In Honor of Nobel Laureate Dr. Avram Hershko
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SIPS 2024 takes place from October 20 - 24, 2024 at the Out of the Blue Resort in Crete, Greece

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Abstract Submission Open! About 400 abstracts submitted from over 50 countries

Featuring many Nobel Laureates and other Distinguished Guests

List of abstracts

As of 27/09/2024: (Alphabetical Order)

Oktik International Symposium (2nd Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Glass and Polymers Processing and Applications)

To be Updated with new approved abstracts

Jozef Kraxner1; Mokhtar Mahmoud1; Arish Dasan1; Martin Michalek1; Monika Michalkova1; Dušan Galusek1;
1Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Trenčín, Slovakia;

The technology of AM has been developing for more than 30 years, and its utilization in our era covers even house construction at the final, high-quality level. In summary, in recent years, 3D printing devices have become cheaper, more reliable, and easier to use, leading to their rapid application development in various application fields. Nowadays, additive manufacturing (AM) technology is verified in many production processes as a rapid prototyping tool, except for the production of glass 3D structures, in which processing remains a challenge.

The project aims to develop a new sustainable method for repurposing pharmaceutical glass into borosilicate glass and creating innovative transparent and porous 3D glass structures. In the first stage, the glass precursor obtained from pharmaceutical glass waste through a milling process, with particle sizes below 80 μm, was used in an oxygen-methane (O2/CH4) torch (flame synthesis process) to produce solid glass microspheres (SGMs). The spherical shape of the microspheres allowed the creation of a high solid content suspension, with the SGMs making up to 70 wt% of the suspension in a photocurable resin. The second step was the fabrication of various 3D structures by a stereolithography (SLA) 3D printer (Original Prusa SL-1, Prusa Research a.s., Prague, Czech Republic) operating in the visible light range (405 nm). After burning out the organic binder and sintering treatment at a temperature range of 750-1200°C with different heating and holding regimes, various scaffolds (porous and/or transparent) were achieved.

3D structures; Additive manufacturing; Glass recycling and upcycling; Glass microspheres

Burak Büyükfırat1;
1Şişecam, Istanbul, Turkey;

This presentation will explore the innovative Research and Technology Development (R&TD) activities at Şişecam, with a particular focus on the significant contributions made during the tenure of Prof. Dr. Şener Oktik, who led the Şişecam Research and Technology Development Department from 2012 to 2020. Under his leadership, substantial advancements were achieved in research capabilities and the cultivation of a robust innovation culture.

Building on these advancements, at Şişecam, the integration of Innovation, Product Development Engineering, and Production Technology Engineering and Design are seamlessly integrated under one organizational structure. This unique approach has given Şişecam a significant competitive edge, enabling it to excel in the global market. A central focus of Şişecam's R&TD activities is the development of technologies that enhance the sustainability of both production processes and final glass products. As a material recognized for its inherent sustainability, glass presents significant potential for further innovation, and ongoing efforts are dedicated to exten these boundaries.

Glass; innovative Research and Technology Development; Glass Science

Arun Upmanyu1;
1Chiktara University, Mohali, India;

Due to their neoteric nature, deep eutectic solvents (DES) and their mixtures surpass conventional organic and ionic liquids as solvents. DES are considered environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional organic solvents due to their low toxicity, biodegradability, and abundant natural components. They exhibit unique properties such as low volatility, high thermal stability, and tunable polarity, making them versatile in various applications, including green chemistry, extraction processes, catalysis, and electrochemistry. DES have garnered significant attention in recent years as sustainable alternatives to conventional solvents in various industrial processes [1]. 

Computational and experimental techniques are complementary for determining the structure, design and thermo-physical properties of liquids and their mixtures. Various researchers [2, 3] employed Density Functional Theory (DFT), Molecular Dynamics (MD), COSMO-R and Flory’s Statistical theory (FST) to estimate these properties. Though these theoretical formulations are found suitable to compute the thermo-physical properties, FST is a valuable and powerful tool because of the limited input parameters and ease of calculations. FST is a good candidate in the theoretical framework of industrial design to predict the thermodynamic properties [4].

