In Honor of Nobel Laureate Prof. Ferid Murad

SIPS2021 has been postponed to Nov. 27th - Dec. 1st 2022
at the same hotel, The Hilton Phuket Arcadia,
in Phuket, Thailand.
Please click here for more details

Abstract Submission Open! About 300 abstracts submitted from about 40 countries

Featuring 9 Nobel Laureates and other Distinguished Guests

List of Accepted Abstracts

As of 27/07/2024: (Alphabetical Order)
  1. Dmitriev International Symposium (6th Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Metals & Alloys Processing)
  2. Horstemeyer International Symposium (7th Intl. symp. on Multiscale Material Mechanics and Sustainable Applications)
  3. Kipouros International Symposium (8th Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Molten Salt, Ionic & Glass-forming Liquids and Powdered Materials)
  4. Kolomaznik International Symposium (8th Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Materials Recycling Processes and Products)
  5. Marcus International Symposium (Intl. symp. on Solution Chemistry Sustainable Development)
  6. Mauntz International Symposium (7th Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Energy Production: Fossil; Renewables; Nuclear; Waste handling , processing, and storage for all energy production technologies; Energy conservation)
  7. Nolan International Symposium (2nd Intl Symp on Laws and their Applications for Sustainable Development)
  8. Navrotsky International Symposium (Intl. symp. on Geochemistry for Sustainable Development)
  9. Poveromo International Symposium (8th Intl. Symp. on Advanced Sustainable Iron and Steel Making)
  10. Trovalusci International Symposium (17th Intl. Symp. on Multiscale and Multiphysics Modelling of 'Complex' Material (MMCM17) )
  11. Virk International Symposium (Intl Symp on Physics, Technology and Interdisciplinary Research for Sustainable Development)
  12. Yoshikawa International Symposium (2nd Intl. Symp. on Oxidative Stress for Sustainable Development of Human Beings)
  13. 6th Intl. Symp. on New and Advanced Materials and Technologies for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development
  14. 7th Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Secondary Battery Manufacturing and Recycling
  15. 7th Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Cement Production
  16. 7th Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Surface and Interface Engineering: Coatings for Extreme Environments
  17. 8th Intl. Symp. on Composite, Ceramic and Nano Materials Processing, Characterization and Applications
  18. International Symposium on Corrosion for Sustainable Development
  19. International Symposium on COVID-19/Infectious Diseases and their implications on Sustainable Development
  20. 4th Intl. Symp. on Sustainability of World Ecosystems in Anthropocene Era
  21. 3rd Intl. Symp. on Educational Strategies for Achieving a Sustainable Future
  22. 3rd Intl. Symp. on Electrochemistry for Sustainable Development
  23. 9th Intl. Symp. on Environmental, Policy, Management , Health, Economic , Financial, Social Issues Related to Technology and Scientific Innovation
  24. 7th Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Production of Ferro-alloys
  25. 2nd Intl Symp on Geomechanics and Applications for Sustainable Development
  26. 3rd Intl. Symp.on Advanced Manufacturing for Sustainable Development
  27. 5th Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Mathematics Applications
  28. Intl. Symp. on Technological Innovations in Medicine for Sustainable Development
  29. 7th Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Mineral Processing
  30. 7th Intl. Symp. on Synthesis and Properties of Nanomaterials for Future Energy Demands
  31. International Symposium on Nanotechnology for Sustainable Development
  32. 8th Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Non-ferrous Smelting and Hydro/Electrochemical Processing
  33. 2nd Intl. Symp. on Physical Chemistry and Its Applications for Sustainable Development
  34. 2nd Intl Symp on Green Chemistry and Polymers and their Application for Sustainable Development
  35. 8th Intl. Symp. on Quasi-crystals, Metallic Alloys, Composites, Ceramics and Nano Materials
  36. 2nd Intl Symp on Solid State Chemistry for Applications and Sustainable Development
  37. Summit Plenary
  38. Modelling, Materials and Processes Interdisciplinary symposium for sustainable development

