2019 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
23-27 October 2019, Coral Beach Resort, Paphos, Cyprus
Abstract still accepted for a limited time
Almost 500 Abstracts Submitted from 60 Countries
Six Nobel Laureates have already confirmed their attendance: Profs. Dan Shechtman, Kurt Wüthrich, Ferid Murad, Rudy Marcus, Yuan Lee and Klaus Klitzing.
Abstract Submission

List of Accepted Abstracts

As of 06/03/2025: (Alphabetical Order)
  1. (Angell) Intl. Symp. on Molten Salt, Ionic & Glass-forming Liquids: Processing and Sustainability
  2. (Flink) Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Production of Ferro-alloys
  3. (Kobe) Intl. Symp. on Science of Innovative and Sustainable Alloys and Magnets
  4. (Kozlov) Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Materials Recycling Processes and Products
  5. (McNeil) Intl. Symp. on Laws and their Applications for Sustainable Development
  6. (Parameswaran) Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Mining Operations
  7. (Schrefler) Intl. Symp. on Geomechanics and Applications for Sustainable Development
  8. (Usui) Intl. Symp. on Advanced Sustainable Iron and Steel Making
  9. (Tressaud) Intl. Sympo. on Solid State Chemistry for Applications and Sustainable Development
  10. (Vayenas) Intl. Symp. on Physical Chemistry and its applications for sustainable development
  11. Intl. Symp. on New and Advanced Materials and Technologies for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development
  12. Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Secondary Battery Manufacturing and Recycling
  13. Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Energy Production: Fossil; Renewables; Nuclear; Waste handling , processing, and storage for all energy production technologies; Energy conservation
  14. Intl Symp. on Next Generation Magnesium Alloys and Their Applications for Sustainable Development
  15. Intl. Symp. on Advanced Manufacturing for Sustainable Development
  16. Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Mathematics Applications
  17. Intl. Symp. on Synthesis and Properties of Nanomaterials for Future Energy Demands
  18. Intl symp. on oxidative stress for sustainable development of human beings
  19. Intl Symp. on Green Chemistry and Polymer Science and their Application for Sustainable Development
  20. Summit Plenary


    [Solid and liquid wastes from industrial processes: Innovations in material recovery and environmental protection]
    An Investigation on the Pyrometallurgical Recovery of Gold from Jewellery Workshop Wastes Using a Mixture of Fluxes
    Pouria Zakeri Ketabi1; Hossein Astaraki1; Manadana Adeli2;

    Precious metals such as gold and silver are a priority in recycling processes due to their economic values. In particular, jewellery workshop wastes which contain free gold and silver particles are considered a very valuable waste. These metals are usually extracted from jewellery wastes via the cupellation method using metallic lead. In this study, a pyrometallurgical method using a mixture of fluxes has been considered to recover gold from floor wastes of jewellery workshops. The process yields a relatively high efficiency in recovery, as well as savings in time and energy with the use of non-contaminating chemicals. The effect of type and flux-to-waste weight ratio on the properties of slag and recovery of gold has been studied. XRD, XRF, and DTA analyses have been used to characterize the wastes and the formed slag and to investigate the effect of slag properties on the recovery. A maximum value of 63.26wt.% was obtained for the recovery of gold without using dangerous chemical such as lead or contaminating processes such as cyanide leaching.

    Non-Ferrous; Recycling; Slags;

    1. C. W. Corti, "Recovery and Refining of Gold Jewellery Scraps and Wastes," no. May, pp. 1-22, 2002
    2. S. Syed, "Recovery of gold from secondary sources-A review," Hydrometallurgy, vol. 115-116, pp. 30-51, 2012
    3. M. Delfini, A. Manni, and P. Massacci, "Gold recovery from jewellery waste," Miner. Eng., vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 663-666, 2000

    Comparison of Two Dross Press Systems in the Aluminum Recycling Industry
    Stefan Wibner1; Helmut Antrekowitsch2;
    1, Leoben, Austria; 2MONTANUNIVERSITAET LEOBEN, Leoben, Austria;

