BS. 2014. Oil shale of Kazakhstan. In: Oil and gas. № 1. Astana
    (Republic of Kazakhstan). P. 25-30.
    [7] Yakutseni SP. 2005. The abunance of hydrocarbons enriched with heavy element-impurities.
    Assessment of environmental risks. St.Petersburg: Nedra Publ. (Russia). 372 p.
    [8] Vinogradov AP. 1956. Regularities of distribution of chemical elements in the Earth’s crust.
    In: Geochemistry. Moscow (Russia). № 1. p. 6-52.
    [9] Ketris MP, YudovichYaE. 2009. Estimations of Clarkes for carbonaceous biolithes: World
    averages for trace element contents in black shales and coals. In: Int. J. Coal. Geol. Volume
    78. № 2. P. 135-148.
    [10] Kler VR, Nenakhova FYa, Saprykin FYa, Spirt MYa. 1988. Metallogeny and geochemistry
    of coal-bearing and shale-bearing strata of the USSR. Regularities of concentration of
    elements and methods of their study. Moscow: Nauka Publ. Moscow (Russia). 256 p.
    [11] Shpirt MYa, Punanova SA. 2012. Trace elements of caustobioliths. Problems of genesis and
    industrial use. Saarbrucken. (Germany): Lambert Academic Publishing. 367 p.
    [12] Zueva IN, Chalaya ON, Kashirtsev VA. et all. 2015. Possibilities of using high-carbon rocks
    of the Cuonam formation as a complex mineral raw material. In: Black shales: geology,
    lithology, geochemistry, significance for the oil and gas complex, prospects for using as an
    alternative hydrocarbon raw material: Proc. All-Russian Sci. and Pract. Conf. Ed. A.F.
    Safronov. Yakutsk (Russia): Akhsaan. P. 133-137.
    [13] Guide on the geochemistry of oil and gas. 1998. Ed. S.G. Neruchev. St.Petersburg: Nedra
    Publ. (Russia). 576 p.
    [14] Patterson JH, Dale LS, Fardy IJ. et al. 1987. Characterisation of trace elements in Rundle
    and Condor oil shales. In: Fuel. № 3. p. 319-322.
    [15] Mossman DJ, Gauthier-Lafaye F, Jackson S. 2005. Black shales, organic matter, ore genesis
    and hydrocarbon generation in the Paleoproterozoic Franceville Series, Gabon. In:
    Precambrian Research. Volume137. Issues 3-4. P. 253-272.
    [16] Wilhelm SM, Liang L, Cussen D, Kirchgessner A. 2007. Mercury in crude oil processed in
    the United States. In: Environmental Science and Technology. Volume 41. № 13. P. 4509-
    [17] Kelly WR, Long SE, Mann JL. 2003. Determination of mercury in SRM crude oils and
    refined products by isotope dilution cold vapor ICP-MS using closed-system combustion.
    In: Anal. Bioanal. Chem. № 376. P. 753-758.
    [18] Shpirt MYа, Punanova SA. 2011. Accumulation of Mercury in Petroleum, Coal, and Their
    Conversion Products. In: Solid Fuel Chemistry. № 5. Moscow (Russia). P. 330-336.
    [19] Wilhelm SM. 2001. Estimate of Mercury Emissions to the Atmosphere from Petroleum. In:
    Environmental Science and Technology. Volume 35 (24). P. 4704-4710.
    [20] Shpirt MYa, Punanova SA. 2015. Mercury in caustobioliths: accumulation, burial and
    geoecology. In: Proc. Int. Conf. “Resource-reproducing, low-waste and nature protection
    technologies for subsoil development”. Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan). P. 158-159.
    [21] Shpirt MYa, Punanova SA. 2015. Radioactive Elements of Solid Fossil Fuels. In: Buck of
    Abstracts. 27-th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG 2015). Prague
    Praha (Czech Republic). P. 504.

    Local Thermal Effect on Vapor Extraction (VAPEX) Process for Heavy Oil Enhanced Recovery
    Abdollah Esmaeili1;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 37
    Topic: 17

    Heavy oil has a high viscosity, so production form heavy oil reservoir is very difficult. One of the methods which are used to increase recovery factor from this reservoirs is miscible injection. Among miscible injection methods is vapor extraction method via injection the vapor of hydrocarbon solvent which is a suitable constitute for thermal methods in reservoir where heat loss is high. The vapor extraction (VAPEX) process, a solvent-based enhanced oil recovery process has been found promising for some heavy oil reservoirs. Viscosity of heavy oil will be decreased by injection the vapor of hydrocarbon solvent into it. This phenomenon is the base of vapor extraction (VAPEX) method. One of the disadvantages of VAPEX process which has been reported by most of previous researchers is its low production rate. In this paper, effect of temperature on increasing recovery and production rate of this process has been investigated. Obtained results show that by increasing temperature, oil recovery and production rate by this process will be increased.