    To be Updated with new approved abstracts

    Calcined Clay Blended Cements For Sustainable Cement Production
    Ran Li1; Marlene Schmid1; Aleksandar Jaglicic1; Tongbo Sui2; Johann Plank3;

    This paper presents that the CO2 footprint of cement can be reduced significantly by blending Portland cement clinker with thermally activated (calcined) clays (CCs). Investigations on pure meta phases obtained via calcination of kaolin, montmorillonite, illite and muscovite reveal that they increase water demand and decrease workability of the cement. The effect depends on fineness and internal porosity of the calcined clay and the chemical composition of the native clay, with illite and kaolin behaving much less favorably than montmorillonite or muscovite. A comparison of three industrial calcined samples of mixed layer clays originating from natural clay deposits in Germany, India and China confirmed the increased water demand of composite cements holding up to 40 wt. % of these calcined clays. The increase in water demand correlates well with the amorphous part and the content of meta kaolin in the calcined mixed layer clay. For one sample holding ~ 50 % meta kaolin, an increase in superplasticizer dosage of ~ 400 % as compared to neat OPC was recorded. Whereas, a high content of meta kaolin proved to be favorable with respect to early strength development as a result of its high pozzolanic reactivity. It can be concluded that calcined clays offer the potential of significant CO2 reduction in cement manufacture, however this comes at the price of higher admixture dosages for superplasticizers. Still, a substantial savings in CO2 emission can be realized, and the cement industry can progress into an era of more eco-friendly binders.

    Cement, CO2 footprint, Clay minerals, Calcined clay, Admixtures, Superplasticizers, Workability

    K. Scrivener, F. Martirena, S. Bishnoi, S. Maity, Calcined clay limestone cements (LC3), Cem. Concr. Res. 114 (2018) 49–56.
    S. Ferreiro, D. Herfort, J.S. Damtoft, Effect of raw clay type, fineness, water-tocement ratio and fly ash addition on workability and strength performance of calcined clay – Limestone Portland cements, Cem. Concr. Res. 101 (2017) 1–12.
    T. R. Muzenda, P. Hou, S. Kawashima, T. Sui, X. Cheng, The role of limestone and calcined clay on the rheological properties of LC3, Cem. Concr. Compos. 107 (2020), 103516.
    R. Fernandez, F. Martirena, K.L. Scrivener, The origin of the pozzolanic activity of calcined clay minerals: A comparison between kaolinite, illite and montmorillonite, Cem. Concr. Res. 41 (2011) 113–122.
    S. Krishnan, A.C. Emmanuel, S. Bishnoi, Hydration and phase assemblage of ternary cements with calcined clay and limestone, Constr. Build. Mat. 222 (2019) 64–72.

    Sara Ahmed1; Yazan Alhoubi1; Nouran Elmesalami1; Sherif Yehia1; Farid Abed1;
    1AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF SHARJAH, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates;

    Conservation and reuse of natural resources in the construction industry are becoming crucial to maintain sustainable and environmentally friendly construction. The use of recycled aggregates (RA) and treated wastewater (TWW) in concrete has been widely studied in the literature over the past years. It has already been shown that replacing 20% to 30% of natural aggregates with RA and replacing TWW with tap water have negligible effects on the mechanical and durability properties of concrete [1-4]. However, only a limited number of studies were conducted to study the combined effect of using RA and TWW combined in concrete. In a study conducted by Tenjhay et al. [5], it was concluded that the use of RA and TWW combined in concrete is possible after additional research is conducted to study the durability. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to evaluate the mechanical properties and durability characteristics of concrete developed using 20% recycled aggregate and secondary treated wastewater subjected to different exposure conditions of tap water, treated wastewater, and salt water. Overall, the results showed that the use of 20% RA and TWW is only substantial on mechanical properties when concrete is exposed to either TWW or SW. The durability results on the other hand showed that all the mixes were considered durable in terms of chloride ion penetration (RCPT & resistivity results), however, additional tests are necessary to precisely study the impact of different variables on concrete durability.