In the present investigation, several important thermophysical properties, such as density, isothermal compressibility, and internal pressure, are predicted using Flory’s Statistical Theory (FST) for four three-component DES mixtures, at different concentrations and temperatures.  The mixtures chosen for investigation are (i) choline chloride/lactic acid/ethylene glycol (Ch/LA/EG) + Water, (ii) choline chloride/lactic acid/glycerol (Ch/LA/G) + Water, (iii) choline chloride/oxalic acid/ethylene glycol (Ch/OA/EG) + Water, and (iv) choline chloride/oxalic acid/glycerol (Ch/OA/EG) + Water. ures. 

The theoretically computed values of the parameters under study show good agreement with the corresponding experimental values for mixtures under investigation. Based on the obtained results, it is evident that FST can predict these physical properties for the DES mixtures under study, in the given range of concentrations and temperatures. Furthermore, additional thermophysical properties, viz., enthalpy of vaporization, cohesive energy density, and solubility parameter, are also determined for various concentrations and temperatures to understand the nature and types of molecular interactions prevalent in these mixtures. The present study provides a much deeper insight into the functionality of the given DES mixtures as an industrial solvent.

Deep eutectic solvents; Flory’s Statistical theory; Molecular interactions

[1] E. L. Smith, A.P. Abbott, K.S. Ryder, Chem. Rev., 114 (2014) 11060–11082. https://doi.org/10.1021/cr300162p.
[2] S. Zahn, M Brehm, M. Bruessel, O. Holloczki, M. Kohagen, S. Lehmann, F. Malberg, A. S. Pensado, M. Schoppke, H. Weber, B. Kirchner, Jour. Mol. Liq. 192 (2014) 71-76. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016773221300278X
[3] N. Chakraborty, K. Kaur, K.C. Juglan, H. Kumar, J. Chem. Eng. Data 65 (2019) 1435–1446. https://doi.org/10.1021/ACS.JCED.9B00869.
[4] V. Sanguri, J. Chhabra, A. K. Srivastava, J. D. Pandey. Jour. Mol. Liq, 206 (2015) 300-308. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167732215001038 (accessed March 29, 2024).

Christian Roos1;
1RWTH Aachen University, International Partners in Glass Research, 52074 Aachen, Germany;

Alongside many other industries, the glass industry is also a major CO2 emitter. With various approaches such as electric melting, hydrogen or ammonia combustion or post-processing measures such as CCS, the industry is driving forward the reduction of CO2 emissions to a more sustainable glass production. However, these efforts must be seen in the overall context, firstly because they are unlikely to be sufficient enough and implemented quickly enough to meet the global climate targets and secondly because they ignore a significant area of CO2 emissions which is the raw materials itself.

With a look at the glass industry in Germany, Europe and the world, the presentation will provide an insight into the various problems that arise when switching energy usage from the combustion of natural gas to hydrogen, ammonia or electricity. It will compare the potential and disadvantages of the various approaches and compare the cost of these technologies with the result.

Furthermore, as already mentioned, the general approach of switching to hydrogen-oxygen combustion or purely electric melting falls short when it comes to achieving greater sustainability, a reduction in energy consumption and, above all, a reduction in CO2 emissions. These approaches do not take into account completely CO2-free glass production, as a significant proportion of the CO2 still comes from the raw materials themselves, nor do they call into question the general approach to large-scale glass melting and therefore also the design of the melting furnaces. 

The approach presented provides an insight into the development of completely CO2-free container glass production and shows the levers for achieving this. A concept for CO2-free glass production is presented. Key points such as melting kinetics and glass melting behavior in a modified combustion atmosphere, melting and shaping behavior of carbonate-free glass and the effect of furnace layout on space utilization are discussed.

Glass production; Glass; Sustainability; CO2; CO

Alok Kumar Kanungo1;
1IIT Gandhinagar, Gandhinagar, India;

Indian glass and glasswork stand apart from the world of glass; Indian glass beads have been one of the greatest maritime trade items of all time. Raw materials used for glass production are unique in nature, furnace engineering has evolved from within, and the knowledge system involved for glass by-products has always been ahead of the time and a technological leap. For example, craftsmen use a natural sodic element, ‘reh’ to produce glass without any flux; the last tank furnace is still operational; they invented, innovated and have been passing air through a 3 mm diameter and 10 m long glass since 2500 BP. However, in the recent past, the indigenous glass by-product in the south has fallen, the west has been marginalised to symbolism, and the north is at the brink of extinction.