    Keywords: Energy; Gas; Oil;

    References: [1] Das, S. K. and R. M. Butler, (1998). "Mechanism of the Vapor Extraction Process for the Heavy Oil and Bitumen", Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol.2 PP 43-59.
    [2] Azin, R., Kharrat, R., Ghotbi, C., Vossoughi, S. (2005). "Applicability of the VAPEX Process to Iranian Heavy Oil Reservoirs", SPE 92720
    [3] Laherr, J. H.,(1996). "Upstream Potential of the Middle East in the World Context", SPE
    [4] Karmakar, K. and Maini, B. B.,(2003) "Applicability of the Vapor Extraction Process to Problematic Viscous Oil Reservoirs.", SPE 84034
    [5] Butler, R.M., Mokrys, I. J. (1989). "Solvent Analog Model of Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage", AOSTRA Journal of research, Vol. 5, P. 17
    [6] Das, S. K. and R. M. Butler, (1998). "Mechanism of the Vapor Extraction Process for the Heavy Oil and Bitumen", Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol.2 PP 43-59.
    [7] Karmaker, K., Maini, B.B. (2003). "Experimental Investigation of Oil Drainage Rates in the VAPEX Process for Heavy Oil and Bitumen Reservoirs", SPE 84199.
    [8] Redford, D. A. "the Use of Solvents and Gases with Steam in the Recovery of Bitumen from Oil Sands", J. Cdn. Pet. Tech., 1982
    [9] Harding, T. G., Farouq Ali, S M., and Flock, D. L., "Steam Performance in the Presence of Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen", J. Cdn. Pet. Tech., Vol. 30, 1983
    [10] Nasr, T. N., Prowse, D. R. and Fraunfeld, T. W. J., "the Use of Flue Gas With Steam in Bitumen Recovery from Oil Sands", J. Cdn. Pet. Tech.,Vol. 62, 1987
    [11] Bagci, S. and Gumrah, F., "Steam-Gas Drive Laboratory Tests for Heavy-Oil Recovery", In Situ (1998) 22, No. 3, 263
    [12] Butler, R. M. and Mokrys, I. J.(1991) "A New Process (VAPEX) for Recovering Heavy Oils Using Hot Water and Hydrocarbons Vapor", JCPT, Vol.30, No.1.
    [13] Butler, R. M. and Mokrys, I. J., "In-Situ Upgrading of Heavy Oils and Bitumen by Propane Deasphalting: the Vapex Process", SPE 25452, 1993.
    [14] Ted W. J. F., Kissel G. and Zhou s., "PVT and Viscosity Measurements for Lloydminister-Aberfeldy and Cold Lake Blended Oil Systems", SPE 79018, 2002.
    [15] Salama, D. A., Kantzas, (2005). "Experimental Observation Miscible Displacement of Heavy Oils with Hydrocarbons Solvents", SPE 97854
    [16] Azin, R., Kharrat, R., Ghotbi, C., Vossoughi, S. (2005). "Applicability of the VAPEX Process to Iranian Heavy Oil Reservois", SPE 92720
    [17] Salama, D. Kantzas A., (2005). "Monitoring of Diffusion of Heavy Oils with Hydrocarbon Solvents in the Presence of Sand", SPE 97855
    [18]] Luo, P. (2005). "Effects of Asphaltene and Solvent Concentration on Heavy-Oil Viscosity", SPE 97778
    [19] Goite, J.G., Mamora, D. D., Ferguson, M. A. (2001). "Experimental Study of Morichal Heavy Oil Recovery Using Combined Steam and Propane Injection", SPE 69566.
    [20] Mamora, D. D., Rivero, J. A., Venturini, G. J., "Experimental and Simulation Studies of Steam-Propane Injection for the Hamaca and Duri Fields", SPE 84201, (2003).
    [21] Zhao L. "Steam Alternating Solvent Process", SPE 86957, 2004.
    [22] Palmgren C., "High Temperature Naphtha to Replace Steam in the SAGD Process", SPE 30294, 1995.

    Management of Sand Production in Oil and Gas Reservoirs
    Abdollah Esmaeili1;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 36
    Topic: 17

    Sand production is a serious problem in oil and gas reservoirs worldwide. It can drastically affect production rates. The adoption of a sand management strategy is crucial for prolonging economic reservoir development for sand producing reservoirs. Significant gains in production (acceleration) and reserves (IOR) can result from the pursuance of sand management in these fields. Such a strategy requires that the sand production is managed in a safe and controlled manner, where the negative consequences of sand production are manageable and predictable. Sand management has been identified as one of the key issues in field development in most of the world's oil and gas fields. Sand management is not just about selection of sand control systems - it is about maximizing and maintaining production while managing sand at acceptable rates. Successful sand management can only be achieved with a fully integrated, multi-disciplinary team. Facilities' sand management is tasked with the goal of ensuring sustained hydrocarbon production when particulate solids (i.e. sand) are present in well fluids, while minimizing the impact of these produced solids on surface equipment. Particle size and total concentration of formation sand determines their net effect on production and the resulting operability of surface facilities. Conventional sand management control focuses on sand exclusion from the wellbore, either by production limits or completion design. Completions may adversely affect inflow due to skin buildup and both controls impede maximum hydrocarbon production. Alternatively, co-production of fluids and solids, with subsequent sand handling at surface facilities, is an inclusion paradigm that allows sustained hydrocarbon production. Produced solids are removed at the wellhead upstream of the choke using fit-for-purpose equipment. This methodology allows for increased or recovered hydrocarbon production, while their removal upstream of the choke protects facilities operations.