    Aluminum dross consists of a heterogeneous mixture of large lumps, fine oxides and metal pieces. Consequently, sampling requires considerable experience and effort. Additionally, the skimming procedure of the melt, the alloy composition, the type of fluxing agent, and the cooling method of the scum all control the amount of free-metal present in the dross [1]. In industrial practice, the formed dross in the Al-smelter is regularly removed and a part of the liquid metal can be squeezed out. Subsequently, the tilting drum furnace recovers most of the aluminum from the scum with the assistance of a crumbly salt slag [2]. Of significant interest is the recovery of the largest possible amount of metallic Al from the dross during the production process by using a dross press. The aim of this work is to compare the press system currently available at an Austrian Al-smelter with a rented dross press. First, an optimized time-distance diagram for the hired press is determined. Thereafter, the masses of recovered metallic Al are recorded for a period of one week. A part of the resulting hot scum of every charge is processed with the existing press, the other part is processed with the rented. As a result, the proportion of recovered Al based on the total amount of dross is determined for both press systems. Furthermore, a comparison in terms of geometry of the press head, economy and appearance of the dross compacts is carried out. The results are of great importance to the Al-processing company as the optimization of the recycling process depends on a higher aluminum output [3, 4].

    Aluminum; Furnace; Industry; Melting; Non-Ferrous; Processing; Recovery; Recycling;

    [1] Manfredi O., Wuth W. and I. Bohlinger: Characterizing the Physical and Chemical Properties of Aluminum Dross. JOM (1997), 48-51.
    [2] Krone K.: Aluminiumrecycling: Vom Vorstoff bis zur fertigen Legierung, Aluminium-Verlag, Duesseldorf (2000).
    [3] Roth D. J.: History and future of dross processing. Light Metals (2015), 1005-1009.
    [4] Perry O. H.: The development of the modern dross press. Light Metals (2000), 675-678.

    Control and Optimization of Steel Dust Rotary Kiln Operations through FLOGEN CONTOP System
    Florian Kongoli1; Marcos De Souza2;

    FLOGEN Decision Making, Control, and Optimization system has been applied in Waltz Rotary Kiln that produces Zn from steel dust. This resulted in simultaneously reducing the specific coke/coal consumption, maximizing Zn yield, decreasing Zn losses in the slag, minimizing accretions and balls inside the furnace, increasing the operational time without stoppages and enabled greater flexibility in using multiple raw materials. This paper presents some of the above results along with the most recent developments of application in other processes

    Charcoal; Coke; Combustion; Dust; Energy; Extraction; Ferrous; Industry; Iron; Melting; Metallurgy; Modeling; Process; Recovery; Recycling; Scrap; Slag; Steel;

    [Solid and liquid wastes from industrial processes: Innovations in material recovery and environmental protection]
    Copper Smelter Dust Is a Promising Material for the Recovery of Nonferrous Metals by the Waelz Process
    Dyubanov Valeriy Grigorievich1; Pavel Kozlov2;
    1BAYKOV METALLURGY & MATERIALS INSTITUTE, Moscow, Russian Federation; 2UMMC-HOLDING, Moscow, Russian Federation;

    Dust in gas cleaning systems in the process of blister copper production is a waste of class 2 hazard. The accumulation of copper smelter dust may cause significant damage to the environment in the places of their storage. This dust contains considerable contents of zinc, lead, tin, and copper, which makes its use for recovery of these elements possible. There are, however, a number of characteristics such as complex multicomponent composition and high content of halogens. These physicochemical properties of the copper smelter dusts of FL PPM AO Uralelectromed (Russia) and PO Balkhashtsvetmet (Kazakhstan) were studied using chemical, X-ray phase, and electron microscopy methods. In both dust samples, the presence of lead in the form of sulfate and sulfide, of zinc in the form of orthostannate, and of ferrite, sulfide and copper in the form of chalcopyrite was identified. To obtain the intermediate products for the production of zinc, lead, tin and copper in the industrial processing of the copper smelter, dust can be most effectively carried out by the proposed process flowsheet with one pyrometallurgical treatment in a Waelz furnace with further leaching steps.

    Dust; Lead; Material; Metal; Recycling; Smelting; Zinc;

    [1] Moldabayeva K.Z., Akilbekova S.K., Mamyrbayeva K.K. and Mishra B., Electrosmelting of lead-containing dusts from copper smelters. J. Sustainable Metall., 2015, vol. 1, pp.286-296.
    [2]Shibayama A., Takasaki Y., William T., Yamatodani A., Higuchi Y., Sunagawa S., and Ono E., Treatment of smelting residue for arsenic removal and recovery of copper using pyro-gydrometallurgical process, J.Hazard, Mater., 2010, vol. 181, pp.1016-1023.
    [3] Massinaie M., Oliazadeh M. and Seyed Bagheri A., Biological copper extraction from melting furnaces dust of Sarcheshmeh copper mine. Int. J. Miner. Process., 2006, vol. 81, pp.58-62.