The presentation will discuss the production cycle, transformation, spread and evolutionary cycles of traditional Indian glass and glass by-products, the reasons for its disintegration, the challenges it faces and put forth a model for its sustainability. 

Indian Glass; Reh; Kapadvanj; Papanaidupet; Purdilnagar; Indo-Pacific; Furnace wound; Lead Glass

David Ryckelynck1;
1Mines Paris PSL University, Sophia Antipolis, France;

The prediction of defect harmfullness in continuum mechanics requires the solution of partial differential equations with specified boundary conditions. In this work, fast reduced-order models are developed to understand defect harmfulness in recycled polymers undergoing a stretch blow moulding process. Polymers underconsideration are PET. Such a process is used in bottle-to-bottle recycling [1]. The space of all possible defects is defined using a non-parametric, data-driven approach that takes into account defects seen using an infrared camera. This space is very high dimensional.

The aim of this work is to develop a non-linear dimensionality reduction approach as proposed in [2] and [3], by using a scientific machine learning. Numerical results show that the proposed reduced order models have a large validity domain in the parameter space related to the mechanical behaviour of recycled polymers. They also show computational speed-ups of around 50 compared to conventional finite element predictions. Accelerated defect damage predictionscan be used to predict potential process quality degradation.

recycled polymers; deep learning; model order reduction; defect harmfullness

[1] N. Sylvestre et al., 2023, Research of new indicators to evaluate the drift in the behaviour of mechanical recycled PET for bottle blowing, 16th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting
[2] L. Lacourt et al., 2020, Hyper-reduced direct numerical simulation of voids in welded joints via image-based modeling, IJNME, 121, pp. 2581–2599.
[3] H. Launay et al., 2022, Deep multimodal autoencoder for crack criticality assessment, IJNME, 123, Wiley.

Sener Oktik1;
1Sisecam, Istanbul, Turkey;

The 2023 estimate of global primary energy consumption is ~183 230 TWh (~108 billion barrel of oil equivalent)  and the share of  fossil fuels, renewable are   83%, 14% and  3% respectively [1]. The distribution of global primary energy consumption by sectors in 2023 can be given as an average of industry 33% buildings 33% transportation 30% agriculture 3% and others 1% [2]. After a 6% decrease d during the COVID-19 the annual carbon dioxide emission exhibited 1-2% increase reaching to  a  37.5 Giga tons in 2023. . The top three sectors in CO2 emissions are reported to be electricity and heat (16Gt), transport (8 Gt) and manufacturing and construction (6 Gt) [3]. The simulations for 2050 of primary energy demand diverge significantly from ~53% increase from today’s value (high scenario) to only around 10% decrease (low scenario). CO2 emissions in 2050 follows a similar diverged pattern with values from over 45Gt to the net zero [4]. It is reported that  3% of global greenhouse gas emissions associated with activities related to the value chain of glass industries.  It is estimated one tonne of glass recycling avoids approximately 580kg/ CO2  through the supply chain[5]. Reports on global glass productions in 2023 suggest that glass production capacity was 226 million metric  tons [6]. Despite the recovery after   economic slowdown related to COVID, the growths have been moderate with the highest increase in flat glass which   was less than %0.5 from 2022 to 2023 [3,7]. The reports estimate the YoY global glass market growth of 15 billion $ between 2022 (220 billion $) and 2023 (235 billion $).  Drivers of the relatively high growth of the global market for flat glass were innovations for product differentiations in different industries particularly in solar industries [8,9]. The glass sector continues to develop new ways to continue the improvements in sustainability, with research and development identifying clear options for manufacturers to secure their long-term futures and achieve net-zero emissions targets. Most of the glass manufacturing sector still relies predominantly on the combustion of natural gas, with up to 75% of energy consumption in glass production coming from the operation of furnaces. Biofuel offers a supplementary fuel option but is it not the long-term solution, as the long-term solution is likely to be mixed of energy such as renewable electricity, hydrogen and biofuel, depending on availability, sustainability and cost of the energy.  Another key tool already employed and that is being continually developed by glass manufacturers to increase their sustainability is waste heat recovery technology. Pre-heating   raw materials and recycled glass generally result in a 10-15% energy saving throughout the overall glass production process [8]. In this context, it is understandable that manufactures are seeking clarity on the availability and cost of electricity and hydrogen and other energy sources before making large investments. Along the changes. However, the appetite is clearly shared in the glass manufacturing industry to secure the long-term future for the production of one of the oldest materials in the world in new and innovative ways. [4,8]. Continuous improvement of the optical, mechanical, electrical and chemical properties of glass surfaces together with deposition technologies and functions supplied by passive and active layers on glass are leading an expected growth at a CAGR of 5.0% towards 2028 reaching close to 25 Billion$ [9,10]. Coated glass with soft or hard-coated low-e and solar low-e layers are the most popular products. Active or passive coating systems (smart coatings) in which the light and heat transmission/emission properties are modulated by applied voltage, light or heat intensity  have been maturing for large volume commercial productions[11,12, 13]. The global market for smart coatings in construction and transportation sectors is predicted to be around ~9 billion $ in 2023 and expected to grow by CAGR of between 18and 20% to over 30 billion $ in by 2030[14,15]. This brief review is aimed to update the status of “What does the glass sector need to do “ in flat glass production and multifunctional coatings on glass towards net zero emission targets.