    Keywords: Energy; Gas; Oil;

    References: [1] Abass H.H., A.H. Habber, A. Shebatalhamd, "Sand control during drilling, perforation, completion and production", SPE 81492, (2003)
    [2] Goodman R. E. (1989) "Introduction to Rock Mechanics", 2nd edn. John Wiley,Chichester
    [3] Hall, C.D., Harrisberger,W.H. "Stability of sand arches: A key to sand control". J. Petr. Tech.22, 821-829. (1970)
    [4] Haugen, K., Kvernvold, O., Ronold, A., Sandberg, R. (1995). "Sand erosion of wear resistant materials: Erosion in choke valves". Wear 186-187, 179-188.
    [5] Van den Hoek, P.J., Hertogh, G.M.M., Kooijman, A.P., de Bree, Ph., Kenter, C.J., Papamichos, E. (2000a). "A new concept of sand production prediction: theory andlaboratory experiments". SPE Drilling & Completion 15, 261-273.
    [6] Morita, N. (1994), "Field and laboratory verification of sand-production prediction models", SPE Drilling & Completion 9, 227-235.
    [7] Morita, N., Whitfill, D.L., Massie, I., Knudsen, T.W. (1989a). "Realistic sand production prediction: Numerical approach". SPE Production Eng. 4, 15-24.
    [8] Risnes, R., Bratli, R.K., Horsrud, P. (1982). "Sand stresses around a wellbore". Soc.Petr. Eng. J. 22, 883-898.
    [9] Skjaerstein, A., Tronvoll, J., Santarelli, F.J., Joranson, H. (1997). "Effect of water breakthrough on sand production: experimental and field evidence". SPE38806. In: SPE ATCE, San Antonio, TX, October 5-8.
    [10] Han, G., Dusseault, M.B. (2002). "Quantitative analysis of mechanisms for water related sand production". SPE73737. In: SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control, Lafayette, LA, February 20-21.
    [11] Tronvoll, J., Dusseault, M.B., Sanfilippo, F., Santarelli, F.J. (2001), "The tools of sand management", SPE71673. In: SPE ATCE, New Orleans, LA, September 30-October 3.
    [12] Tronvoll, J., Fjaer, E. (1994), "Experimental study of sand production from perforation cavities", Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. Geomech. Abstr. 31, 393-410.
    [13] Bouhroum, A., & Civan, F., "A Critical Review of Existing Gravel-Pack Design Criteria," Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, Vol. 34, No. 1, 1995, pp. 35-40.
    [14] Geilikman, M. B., Dusseault, M. B., & Dullien, F. A. L., "Sand Production as a Viscoplastic Granular Flow," SPE 27343 paper, SPE International Symposium onFormation Damage Control, February 9- 10, 1994, Lafayette, Louisiana, pp. 41-50.
    [15] Hayatdavoudi, A., "Formation Sand Liquefaction: A New Mechanism for Explaining Fines Migration and Well Sanding," SPE 52137 paper, SPE Mid-Continent Operations Symposium, March 28-31, 1999, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, pp. 177-180.
    [16] Saucier, R. J., "Successful Sand Control Design for High Rate Oil and Water Wells, "J. of Petroleum Technology, Vol. 21, 1969, p. 1193.
    [17] Saucier, R. J., "Considerations in Gravel-Pack Design," J. of Petroleum Technology, Vol. 26, 1974, p. 205.
    [18] Skjaerstein, A., & Tronvoll, J., "Gravel Packing: A Method of Wellbore Re-enforcement or Sand Filtering?," SPE 37506 paper, SPE Production Operations Symposium, March 9-11, 1997, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, pp. 871-879.
    [19] Tiffin, D. L., King, G. E., Larese, G. E., & Britt, R. E., "New Criteria for Gravel and Screen Selection for Sand Control," SPE 39437 paper, SPE Formation Damage Control Conference, February 18-19, 1998, Lafayette, Louisiana, pp. 201-214.
    [20] Penberthy, W.L. and Shaughnessy, C.M., "Sand Control", SPE Series on Special Topics, Volume 1, 1992.
    [21] Suman, G.O. Jr., Ellis, R.C., and Snyder, R.E., "Sand Control Handbook", Second Edition, Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, Texas, 1991.
    [22] Sparlin, D.D., "Sand and Gravel - A Study of Their Permeabilities", SPE Paper 4772, SPE Symposium on Formation Damage Control, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 7-8,1974.
    [23] Ledlow, L.B., "High-Pressure Packing With Water: An Alternative Approach to Conventional Gravel Packing", SPE Paper 26543, SPE 68th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, October 3-6,1993.
    [24] Wong, G.K., Fors, R.R., Casassa, J.S., and Hite, R.H., "Design, Execution, and Evaluation of Fracture and Pack (F&P) Treatments in Unconsolidated Sand Formations in the Gulf of Mexico", SPE 26563, 68th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX, 3 - 6 October, 1993.

    Microstructural Design in Hydrogen Fuel Storage
    Jerzy Szpunar1;
    Type of Paper: Invited
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 366
    Topic: 17

    The storage of hydrogen will also require structural modification of the storage system. One of storage systems that was developed by us will be discussed. We designed a Pd-graphene composite for hydrogen storage with spherical shaped nanoparticles of 45 nm size, homogeneously distributed over a graphene substrate. This new hydrogen storage system has attractive features like high gravimetric density, ambient conditions of hydrogen charge and low temperature of the hydrogen discharge. The palladium particles produce a low activation energy barrier to dissociate hydrogen molecules These Pd particles, have to be nano-size and homogeneously dispersed on the graphene surface, to serve as efficient hydrogen receptors and further facilitate a dissociation and diffusion of hydrogen and storage in graphene via a spillover process. The hydrogen storage capacity in such a combined metal-graphene system could be significantly increased compared to storage in graphene or in metal. In this project, we optimized the structure of Pd/graphene to allow a hydrogen uptake at ambient conditions and discharging of hydrogen at low temperature. In particular, with hydrogen charging pressure of 60 bar, the Pd/graphene composite system with a Pd loading amount of 1 at. % captures 10 wt. % of hydrogen.