    Development and implementation of the oxidized copper ores' heap leaching processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan
    Larissa Kushakova1; Yevgeniy Startsev1; Natalya Sizikova1;
    1VNIITSVETMET, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan;

    Nowadays, it is obvious that the share of the hydrometallurgical operations in the global volumes of non-ferrous metals production is gradually increasing [1]. This trend is specific to the Republic of Kazakhstan as well. Rapid development of the copper hydrometallurgy based on the processes of heap leaching (HL), solvent extraction (EX) and electrowinning (EW) resulting in getting highly-pure copper cathodes and economic efficiency has been specific to the country during recent years.
    The Eastern mining-and-metallurgical research institute for non-ferrous metals (VNIItsvetmet) has been running the researches on application of HL-EX-EW processes for processing of copper-bearing ores of Kazakhstan deposits since 1997. The heap leaching tests include study of the ores’ material composition, bottle roll and column tests, selection of the optimal extractant for each pregnant leaching solution (PLS), etc. Research results can be used to come up with the feasibility studies, Process Procedures, basic design, and detailed engineering of the ore-processing plants [2].
    There is a number of plants operating nowadays in Kazakhstan under HL-SX-EW technology which were designed and constructed on the basis of VNIItsvetmet research results. There are, for example, ore-processing plants at the deposits of Kounrad (annual capacity of 13 thousand tons of copper cathodes), Ayak-Kodzhan (annual capacity of 3 thousand tons of copper cathodes), Aktogay (annual capacity of 15 thousand tons of copper cathodes) and others [3].

    Hydrometallurgical; Leaching; Technology;

    [1] Mark. E. Schlesinger, Mattew J. King, Kathryn C. Sole, William G. Davenport. Extractive Metallurgy of Copper (2011) 481.
    [2] L. Kushakova, N. Sizikova. Process aspects of Kazakhstan copper ores’ heap leaching, Intensification of hydrometallurgical processes of recycling of natural and technogenic raw materials, St. Petersburg (2018), 143-146.
    [3] Larissa Kushakova, Yevgeniy Startsev. Ore processing under SX-EW technology - Kazakhstan experience // Lix Users’ Conference 2017 by BASF, Santa-Cruz, Chile, November 13th-15th, 2017.

    [Solid and liquid wastes from industrial processes: Innovations in material recovery and environmental protection]
    Development and testing of industrial technology of lead cake carbonization
    Elena Golubeva1; Pavel Kozlov2; Sergey Yakornov3;
    1CHELYABINSK ZINC PLANT, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation; 2UMMC-HOLDING, Moscow, Russian Federation; 3LLC "UMMC-HOLDING", Verkhnya Pyshma, Russian Federation;

    Raw materials containing zinc, processed at the Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant, has considerable content of lead. According to the Plant technology, lead is recovered in a lead cake (40-45% of Pb)-solid residue from Waelz-oxide leaching. Lead is contained in cake in sulfate form.
    Application of PbCO3, containing raw materials in lead production allows to decrease the flux consumption, and yields dump slags and SO2 discharges with gases during smelting in short-drum furnaces. Carbonization of lead can be carried out by processing the sulfate zinc cake by using a hot solution of Na2 CO3. It is reasonable to carry out the lead cake carbonization in hydrometallurgical production conditions.
    For the purpose of the mastering of carbonization of the whole amount of obtained lead cakes in the Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant, the laboratory carried out experimental-industrial testing with definition of optimal carbonization modes.
    Analysis of the product obtained during testing has shown that it contains 76% of PbCO3 and 11% of complex hydrocarbonate of lead and sodium.
    For the purpose of obtaining a required quality marketable product (40% of Pb, 9% of Zn, 2% of Na, and 4% of S), the following measures are required: maximal extraction of Zn in solution on the stages of Waelz-oxide leaching, preliminary washing of sulfate cake from acid and water-soluble sulfates, and the washing of carbonized product from Na2SO4.
    On the basis of experimental results, the the technological and apparatus scheme of the process was developed.