Net Zero; Sustainable Production of Flatt Glass; Multifunctional Coatings

[1] Energy Institute - Statistical Review of World Energy (2024)
[2] Enerdata World Energy &Climate Statistics Yerabook024_https://www.enerdata.net/publications/reports-presentations/world-energy-trends.html
[3] Friedlingstein et al ; Global Carbon Project 2023
[4] *Daniel Raimi, Erin Campbell, Richard Newell, Brian Prest, Seth Villanueva, and Jordan Wingenroth Global Energy Outlook 2022: Turning Points and Tension in the Energy Transition. Resources for the Future (RFF) . Report 22-04 April 2022
[5] UNEP (2019).
[6] Glassglobal https://plants.glassglobal.com/
[7] Glass Magazine https://www.glassmagazine.com/article/world-glass-2023-report
[8] Glass productionEMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook 2023
[9] Fredonia World Flat Glass Market 2023 https://www.glassonweb.com/news/world-flat-glass-market-freedonia
[10] Industry Trends of the Global Coating Glass Market: Current State and Future Projections 2023-2029 Industry Research Biz August 29, 2023, https://www.industryresearch.biz/
[11] Flat Glass Coatings Market- Glass Revolution Unfolding Across Industries. Blog Read News May 2014 https://blogreadnews.com/news/education/flat-glass-coatings-market-glass-revolution-unfolding-across-industries/
[12] Coated glass market, Coated Glass Market Size, Share, Growth Insights & Forecast Report, 2033, https://market.us/report/coated-glass-market/
[13] Annual Reports 2023 SEC Filings, Press Releases, Magazines, Investor Presentations, Experts’ Interviews, and Markets and Markets Analysis)
[14] The n-tech research Market Research and Industry Analysis Focused 2024 https://www.ntechresearch.com/smart-coatings-analysis/?product
[15] J Fu et al. (2023). Nature Communications. 14:1760)

Wenbin Bo1; Yimin Zhang1; Nannan Xue1; Hong Liu1;
1Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China;

Vanadium nitride (VN) plays an important role in high-strength steel production due to the unique precipitation strengthening and grain refinement effects [1]. high-purity VN is widely used in the fields of advanced materials, batteries and catalysts since high electrical conductivity, high thermal conductivity and good chemical stability [2, 3]. The traditional method for preparing VN is the carbon thermal reduction method [4]. Nowadays, thermal processing precursor method is highly anticipated for preparing high-quality VN due to lower reaction temperature, simple process, and short production process [5]. This method includes two steps, which the precursors containing the shell of vanadium and core of carbon powders are formed and then the precursors are reduced and nitrided in the N2 atmosphere to obtain VN.