    Keywords: Fuels; Materials; Measurement;

    References: 1. Razavi-Tousi, J.A. Szpunar, Effect of addition of water-soluble salts on the hydrogen generation of aluminium in reaction with hot water, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 679 (2016) 364-374.
    2. Razavi-Tousi, J.A. Szpunar, Microstructural evolution and grain subdivision mechanisms during severe plastic deformation of aluminum particles by ball milling, Philosophical Magazine, 95 (2015) 1425-1447.
    3. C.Y. Zhou, J.A. Szpunar, X.Y. Cui, Synthesis of Ni/graphene nanocomposite for hydrogen storage, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8 (2016) 15232-15241.
    4. A. Choudhary, L. Malakkal, R.K. Siripurapu, B. Szpunar, J.A.Szpunar, First principles calculations of hydrogen storage on Cu and Pd-decorated graphene, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41 (2016) 17652-17656.
    5. O. Faye, U. Eduok, J. Szpunar, B. Szpunar, A. Samoura, A. Beye, Hydrogen Storage on bare Cu atom and Cu-functionalized boron-doped graphene: a first Principles study, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42 (2017) 4233-4243.

    Nanostructured NiFe2O4 Composites as Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction (HER) in Acidic Solutions
    Tshimangadzo Saddam Munonde1; Philiswa Nomngongo2; Haitao Zheng1; Mphoma Matseke1;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 210
    Topic: 17

    Water electrolysis has recently progressed as the most efficient and attractive way of producing hydrogen [1]. However, to ensure the effective production of hydrogen yielding high current densities at a low overpotential, a catalyst is needed. Present advancements in the water electrolysis process have opened pathways leading to the synthesis of a variety of non-precious materials as electrocatalysts, in place of Pt based catalyst [2,3]. In this work, we present the hydrothermal synthesis of the non-precious nickel ferrite (NiFe2O4) nanocomposites for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). To increase the conductivity and therefore enhancing the activity of NiFe2O4 catalyst, the various carbon materials (carbon black, carbon nanofibers, etc.) were composited with NiFe2O4 nanoparticles. Post-treatment for NiFe2O4 composites were applied to further boost the catalytic activity of the NiFe2O4 composites. The composites show comparable activity and durability with commercial Pt/C for HER. The synthesized NiFe2O4 material was characterized using the XRD, FTIR, SEM and TEM, EDX and XPS etc. techniques.

    Keywords: Electrochemical; Energy; Fuels; Materials; Production;

    References: [1] Shi, Y., Zhang, B. (2016).. Chem. Soc. Rev, 45(6), 1529-1541.
    [2] Lv, H., Xi, Z., Chen, Z., Guo, S., Yu, Y., Zhu, W., Mu, S. (2015). J. Am. Chem.Soc, 137(18), 5859-5862.
    [3] Xu, X., Sun, Y., Qiao, W., Zhang, X., Chen, X., Song, X., Du, Y. (2017). Appl. Surf. Sci., 396, 1520-1527.

    Naphthalene and Pyrene Degradation by Novel Bacterial Strains Isolated From an Oil-polluted Site in the Arabian Gulf
    Assad Al-Thukair1;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 5
    Topic: 17

    Brevibacillus brevis (T2C2008), Proteus mirabilis (T2A12001) and Rhodococcus quinshengi (TA13008) were tested to unravel their degrading efficiency for low molecular weight (LMW) and high molecular weight (HMW) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The strains were isolated in previous research that focused on the microbial community structure and potential degraders of hydrocarbons in oil-contaminated sites in the Arabian Gulf. The bacterial isolates PAHs degrading efficiency was trialed at temperatures 25°C and 37°C and pH values 5.0 and 9.0. Each media was spiked with 100 mg/L naphthalene and pyrene, and followed by incubation at the chosen temperatures and pH. Rhodococcus qinshengi metabolized close to 56% pyrene at 37°C. Naphthalene was completely mineralized in R. qinshengi inoculated media at 37°C. At room temperature (25°C), Brevibacillus brevis metabolized over 80% naphthalene. Approximately 94% naphthalene biodegradation was observed in P. mirabilis and R. qinshengi incubated media. Rhodococcus qinshengi showed unique degradation potentials under varying pH conditions as the strain's mineralization was above 50% pyrene across the pH values investigated. Given that Proteus mirabilis and Brevibacillus brevis actively mediated the degradation naphthalene, the strains could be suitable for decontamination of environments polluted with LMW PAHs. Rhodococcus qinshengi biodegradation overall, exceeded half the concentration of the spiked naphthalene and pyrene, at varying temperatures and pH, implying that the strain could be suitable for degrading PAHs in suboptimal environments contaminated with hydrocarbons.