    Admixtures; Cement; Concrete; Durability; Environment; Sustainability;

    [1] N. A. Abdulla, “Effect of recycled coarse aggregate type on concrete,” J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2015, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE) MT.1943-5533.0001247.
    [2] S. B. Huda and M. Shahria Alam, “Mechanical and freeze-thaw durability properties of recycled aggregate concrete made with recycled coarse aggregate,” J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2015, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001237.
    [3] A. H. Noruzman, B. Muhammad, M. Ismail, and Z. Abdul-Majid, “Characteristics of treated effluents and their potential applications for producing concrete,” J. Environ. Manage., 2012, doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2012.05.019.
    [4] M. K. J. Kucche, S. S. Jamkar, and P. A. Sadgir, “Quality of Water for Making Concrete:A Review of Literature,” Int. J. Sci. Res. Publ., vol. 5, no. 1, 2015, Accessed: Apr. 06, 2020. [Online]. Available: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
    [5] M. G. Ramírez-Tenjhay, A. B. Vázquez-González, J. M. Gómez-Soberón, and F. G. Cabrera-Covarrubias, “Total replacement of recycled aggregate and treated wastewater: concrete recycling in extremis,” J. Sustain. Archit. Civ. Eng., 2016, doi: 10.5755/j01.sace.15.2.15464.

    Synthesis of green cement from incinerator residues and carbonation activation
    Yixin Shao1; Zaid Ghouleh2;

    Municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) is a widely implemented waste management option. Although MSWI reduces waste volume by 90%, it generates considerable incinerator residues, namely, bottom ash and fly ash – the latter posing a greater challenge on account of containing leachable heavy metals, chlorides, and organic contaminant. On the other hand, the bulk of the fly ash’s composition makes it a rich mineral source for silica and lime, and potentially well suited as a raw meal in cement production. This paper presents a study on the feasibility of making green cement using three of the incinerator by-products: incinerator heat, residue ashes and carbon dioxide. The green cement can be synthesized exclusively with incinerator residues at incinerator heat temperature of 1000°C. The cement paste is then activated by carbon dioxide to produce strength. Municipal solid waste incineration can be turned into a green cement production. Paste compacts prepared from this material displayed a high CO2 reactivity, achieving an average compressive strength of 53 MPa and an average CO2 uptake of 6.7 wt. % after only 2 hours of carbonation activation at 1.5 bar. QXRD and QEMSCAN results identified the reactive phases to be chloro-ellestadite (Ca10(SiO4)3(SO4)3Cl2) and γ-C2S, which, upon CO2 activation, formed a binding matrix comprised of gypsum, calcium-carbonate precipitates, and a Ca-Si intermix. Leaching tests deem this cement non-hazardous as the monitored heavy metal concentrations in the leachate were well below regulatory limits. Concrete specimens prepared from the cement displayed comparable performance to Portland cement concrete, while additionally demonstrating a viable approach for waste utilization, carbon emission reduction, and natural resource preservation.

    Cement; Fabrication; Sustainability; Waste;

    [1] Raupp-Pereira, F.; Ball, R.J.; Rocha, J.; Labrincha, J.A.; Allen, G.C. New Waste Based Clinkers: Belite and Lime Formulations. Cement and Concrete Research 38, (2008) 511-521.
    [2] Pellenq, R. J. M.; Lequeux, N.; Van Damme, H. Engineering the Bonding Scheme in C-S-H: The Iono-covalent Framework. Cement and Concrete Research 38, (2008) 159 – 174.
    [3] Batchelor, B. Overview of Waste Stabilization with Cement. Waste Management 26(7), (2006) 689-698.