However, carbon powders are difficult to disperse in the solution uniformly owing to the huge surface tension and adsorption properties, and the precursors prepared subsequently are agglomerate. This is the main reason that the reaction is insufficient during the nitrogen reduction process, which affects the quality of VN. 

In response to the above issue, Polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) and the other two dispersants are used to optimize the structure of the precursors in order to prepare high quality VN. Under optimum condition of 1150 °C, the VN with nitrogen content of 17.94% is prepared by adding 5% PVP. When the reaction temperature exceeds 400 °C, the precursors of adding 5% PVP are easily converted to V7O13, V3O5, V2O3 and VN at the same temperature. The precursors of adding 5% PVP have lower Ea during reduction and nitration process, which are easier to be reduced and nitridated. In comparison with the process without adding dispersants, the addition of carbon powders is reduced by 9% and the nitriding time is decreased by 75%, which reduce CO2 emission, the energy consumption for generation and the production cost.

vanadium nitride; nitrogen content; dispersants; precursor

[1] J. Klemm-Toole, A.J. Clarke, K.O. Findley. Mater. Sci. Eng., R: A, 810 (2021) 141008.
[2] R.K. Li, J.Q. Lu, C.J. Li, Y. Cui, D.F. Lv, Y.J. Chen, Y.N. Wei, H.Y. Wei, B. Liang, J.L. Bu. Colloids Surf., A, 686 (2024) 133420.
[3] D. Chen, M.J. Lu, B.R. Wang, R.Q. Chai, L. Li, D. Cai, H. Yang, B.K. Liu, Y.P. Zhang, W. Han. Energy Stor., 35(2021) 679-686.
[4] M.T. Ye, N.J. Bu, L. Chen, R. Li, Q. Zhen. Ceram. Int., 50(5) (2024) 7458-7468.
[5] J.L. Han, Y.M. Zhang, T. Liu, J. Huang, N.N. Xue, P.C. Hu. Metals, 7(9) (2017) 360.

Peter Simurka1; Peter Vrabel2; Veronika Vargova2; Jozef Kraxner3;
1Jasispo s.r.o, Trenčín, Slovakia; 2Rona a.s., Lednicke Rovne, Slovakia; 3Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Trenčín, Slovakia;

Weathering phenomena occurring during storage of tableware glasses with different chemical compositions were examined using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Electron Diffraction X-ray analysis (EDX). The tumblers of different chemical compositions of tableware glass, crystalline type, were prepared in a small tank furnace. They were packed in paper boxes and placed in the warehouse. Samples were removed after 4 months, two years, and 4 years. The inner surface of the samples was analyzed with SEM and EDX. In addition, concentration profiles of the glass wall were measured using EDX. The comparison of the SiO2 change is discussed in connection with the glass weathering resistance of different glass compositions. The presence of large amounts of corrosion products, microcracks in the surface layer, and a significant difference in SiO₂ content between the surface and the bulk glass indicates low weathering resistance in glass with less than 1% Al₂O₃ and without ZnO, ZrO₂, or TiO₂.

Tableware glass; weathering resistance; Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM); Electron Diffraction X-Ray Analysis (EDX)

Zhuoer Jiang1; Keyong Tang1;
1Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China;

Animal skin,as a natural polymer material with abundant sources,was used to make various leather items in early human society.Ancient books,archives,and other cultural relics made from them carry profound cultural value.Studying the internal structure of them can provide good theoretical support for the protection and inheritance of cultural relics[1].For example,artifacts such as parchment and Chinese shadow puppets that have not been tanned with tanning agents are called untanned hide artifacts.This system combined traditional production methods and modern processing techniques to study the performance changes of untanned hide during the production process.

The research method for untanned hide referred to IDAP(Improved Damage Assesment of Parchment)[2],and quantitative and qualitative measurement methods such as SEM and FTIR[3] were used to measure the effects of different pretreatment methods and chemical reagents on material properties.

The treatment methods for the samples in this study include saponification or emulsification reactions for defatting the raw skin,and adding different depilatory reagents, including alkaline reagents such as sodium sulfide or gastric protease,to the pretreated samples.

The analysis of infrared spectra in the study can reveal the effects of different chemical reagents on the peak shift of untanned Pete's characteristic,and SEM scanning can observe the changes in its intrinsic fiber configuration.The wet heat shrinkage temperature and stress-strain curve reflect the changes in its mechanical properties.