    Keywords: Petroleum;

    References: [1] Abed, R.M., Al-Thukair, A. and De Beer, D., 2006. Bacterial diversity of a cyanobacterial mat degrading petroleum compounds at elevated salinities and temperatures. FEMS microbiology ecology, 57: 290-301.
    [2] Agarry, S.E. and Aremu, M.O., 2012. Batch equilibrium and kinetic studies of simultaneous adsorption and biodegradation of phenol by pineapple peels immobilized Pseudomonas aeruginosa NCIB 950. British Biotechnology Journal 2: 26.
    [3] Al-Thukair, A.A. and Malik, K., 2016. Pyrene metabolism by the novel bacterial strains Burkholderia fungorum (T3A13001) and Caulobacter sp (T2A12002) isolated from an oil-polluted site in the Arabian Gulf. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation 110: 32-37.
    [4] Al-Thukair, A.A., Abed, R.M.M. and Mohamed, L., 2007. Microbial community of cyanobacteria mats in the intertidal zone of oil-polluted coast of Saudi Arabia. Marine pollution bulletin 54: 173-179.
    [5] Andreolli, M., Lampis, S., Zenaro, E., Salkinoja-Salonen, M. and Vallini, G., 2011. Burkholderia fungorum DBT1: a promising bacterial strain for bioremediation of PAHs-contaminated soils. FEMS microbiology letters 319: 11-18.
    [6] Balachandran, C., Duraipandiyan, V., Balakrishna, K. and Ignacimuthu, S., 2012. Petroleum and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) degradation and naphthalene metabolism in Streptomyces sp.(ERI-CPDA-1) isolated from oil contaminated soil. Bioresource technology 112: 83-90.
    [7] Bisht, S., Pandey, P., Kaur, G., Aggarwal, H., Sood, A., Sharma, S., Kumar, V., and Bisht, N.S., 2014. Utilization of endophytic strain Bacillus sp. SBER3 for biodegradation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in soil model system.European Journal of Soil Biology 60, 67-76.
    [8] Chang, H., Nie, M., Ge, B., Liu, C., Yang, Q., Zhou, L., Fan, X., Sun, C., Wei, R. and Jiang, X., 2013. Effects of rhamnolipid on oil degradation by Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain NY3. Chin J Environ Eng. 7: 771-776.
    [9] Chen, K., Zhu, Q., Qian, Y., Song, Y., Yao, J. and Choi, M.M., 2013. Microcalorimetric investigation of the effect of non-ionic surfactant on biodegradation of pyrene by PAH-degrading bacteria Burkholderia cepacia. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 98: 361-367.

    Nuclear Education and Training at Harbin Engineering University, China
    Puzhen Gao1;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 148
    Topic: 17

    Nuclear power is developing quickly in China. Peaceful and safe use of nuclear energy requires not only advanced technology, but also an extensive and intensive safety culture. Large number of personnel with nuclear safety technology and nuclear safety vision is in demand. Universities play an important role in providing nuclear engineering professionals.
    This presentation will introduce the nuclear engineering education in China, and specifically at Harbin Engineering University (HEU).
    HEU is a national key university with a long history and rich heritage. The nuclear academic program at HEU was founded in 1958; with the support of Chinese government and IAEA, the College of Nuclear Science and Technology (CNST) has become the largest nuclear education and training base in China. CNST annually trains and outputs about 400 students with different degrees.
    This presentation will cover: nuclear education and training at HEU, including application of simulators and virtual reality tools; teaching labs; the nuclear power simulation center; the virtual reality lab; student academic activities; international cooperation; student exchange.

    Keywords: Energy; Engineering; Industry; Radiation; Sustainability; Technology;

    References: [1]http://cnst.hrbeu.edu.cn/en15/

    Recyclability of Heterogeneous Palladium Catalysts for the Dehydrogenation of Aqueous Formic Acid
    Axel Kosider1; Patrick Preuster2; Andreas Boesmann1; Peter Wasserscheid1;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 237
    Topic: 17

    Our limited supply of fossil fuels leads to an increasing demand for alternative energy sources. A promising and often considered option is hydrogen, because it is a renewable energy source. However, the storage and transportation of hydrogen is inconvenient, complex, and expensive. In addition to physical storage, hydrogen can be stored chemically so that these challenges are circumvented. One possibility is to use formic acid as a chemical hydrogen carrier, which has a hydrogen content of 4.4 wt.-% [1, 2]. Formic acid can be produced from biomass and it is decomposed to hydrogen and carbon dioxide with high selectivity [3]. Heterogeneous palladium catalysts decompose aqueous formic acid at ambient pressure and temperature, so that hydrogen generated from sustainable formic acid can be used as a renewable energy source [4]. However, during the dehydrogenation of formic acid, a drastic decrease in catalytic activity is observed and active centers of the catalyst become poisoned. For economic reasons, regenerating the deactivated material is crucial.
    We investigate the decomposition of aqueous formic acid at room temperature, as well as deactivation and reactivation of the catalytic active material with commercial heterogeneous palladium catalysts. In batch-experiments, we determine the gas production rate, the gas composition, and the liquid phase composition in order to determine activity and selectivity of the catalysts. Furthermore, the catalyst is treated at different conditions after each experiment in order to examine the regeneration of the poisoned material.
    Commercial palladium catalysts have high activity and selectivity for the decomposition of aqueous formic acid to hydrogen and carbon dioxide at room temperature and ambient pressure. Poisoning of the active material leads to a strong decrease in activity so that a regeneration is necessary. Post-treatment of the deactivated palladium shows a regeneration of the catalytic active material and facilitates recycling of the precious metal catalyst.