    Material; Metal; Technology; Zinc;

    [1] Syroeshkin M.E., Yumakaev Sh.I., Processing of Waelz-oxides, slag sublimates and lead dusts on lead-zinc plants. Moscow: Metallurgy, 1971. 87 p.
    [2] Snurnikov A.P., Zinc hydrometallurgy. Moscow: Metallurgy, 1981. 383 p.
    [3] Kozlov P.A., Waelz-process. Moscow: "Ore and Metals" Publishing House, 2002. 175 p.

    Essen Suleimenov1;

    Modern experimental material has given reason to believe that the key points in the development of scientific concepts about the nature and mechanism of physicochemical processes are the following provisions of M Faraday: the identity of energy manifestations in the interaction of material objects and the discrete nature of electric current. Developed without taking into account the work of M. Faraday, the theory allowed not to take into account the identity of energy manifestations in the interaction of material objects. Hence, there was a lack of work to determine the real mechanism of heat transfer between material objects. This circumstance influenced the lack of attention to the use of the discontinuity of electric current for practical use. We have shown that a change in a wide range of electrical signal parameters can promote unusual chemical reactions and physicochemical processes at the interface and in condensed systems. Phase transitions in an oxide melt can occur without noticeable thermal effects. That is, the structure of this liquid does not only depend on the chemical composition and temperature. Under the influence of electromagnetic fields, the conductivity of the melts may decrease with increasing temperature and change at a constant temperature. Crossed electromagnetic fields cause phase and quantitative division of melts of both synthetic oxide melts, and oxide-sulfide multicomponent systems, etc. The possibility of dissolving metallic molybdenum in alkaline solutions has been established experimentally. The dissolution rate is not proportional to the frequency of the current and the dissolution stops as the current frequency increases. Dissolution ceases at any current parameters and concentrations of potassium oxide at temperatures above 75 oC. The dissolution of molybdenum does not occur at any current parameters if the concentration of potassium oxide exceeds 9%. It was shown that the electrical signal at the metal aluminum / aluminate solution interface accelerates the decomposition of the aluminate solution by at least 4 times (in some cases, from 45 hours to 8 hours). Studies have been conducted on the use of a sulfurgraphite composite electrode for organizing a parallel process for the formation of a leaching agent (sulfuric acid, sodium thiosulfate, etc.) and for the extraction of metals into a solution from various metal-containing raw materials. These and our other experimental data can serve as a basis for revising some theoretical concepts in the natural sciences and creating effective technological processes.


    Madali Naimanbayev1;

    One of the resources in the production of non-ferrous metals is use of waste iron and the steel industry, in which the content of non-ferrous metals are kept up to industrial conditions. Thus, in dusts of gas purification of some plants of ferrous metallurgy, the zinc content is as high as 15%. The results of the study of the binder agent effect during the briquetting of charge include the type of the carbonaceous reducing agent, the consumption of reducing agent, and the fineness of charge components on the process of carbothermal reduction of zinc from oxidized zinc ore with the addition of stale dust of gas cleaning of blast furnace smelting. Bentonite, hydrated lime, and treacle were tested as a binding agent during briquetting of charge. It is established that the optimum binding agent is treacle in an amount of 4.5-5.0% by the weight of the ore. It is shown that the residual zinc content in a product of the reduction roasting, when using the special coke received from coal of Shubarkol, deposit is 1.9 times less than when using anthracite. It is also 3.3 times less than when using metallurgical coke, i.e. special coke is the most fissile reducing agent. The carbon consumption during carbothermal reduction of zinc from oxide ore with the addition of dust is 22-24% lower than in case of zinc recovery from ore. It was found that crushing of charge to class + 0.071-0.04 microns reduces the degree of zinc sublimation. If the size of the charge is 1.0 microns, then the residual zinc content is increased in the cinder. High recovery efficiency is achieved with the following composition of charge, wt. %: oxidized zinc ore is 53.8; dust of gas purification of blast furnace smelting is 26.9; special coke is 21.0; treacle is 5.3.