Animal skins; Pretreating process; Performance Analysis; degreasing

[1] Zhang M, Hu Y, Liu J, et al. Biodeterioration of collagen-based cultural relics: A review[J]. Fungal Biology Reviews, 2022, 39: 46-59.
[2] Larsen R. Improved Damage Assessment of Parchment, IDAP: micro and non-destructive analysis and diagnosis for proper storage and treatment[J]. Cultural heritage research: a Pan-European challenge. cyfronet. krakow. pl, 2003.
[3] Cucos A, Budrugeac P, et al. DMA and DSC Studies of Accelerated Aged Parchment and Vegetable-tanned Leather Samples[J]. Thermochimica acta, 2014,583,86-93.

Aman Ullah1;
1University of Alberta and ZAFA Biorefinery, Edmonton, Canada;

In recent years, there has been a notable shift towards exploring renewable biomass as a viable alternative to traditional petrochemical products, driven by escalating energy demands and environmental concerns. The utilization of waste resources especially lipids has emerged as a pivotal strategy in advancing sustainable development, owing to their abundant availability, inherent functionality, potential for biodegradability, and capacity for CO2 reduction. Moreover, these resources offer a diverse array of monomers, rendering lipids and waste biomass particularly promising for the development of renewable biomaterials. This presentation will delve into the solvent-free conversion of lipids sourced from waste streams like waste cooking oil and lipids extracted from spent foul. Our focus lies in transforming these lipids into monomers and synthesizing biopolymers, with a special emphasis on polymers endowed with self-healing and reprocessing capabilities. This task poses significant challenges, particularly in maintaining mechanical and thermal properties during reprocessing, especially when utilizing biomass-derived monomers. Remarkably, our research demonstrates that the healed and reprocessed biopolymers exhibit mechanical properties and thermal stabilities comparable to the original material after undergoing self-healing and reprocessing. Furthermore, these developed polymers boast excellent thermal stability, rendering them suitable for a myriad of applications. The ability to achieve complete lipid conversion into monomers and diverse biopolymers under solvent-free conditions presents an alluring proposition, both academically and industrially.

Biomass; Lipids; Monomers; Biopolymers; Biomaterials

Peter Lichvár1;
1Retired, Trenčín, Slovakia;

Chrompik was used as a cooling mediumfor storage of A1 nuclearpower plant spent fuel assemblies before their transport outside Slovakia. It was found that the main and crucial problem related to thermal treatment of part of Chrompik, denoted as Chrompik III with a specific activity of 137Cs approx. 1×1011 Bq/dm3 (respectively approx. 1×1012 Bq/dm3 after densification of liquid Chrompik III) is in the long-term drying and follow-up melting with origin glass frit (so called LKU). Thermal treatment process caused a strong evaporation of 137Cs, mainly during vitrification of this mixture (hereinafter referred to as the ‘vitrification mixture’). 137Cs represents a substantial part of radionuclides in this liquid solution. The vitrification process causedthe evaporation of 137Cs, which exceeded limit values according to the Slovak and international standards.

In order to suppress evaporated 137Cs during the melting–vitrification process of Chrompik III implemented by the national decommissioning and waste management organization JAVYS Inc., were in companyVUJE Inc. (both Slovakia) developed novel original additives. These additivesare additions to the vitrification mixture composed with origin glass frit and origin glass. Composition of additives is based on thermal activated (methakaolinite) geopolymer. High efficiency of additives on suppression of 137Cs evaporation, during all process of thermal treatment and first of all melting–vitrification, was observed.

The results at the end of vitrification process showed that the efficiency of retention activity is on the level approx. 99.996% of input value.

Laboratory research was also carried out on the purification of radioactive waste gases and the capture of 137Cs on the surface of natural zeolite grains, containing a natural glassy phase softened at high temperature. It was found, that 137Cs is captured on surface of these softened glassy phase. 

In order to eliminate leaching radionuclide from matrix obtained from the process of vitrification, was for long-term storage proposal the process of additional covering of this matrix with a glass phase with high resistance to water, from example with basalt glass.

vitrification; radioactive waste; 137Cs