    Keywords: Energy; Fuels; Gas; Liquids; Sustainability;

    References: [1] S. Enthaler, J. von Langermann, T. Schmidt, Energy Environ. Sci. 3 (2010), 1207-1217.
    [2] M. Yadav, Q. Xu, Energy Environ. Sci. 5 (2012), 9698-9725.
    [3] P. Preuster, J.Albert, Energy Technol. 6 (2018), 501-509.
    [4] M. Jeon, D. Han, K. Lee et al., International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 41 (2016), 15453-15461.

    Sand Production in an Oil Well and Its Prediction Methods
    Abdollah Esmaeili1;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 35
    Topic: 17

    In formations where the sand is porous, permeable, and well cemented together, large volumes of hydrocarbons which can flow easily through the sand and into production wells are produced through perforations into the well. These produced fluids may carry entrained sand, particularly when the subsurface formation is an unconsolidated formation. Produced sand is undesirable for many reasons. When it reaches the surface, sand can damage equipment such as valves, pipelines, pumps and separators and must be removed from the produced fluids at the surface. Further, the produced sand may partially or completely clog the well, lead to substantially poor performance in wells, ultimately inhibit production, and thereby making an expensive work-over necessary. In addition, the sand flowing from the subsurface formation may leave a cavity, which may result in caving of the formation and collapse of the casing. Sand production in oil and gas wells can occur if fluid flow exceeds a certain threshold, governed by factors such as consistency of the reservoir rock, stress state, and the type of completion used around the well. The amount of solids can be less than a few grams per cubic meter of reservoir fluid, posing only minor problems, or a substantial amount over a short period of time, resulting in erosion and in some cases filling and blocking of the wellbore. Although major improvements have been achieved in the past decade, sanding tools are still unable to predict the sand mass and the rate of sanding for all field problems in a reliable form. This paper provides a review of selected approaches and methods that have been developed for sanding prediction. Most of these methods are based on the continuum assumption, while a few have recently been developed based on discrete element model. Some methods are only capable of assessing the conditions that lead to the onset of sanding, while others are capable of making volumetric predictions. Some methods use analytical formulae, particularly those for estimating the onset of sanding, while others use numerical methods, particularly in calculating sanding rate.

    Keywords: Energy; Gas; Oil;

    References: [1] Abass H.H., A.H. Habber, A. Shebatalhamd, "Sand control during drilling, perforation, completion and production", SPE 81492, (2003)
    [2] Goodman R. E. (1989) "Introduction to Rock Mechanics", 2nd edn. John Wiley,Chichester
    [3] Hall, C.D., Harrisberger,W.H. "Stability of sand arches: A key to sand control". J. Petr. Tech.22, 821-829. (1970)
    [4] Haugen, K., Kvernvold, O., Ronold, A., Sandberg, R. (1995). "Sand erosion of wear resistant materials: Erosion in choke valves". Wear 186-187, 179-188.
    [5] Van den Hoek, P.J., Hertogh, G.M.M., Kooijman, A.P., de Bree, Ph., Kenter, C.J., Papamichos, E. (2000a). "A new concept of sand production prediction: theory andlaboratory experiments". SPE Drilling & Completion 15, 261-273.
    [6] Morita, N. (1994), "Field and laboratory verification of sand-production prediction models", SPE Drilling & Completion 9, 227-235.
    [7] Morita, N., Whitfill, D.L., Massie, I., Knudsen, T.W. (1989a). "Realistic sand production prediction: Numerical approach". SPE Production Eng. 4, 15-24.
    [8] Risnes, R., Bratli, R.K., Horsrud, P. (1982). "Sand stresses around a wellbore". Soc.Petr. Eng. J. 22, 883-898.
    [9] Skjaerstein, A., Tronvoll, J., Santarelli, F.J., Jaeranson, H. (1997). "Effect of water breakthrough on sand production: experimental and field evidence". SPE38806. In: SPE ATCE, San Antonio, TX, October 5-8.
    [10] Han, G., Dusseault, M.B. (2002). "Quantitative analysis of mechanisms for water related sand production". SPE73737. In: SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control, Lafayette, LA, February 20-21.
    [11] Tronvoll, J., Dusseault, M.B., Sanfilippo, F., Santarelli, F.J. (2001), "The tools of sand management", SPE71673. In: SPE ATCE, New Orleans, LA, September 30-October 3.
    [12] Tronvoll, J., Fjaer, E. (1994), "Experimental study of sand production from perforation cavities", Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. Geomech. Abstr. 31, 393-410.
    [13] Bouhroum, A., & Civan, F., "A Critical Review of Existing Gravel-Pack Design Criteria," Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, Vol. 34, No. 1, 1995, pp. 35-40.
    [14] Geilikman, M. B., Dusseault, M. B., & Dullien, F. A. L., "Sand Production as a Viscoplastic Granular Flow," SPE 27343 paper, SPE International Symposium onFormation Damage Control, February 9- 10, 1994, Lafayette, Louisiana, pp. 41-50.
    [15] Hayatdavoudi, A., "Formation Sand Liquefaction: A New Mechanism for Explaining Fines Migration and Well Sanding," SPE 52137 paper, SPE Mid-Continent Operations Symposium, March 28-31, 1999, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, pp. 177-180.
    [16] Saucier, R. J., "Successful Sand Control Design for High Rate Oil and Water Wells, "J. of Petroleum Technology, Vol. 21, 1969, p. 1193.
    [17] Saucier, R. J., "Considerations in Gravel-Pack Design," J. of Petroleum Technology, Vol. 26, 1974, p. 205.
    [18] Skjaerstein, A., & Tronvoll, J., "Gravel Packing: A Method of Wellbore Re-enforcement or Sand Filtering?," SPE 37506 paper, SPE Production Operations Symposium, March 9-11, 1997, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, pp. 871-879.
    [19] Tiffin, D. L., King, G. E., Larese, G. E., & Britt, R. E., "New Criteria for Gravel and Screen Selection for Sand Control," SPE 39437 paper, SPE Formation Damage Control Conference, February 18-19, 1998, Lafayette, Louisiana, pp. 201-214.
    [20] Penberthy, W.L. and Shaughnessy, C.M., "Sand Control", SPE Series on Special Topics, Volume 1, 1992.
    [21] Suman, G.O. Jr., Ellis, R.C., and Snyder, R.E., "Sand Control Handbook", Second Edition, Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, Texas, 1991.
    [22] Sparlin, D.D., "Sand and Gravel - A Study of Their Permeabilities", SPE Paper 4772, SPE Symposium on Formation Damage Control, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 7-8,1974.
    [23] Ledlow, L.B., "High-Pressure Packing With Water: An Alternative Approach to Conventional Gravel Packing", SPE Paper 26543, SPE 68th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, October 3-6,1993.
    [24] Wong, G.K., Fors, R.R., Casassa, J.S., and Hite, R.H., "Design, Execution, and Evaluation of Fracture and Pack (F&P) Treatments in Unconsolidated Sand Formations in the Gulf of Mexico", SPE 26563, 68th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX, 3 - 6 October, 1993.