    Dust; Lead; Recycling; Smelting; Technology; Zinc;

    1. Zaitsev V.Ia., Margulis E.V. Metallurgiia svintsa i tsinka ( Lead and zinc metallurgy). Moscow: Metallurgy, 1985. 263 (in Russ.)
    2. Kozlov P.A. Razrabotka ekologichnoi tekhnologii pererabotki tsinkovykh kontsentratov s povyshennym soderzhaniem kremnezema i kompleksnym izvlecheniem tsennykh komponentov (The development of environmentally friendly technologies for processing of zinc concentrates with high silica content and complex extraction of valuable components): avtoreferat dis. ...doct. tekh nauk (Abstracts of thesis for Dr. Tech. Sci. 05.16.03. Institute Gidrotsvetmet, Moscow.1998. 42 (in Russ.)
    3. Naimanbaev M.A., Lokhova N.G., Baltabekova Zh.A., Abisheva A.E. Analiz sushchestvuiushchikh sposobov pererabotki okislennykh tsinkovykh rud i tsinksoderzhashchikh pylei domennoi plavki (The analysis of processing of oxidized zinc ores and zinc containing dust blast furnace). Vestnik KazNAEN = Herald of KazNANS. 2016. 1. 55-60.
    4. Meyer, Ganter, Karl-Heinrich Vopel und Willi Janssen. Untersuchungen zur Verwertung von Stauben und Schlammer aus den Abgasreinigungen von Hochofen- und Blasstahlwerken im Drehrohrofen. Stahl und Eisen . 1976. Bd. 96, 24. 1228-1238. (in German)
    5. Kotenev V.I., Barsukova E.Iu. Brikety iz melkodispersnykh otkhodov metallurgicheskogo i koksokhimicheskogo proizvodstva - ekonomicheski vygodnaia zamena traditsionnoi shikhty metallurgicheskikh peredelov ( Briquettes made of fine waste of metallurgical and coke production-cost- effective replacement of traditional batch metallurgical processes). Metallurg = Metallurgist. 2002. 10. 42-45. (in Russ.)
    6. Bystrov V.A., Novikov N.I. Innovatsii put' povysheniia konkurentosposobnosti metallurgicheskikh predpriiatii. (Innovations way to increase the competitiveness of the metallurgical enterprises) Vestnik Kemerovskogo gosudarstvennogo universitet = Herald of Kemerovo State University. 2010. 1. 47-53. (in Russ.)
    7. Letimin V.N., Nasyrov T.M., Makarova I.V. Otsenka pirometallurgicheskikh sposobov obestsinkovaniia pyli i shlamov staleplavil'nykh tsekhov (Evaluation pyrometallurgical methods dezincification pfil and sludge steelwork). Teoriya i praktika metallurgicheskogo proizvodstva = Theory and practice of metallurgical industry. 2013. 1(13). 67-70. (in Russ.)
    8. Babanin V.I., Eremin A.Ia., Bezdezhskii G.N. Razrabotka i vnedrenie novoi tekhnologii briketirovaniia melkofraktsionnykh materialov s zhidkim steklom (Development and implementation of new technology briquetting small fraction of materials with liquid glass). Metallurg = Metallurgist. 2007. 1. 68-71.
    9. Kobelev V.A., Polotskii L.I., Smirnov L.A. Issledovanie kinetiki vysokotemperaturnogo karbotermicheskogo vosstanovleniia il'menitovykh i titanomagnetitovykh kontsentratov (Kinetics of high temperature carbotermic reduction of ilmenite and titanomagnetite concentrates) Stal' = Steel. 2015. 11. 6-9. (in Russ.)
    10. Bersenev I.S., Evstiugin S.N., Gorbachev V.A., Usol'tsev D.Iu., Vinnichuk B.G. Sravnitel'nyi analiz effektivnosti ispol'zovaniia sviazuiushchikh razlichnogo tipa pri aglomeratsii (Comparative analysis of the efficiency of the use of binders with different types of agglomeration). Stal' = Steel. 2015. 8. 2-4.
    11. Kim V.A., Torgovets A.K., Dzhundibaev M.K., Kudarinov S.K., Bogoiavlenskaia O.A., Nurmukhanbetov Zh.U. Poluchenie nizkofosforistogo spetskoksa dlya elektrotermicheskogo proizvodstva iz nespekaiushchikhsia uglei Shubarkol'skogo mestorozhdeniia (Getting lowphosphorous special coke for electroproduction of non-coking coal deposit Shubarkol). Povyсhenie tekhnicheskogo urovnya gorno-metallurgicheskikh predpriyatij na osnove innovatsionnykh tekhnologij: Mater. VII mezhdunar. Konf. (Rising technical level of mining-metallurgical enterprises on the basis of innovation technologies: proceedings of VII internation. conf.) Ust'-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan. 2013. 296-298. (in Russ.)
    12. Ravich B. M. Briketirovanie v tsvetnoi i chernoi metallurgii (Briquetting in color and ferrous metallurgy). Moscow: Metallurgy, 1975. 232.
    13. Ozerov S.S., Portov A.B., Tsemekhman L.Sh. Briketirovanie melkozernistykh materialov (Briquetting fine materials). Tsvetnye metally = Non- ferrous metals. 2014. 7. 26-30.