    Towards carbon negative: the potential of biochar concrete as a sustainable and resilient construction material
    Harn Wei Kua1;

    In recent years, the “greening” of cement and concrete has taken on a different path with a sharper focus on reducing carbon footprint while enabling companies and countries to benefit from carbon credits. It is only in 2012 that the first academic paper on the use of biochar – the solid by-product of pyrolysis or gasification – was published. In the following 9 years, biochar concrete has taken an upward trajectory in terms of academic research and commercial consideration. Two of the key reasons accounting for this popularity are that biochar is potentially a carbon negative material from the life-cycle accounting perspective [1], and that biochar is a widely available material that has primarily been used in agriculture (for soil enhancement) and for water purification.
    This talk aims to demystify the near-decade long development of this young field of research, and summarize the key milestones in the growth path of this sustainable construction material. The different technical ideas and scientific technique used to achieve these milestones will be elaborated. For example, it was found that coating polypropylene fibers with biochar, and deploying these fibers to reinforce mortar, decreases water sorptivity of the mortar by about 44%, and water penetration by about 62%. Correspondingly, it increases 7-day and 28-day compressive strength by about 11% and 4.3% respectively [2]. When biochar was deployed evenly in the mortar mix without any fibers, biochar reduces water penetration by about 58.8% and increases 7-day compressive strength by about 13.8% [3]. Methods used for these studies include ASTM C1585-04 (Standard Test Method for Measurement of Rate of Absorption of Water by Hydraulic-Cement Concretes) and different characterization methods, such as Fourier Transform Infrared analysis for studying the surface chemical species found on biochar, and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller method for measuring pore size distribution of mortar samples containing different quantities of biochar.
    These efforts have created several important areas of research, including the potential of using biochar as a mean of enhancing accelerated carbonation curing of concrete; that is, using biochar to increase the total amount of CO2 that can be removed from the atmosphere through the process of carbonation of the calcium hydroxide and calcium silicate hydrate found in curing mortar mixture [4]. Latest evidence for the effectiveness of specially made biochar in improving electromagnetic wave (GHz) shielding of mortar tiles and application of biochar concrete under extreme environmental conditions (for example, using biochar to reduce the infusion of sulfate and chloride ions into mortar submerged in aqueous medium [5], and for increasing the “crack-resistance” of concrete operating under high temperature [6]) will also be presented.
    This talk will end by boldly charting the future directions of biochar concrete and how it can continue to stay abreast and relevant, by addressing some of the most challenging sustainability-related problems facing the construction industry the world over.

    Cement; Concrete; Environment; Infrastructure; Microstructure; Resistance; Sustainability; Waste;

    [1] Roberts K.G., Gloy B.A., Joseph S., Scott N.R., Lehmann J., Life cycle assessment of biochar systems: estimating the energetic, economic, and climate change potential, Environ. Sci. Technol. 44 (2) (2009) 827–833.
    [2] Gupta, S., Kua, H.W. and Cynthia, S.Y.T., 2017. Use of biochar-coated polypropylene fibers for carbon sequestration and physical improvement of mortar. Cement and Concrete Composites, 83, pp.171-187.
    [3] Gupta, S., Kua, H.W. and Low, C.Y., 2018. Use of biochar as carbon sequestering additive in cement mortar. Cement and concrete composites, 87, pp.110-129.
    [4] Gupta, S., Muthukrishnan, S. and Kua, H.W., 2021. Comparing influence of inert biochar and silica rich biochar on cement mortar–Hydration kinetics and durability under chloride and sulfate environment. Construction and Building Materials, 268, p.121142.
    [5] Gupta, S., 2021. Carbon sequestration in cementitious matrix containing pyrogenic carbon from waste biomass: A comparison of external and internal carbonation approach. Journal of Building Engineering, 43, p.102910.
    [6] Gupta, S. and Kua, H.W., 2020. Application of rice husk biochar as filler in cenosphere modified mortar: preparation, characterization and performance under elevated temperature. Construction and Building Materials, 253, p.119083.

    To be Updated with new approved abstracts