    Some of the Physical Contents of Thermodynamic Inequalities Leading to Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics and the Fifth Law of Thermodynamics
    Anil A. Bhalekar1;
    Type of Paper: Invited
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 78
    Topic: 17

    The origin of thermodynamic inequalities was traced systematically, which helped us in understanding the physical contents of them. The thermodynamic functions that appeared— the entropy, S, the Gibbs function, G, the Helmholtz function, A, the enthalpy, H, etc.— belong equally to the end equilibrium states and end nonequilibrium states. The former category of inequalities does not lead us to nonequilibrium thermodynamics, but provides classification of accessible/inaccessible equilibrium states from initial equilibrium state, that produces thermodynamic criteria of equilibrium in terms of these functions. Whereas, the latter category of inequalities leads us to develop nonequilibrium thermodynamic description. This we could demonstrate by adopting the steps of generation of entropy function for nonequilibrium states directly from the cyclic form of the celebrated Clausius' inequality, described by Eu and Garcia-Colin (1996). Once S function for nonequilibrium states become available, that too, based on the second law of thermodynamics, was straightforward to define all other thermodynamic functions for nonequilibrium states. Next, for spatially uniform systems, the only irreversibility that is permitted to exist is due to non-vanishing rates of chemical reactions. The method adopted in quantification of this irreversibility is the De Donderian method that was adopted earlier by Prigogine and Defay (1954). That surfaces out the internal composition variation parameter as an independent thermodynamic variable, Whereas for spatially non-uniform systems all the thermodynamic functions at the local level for existing nonequilibrium conditions follows from standard fluiddynamical integration, and they are the per unit mass quantities represented as s, u, h, a, and G. Herein, the suitable composition variables are the mass fractions x_{k,C}, the mass fraction of the component k in internal translational energy state determined by its peculiar or chaotic velocity C. The fifth law of thermodynamics follows therefrom, which asserts that for spatially non-uniform systems the functional dependence of entropy is s = s (u, v, x_{k,C}), which is the expression of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE), that permits the development of thermodynamic description of corresponding irreversible processes. The fourth law of thermodynamics has been recently formulated (2017) by us, that asserts that all processes which are describable by dS/dt = d_{e}S/dt + d_{i}S/dt, with the rate of entropy production d_{i}S/dt > 0 a positive definite quantity, are stable in Gibbs-Duhemian sense. Another demonstration is that the thermodynamics of chemical reactions is indeed the thermodynamics of irreversible phenomena, which has been asserted earlier by Prigogine and Defay (1954).

    Keywords: Energy; Principles;

    References: 1. S. Glasstone, Thermodynamics for Chemists, Princeton/D. Van Nostrand, New Jersey/New York (1964/1947)
    2. B. C. Eu and L. S. Garcia-Colin, Irreversible processes and temperature. Phys. Rev. E 54(3), 2501-2512 (1996).
    3. I. Prigogine and R. Defay, Chemical Thermodynamics, London: Longmans Green, 1954. Translated by D. H. Everett.
    4. A. A. Bhalekar and B. Andresen, Thermodynamic stability of irreversible processes. A Gibbs-Duhem type theory and the fourth law of thermodynamics, In: F. Kongoli, A. Buhl, T. Turna, M. Mauntz, W. Williams, J. Rubinstein, P. L. Fuhr, M. Morales-Rodriguez (eds.), 2017 Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit and Exhibition, vol. 2, pp. 109 - 122. FLOGEN 2017 (2017).