    [Solid and liquid wastes from industrial processes: Innovations in material recovery and environmental protection]
    Electrolytic Lead Obtaining from Secondary Materials
    Pavel Arkhipov1; Yuriy Zaikov1; Yuliya Khalimullina1; Anna Kholkina2; Alexei Potapov3;

    Lead is one of the metals that are included into the material production area multiple times because its losses during industrial operations are minimal. That is why the fraction of secondary lead in overall lead production is high. The secondary lead production in the world amounted 55.8 % of the overall amount of produced metal [1, 2].Development of the nuclear industry requires an increased amount of production of pure lead and Pb-Bi alloys of desired composition to be used as liquid metal heat carriers [3]. To obtain pure metallic lead from secondary materials, the method of electrochemical reduction of metallic lead from chloride melts was used [4]. The equilibrium potentials of the pseudo-binary liquid metal Pb-SbBi system was measured in the KCl-PbCl melt in the temperature region of 723–893 K. The thermodynamic characteristics of the Pb-SbBiij system in the liquid state were calculated [5]. To develop the technology of the electrolytic lead obtained in molten chloride systems, it is important to understand the mechanism of the processes that take place in the liquid metal electrodes. There is a lack of information on the liquid metal electrode solubility in the Bi-Sb-Pb alloys in the KCl-PbCl melt. The anode dissolution of alloys was studied by the current cut-off from the stationary conditions in the galvanostatic regime using a galvanostate–potentiostate IPC-Pro. The influence of the liquid metal bismuth-antimony-lead systems on the anode polarization in the molten lead and potassium chloride mixtures is established. According to the form of the concentration dependence of polarization curves, we assumed that the anode process in the liquid metal alloys in the KCl-PbCl2 (50-50 mol. %) melt has a diffusion character. The parameters of electrochemical lead obtained from secondary materials were determined.

    Alloy; Lead; MoltenSalts; Recycling; Refining; Wastes;

    [1] Goncharov G.V. (Metal Research). Russian market of non-ferrous metals: yesterday, today, tomorrow // Non-ferrous Metallurgy. 2014. № 5. pp 32-36 (in Russian).
    [2] Morachevskiy, A.G. Worked out lead batteries as the most important source of secondary lead // Metallurgy. 2014. № 4(207). p.127 (in Russian).
    [3] S.K.Sahu, R.Ganesan, T.Gnanasekaran, 2012. Journal Nuclear Materials, Volume 426, pp. 214-222.
    [4] P.Arhipov, Yu.Zaykov, Yu.Khalimullina, A.Kholkina Electrolytic refining of lead in molten chloride electrolytes. International Journal of Technology. 2017. P. 572-581.
    [5] P. A. Arkhipov, A. S. Kholkina, and Yu. P. Zaykov, “EMF Measurements in the Liquid Pb/PbCl2-KCl/Pb-Sb-Bi System,” J. Electrochem. Soc., 163(2), H30 (2016).

    Gastrointestinal Simulation Reactor System For Bioaccessibility Determination Of Potentially Toxic Elements
    Thalia Garcia Rodriguez1; Daniel Quiroz Vivanco2; Margarita Gutierrez-Ruiz1; Maria Fernanda Mehle-Jordan3; Benjamin Varela Orozco4; Violeta Andrea Uribe Castillo5;

    Recently an innovative, patent pending reactor system based on the PBET method [1] (LABQA-RSGB), which simulates the human gastrointestinal tract, was developed and metal bioaccessibility was evaluated for mining waste solid samples [2]. Results obtained with this system are on par with those of US EPAs equipment from SW-846 Test Method 1340 [3].
    The LABQA-RSGB system simulates stomach and small bowel conditions, while allowing for monitoring, pH adjustments and development of kinetic studies without interrupting the process nor altering the reactors’ temperature.
    The current paper describes the improvements carried out on the LABQA-RSGB, in order to minimize systematic errors and potential sources of cross contamination, as well as allow design and reactor operation optimization [4]. Results of the bioaccessible fraction extracted with the new equipment (LABQA-SRSGB) were compared with those of the original LABQA-RSGB and US EPA equipments, using a reference material, internal controls and samples.
    Coupled with continuous and simultaneous monitoring of pH, temperature and stirring within each reactor, the enhancements implemented in the LABQA-RSGB provide reliable results for various potentially toxic elements in different matrices.

    Bio-Extraction; Biotechnology; Ecology; Metals; Sustainability; Technology;

    [1] M.W. Ruby, A. Davis, R. Schoof, S. Eberle, and C.M. Sellstone,"Estimation of Lead and Arsenic Bioavailability Using a Physiologically Based Extraction Test, "Environ. Sci. Technol. 30(2): 422-430, 1996.
    [2] Garcia Rodriguez, T. Gutierrez Ruiz M. E., Quiroz Vivanco D. Ceniceros Gomez A. Tavares T. Aguirre Gomez A. Determination of Bioaccessibility of As and Pb in Soils Polluted With Mining Wastes: A New Equipment That Simplifies the Gastric and Intestinal Phases Measurements. Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition, 4-7 November 2018, Rio Othon Palace, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
    [3] U.S. EPA, "Method 1340 in vitro bioaccessibility assay for lead in soil", Revision 1, February 2017, Update VI. EPA publication SW-846.
    [4] Quiroz Vivanco Daniel, (2018), Diseno de un equipo para realizar pruebas y analisis de bioaccesibilidad de metales en suelos, tesis de pregrado, Facultad de Quimica, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico.

    [Solid and liquid wastes from industrial processes: Innovations in material recovery and environmental protection]
    Improvement of Processes of Indium Extraction from Zinc Production Sulphate Solutions Using Mixing-Setting Extraction Equipment
    Oleg Belyakov1; A. Panshin2; Pavel Kozlov3;
    1CHELYABINSK ZINC PLANT, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation; 2LLC "UMMC-HOLDING", Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Russian Federation; 3UMMC-HOLDING, Moscow, Russian Federation;

    The Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology (Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) designed new "mixer-settler" type of extractor ESOT - 1.0 -15.0 (poly-propylene) and ESOT -0.8-5.5 (polyethylene with titan turbine type mixers). In 2013, these extractors were installed and tested in the indium extraction department of the hydrometallurgical shop of the Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant.
    The modernized extraction unit is a cascade of three extractions (ESOT - 1.0 - 15.0) and six re-extractions (ESOT - 0.8 -5.5) which are sequentially connected blocks. Production capacity of the unit is 15m3/h of solution, counted as total volume of both phases.
    Extractor ESOT - 1.0 - 15.0 is designed for indium extraction from sulphate-chloride acid solutions in raised temperatures (about 600°C) with a wide productive capacity range (max.15 m3/h of solution as total volume of phases). Extractor ESOT - 0.8 -5.5 is designed for the processes of indium re-extraction and extracting agent washing. Its production capacity does not exceed 5 m3/h of solution, counted as total volume of phases.
    Application of the units ESOT - 1.0 - 15 and ESOT - 0.8 - 5.5 made it possible to carry out the following measurements:
    - Efficient extraction in a wide range of the unit productive capacity (3-8 m3/h) of water phase with organic to water phases ratio of 1:3 (not counting recirculation of organic phase);
    - Minimization of bilateral carry-over of water and organic phases (organic phase carry-over with raffinate was 0.2-0.5%, while water phase carry-over, saturated with extracting agent, was less than 0.3%);
    - Minimization of indium loss with raffinate (to 6-7 mg/l with productivity 5 - 7.5 m3/h of water phase);
    - Ensuring the reliable performance of the extraction unit with higher silica acid concentration in the initial solution (to 0.4 g/dm3);
    - Consumption decrease on the unit production (cost decrease of basic materials by more than 10 times);
    - Maintenance simplification and extraction unit repair.