    Technological Treatment of Hazardous Chemical Waste
    Mitar Lutovac1; Sonja Stefanov2; Rade Biocanin3;
    1UNIVERSITY UNION BELGRADE, BELGRADE, Belgarde, Serbia and Montenegro; 2, Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro (formerly Yugoslavia); 3STATE UNIVERSITY OF NOVI PAZAR, Novi Pazar, Serbia and Montenegro (formerly Yugoslavia);
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 21
    Topic: 17

    Incineration, as a way of eliminating hazardous waste, is widely accepted in the petrochemical or chemical processing industry. This paper presents the results of many years of research on the management of hazardous solid waste, as well as on the achievement of the technology that destroys hazardous chemical waste. In this paper, the efficiency of this approach is presented both from the point of view of environmental protection and in the overall financial effect that can be achieved. Based on the considerations of the level of development of science and technology and relevant market needs, we propose advanced technologies and plans for complete treatment-incineration of hazardous chemical waste for quantities up to 100 kg / day, which is classified in the so-called "small" plants. This solution represents a modest contribution to the modern technologies of hazardous waste disposal in general, but has enormous significance for the eco-security and sustainable development in countries of the Ex Yugoslavia, the Balkans, and beyond.

    Keywords: Energy; Engineering; Environment; Industry; Technology; Vinyl chloride; Waste; Treatment; Incineration; Eco-safety;

    References: [1] Bahl S. European Plastics News, Vol.26., No.3.,27-28, 1999.
    [2] Biocanin R., Obhodjas S. Environmental pollutants , IUT Travnik, 2011.
    [3] Clayden Jonathan, Nick Greeves, Stuart Warren, Peter Wothers (2001). Organic chemistry. Oxford, Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-850346-6.
    [4] Dillon A.P. Hazardous waste incineration engineering. Noyes data corporation, New Jerse, USA.1981.
    [5] Djuricic R. M., Nenadic S. M., Milutinovic I. I., Acimovic-Pavlovic Z., Development of a neutralization and combustion plant for hazardous medical waste , Zlatibor 06-09-april 2009.
    [6] Holoubek I., Hrdinka C., Environmentalni aspekty antropogennich technologii (07) Nemocnioni odpady, RECETOX, Masaryk University, Brno, CR, Available on Web site: http://recotex, muni.cz

    Terawatt Solar Photovoltaics: Roadblocks and Opportunities
    Meng Tao1;
    1ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY, Tempe, United States;
    Type of Paper: Invited
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 146
    Topic: 17

    Global power demands are projected to reach 46 terawatts by 2100. Solar photovoltaics has to reach a scale of tens of peak terawatts in order to meet a meaningful portion of the demands. The enormous scale required creates a number of roadblocks for photovoltaic technologies, which are unprecedented in other semiconductor technologies. Some of the roadblocks include scarce raw materials used in today's solar cells, high energy input for silicon solar cells, life-cycle management of solar modules, storage of intermittent solar electricity, and high production/installation costs for solar cells/modules. In this talk an analysis will be presented, as quantitatively as possible, on some of these roadblocks under the best scenarios, i.e. the maximum possible wattage from each of the current commercial cell technologies. It is concluded that without significant technological breakthroughs, the current commercial cell technologies combined would not be able to make a noticeable impact on our energy mix or carbon emissions. Based on this analysis, several strategic R&D directions are identified for a scalable and sustainable solar photovoltaic technology.

    Keywords: Energy; Sustainability; Photovoltaics; Semiconductors; Solar cells; Solar electricity;

    References: [1] M. Tao, Terawatt Solar Photovoltaics: Roadblocks and Opportunities (Springer, London, 2014)

    Utilization of Green Cement (CSA) with CFBC Coal Power Plant Byproducts for 3D Printing Construction Materials for Sustainable Society
    Jiwhan Ahn1; Thriveni Thenepalli2; Ramakrishna Chilakala2;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Type of Presentation: Oral
    Id Paper: 367
    Topic: 17

    Global warming, caused by the use of extensive fossil fuels and pollutants generated in several industrial facilities, has reduced the quality of our lives and clouded society's sustainable development [1]. In South Korea, the yearly emissions are 749 Mt CO2e/a. The BAU of greenhouse gas in the goal year of 2020 is 776 million tons of CO2, which will be reduced to 543 million CO2 if the reduction goal of 30% is reached [2]. Furthermore, core technologies will be developed and demonstrated in the fields of CCS and CCUS for CO2 reduction technology, which has high development potential and energy efficiency. This sustainable development is fundamentally based on resource recycling [3]. The green cement with circulating fluidized bed combustion (CFBC) coal power plants by products and it utilizes this green cement for 3D printing construction materials. 3D printing technology is the 4th industrial revolution technology and fabrication of 3D printing is compass of the new digital transformation and the key to the future of the global manufacturing economy [4,5]. 3D printing makes it possible to construct buildings in a short period of time and at low cost contributing to the construction of eco-friendly, low-carbon self-reliance by utilizing the rapid hardness, high strength, and eco-friendliness of Green Cement (CSA).

    Keywords: Combustion; Environment; Technology;

    References: [1] Jim Krane, MRS Energy and Sustainability: A Review Journal 4(2017)1-12.
    [2] Ministry of Environment, Korea, Greenhouse Gas reduction Road Map.
    [3] A.P. M. Velenturf, Phil Purnell, Sustainability 9(9) (2017), 1603-1619.
    [4] D.E.Editors, History of 3D Printing Timeline. Digital Engineering, 29 Apr. 2016, www.digitaleng.news/de/history-of-3d-printing-timeline/.
    [5] M.Gebler, A. J.M. Schoot Uiterkamp, C.Visser, Energy Policy 74 (2014) 158-167. Energy Policy 85 (2015) 511.

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