    Hydrometallurgical; Optimization; Technology; Zinc;

    [1] Fedorov P.I., Akchurin R.Kh., Indium. Moscow: Science, 2000, 276 p.
    [2] Kazanbaev L.A., Ways of creation of wasteless manufacturing system at Chelyabinsk Electrolyte Zinc Plant. Non-ferrous Metals. 1985. No. 4. pp. 35-38.
    [3] Kazanbaev L.A., Kozlov P.A., Kubasov V.L., Travkin V.F. Indium. Technology of Production. Moscow: "Ore and Metals" Publishing House, 2004. 168 p.

    [Solid and liquid wastes from industrial processes: Innovations in material recovery and environmental protection]
    Initial stages of nitride spent nuclear fuel (SNF) processing Thermodynamic modeling and experimental results
    Alexei Potapov1; Kirill Karimov1; Vladimir Shishkin1; Mikhail Mazannikov1; Yurii Zaikov1;

    Currently, a number of countries are developing new nitride (UN-PuN) fuel for fast-neutron nuclear reactors [1]. At the same time, methods for nitride SNF processing are developed. These methods are proposed to abandon water technologies in favor of pyrochemical methods, which use molten salts [2, 3].
    As nitrides are electronically conductive, an initial opening of nitride SNF was suggested to be performed by electrochemical dissolution with the transfer of SNF components into the molten LiCl-KCl eutectic. It turned out, however, that the reaction UN - 3e = U3+ + 0.5N2↑ is accompanied by the UNCl formation reaction. UNCl is an insulator, it covers the anode and dissolution stops. Currently, the research is suspended.
    Another method is “soft” chlorination (i.e. without chlorine gas). In the (LiCl-KCl) eut. melt, the following reactions are possible:
    UN + 1.5CdCl2 = UCl3 + 1.5Cd + 0.5N2 ΔG = -60.6 kJ/mol at 500°C (1)
    PuN + 1.5CdCl2 = PuCl3 + 1.5Cd + 0.5N2 ΔG = -149 kJ/mol at 500°C (2)
    Experimental verification, however, revealed that at 500 0C the reactions of formation of a number of other stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric nitrides - UN1.5, UN1.55, UN1.5, UN1.55, UN1.69, UN1.74, UN2 and UNCl proceed along with reaction (1). The UN → UCl3 conversion degree is ~ 30%. The rest of the uranium was found as a black precipitate that consisted of a mixture of UNCl and various nitrides. Using thermodynamic modeling, it was determined that, at a temperature of 750°C and above all nitrides, including UNCl, dissolve in an excess of CdCl2 to form UCl3. The experiment confirmed the calculation results completely. It was also found that the CdCl2 substitution by PbCl2 allows reduction of the process temperature to 650°C, but in this case, a UCl3 + UCl4 mixture forms.
    Another likely the first stage of the nitride SNF processing can be voloxidation, i.e. conversion of all nitrides to oxides by heating in air. For example, the uranium oxidation chain is as follows:
    UN → (U2N3+UO2) → UO2 → U3O7 → U3O8 → U2O6 (gas) (slowly)
    An important advantage of this approach is that we obtain a universal process suitable for processing both nitride and oxide SNF.

    Converter; Recycling; Simulation; Uranium; Wastes;

    [1] R. Thetford, M. Mignanelli, J.Nucl. Materials 320 (2003) 44-53.
    [2] Yu.P Zaykov, Yu.S. Mochalov, V.A. Khokhlov, V.Yu. Shishkin, A.M. Potapov, V.A. Kovrov, M.N. Gerasimenko, A.S. Zhidkov, S.G. Terentev, Pyrochemical recycling of the nitride SNF of fast neutron reactors in molten salts as a part of the short-circuited nuclear fuel cycle, in: Int. conf. on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: (FR17), 26-29 June 2017, Ekaterinburg, Russia, (CD) IAEA-CN245, Rep.259.
    [3] V.Yu. Shishkin, A.M. Potapov, V. Kovrov, Yu.P. Zaikov, The peculiarities of pyrochemical reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel, in: Int. nuclear fuel cycle conf. Nuclear energy innovation to the carbon-free world (GLOBAL 2017), September 24-29, 2017, Seoul (Korea). Proceedings. Paper EA-104-PD3.

    [Solid and liquid wastes from industrial processes: Innovations in material recovery and environmental protection]
    Lithium Recycling from Used Li-ion Batteries using Innovative Dialysis with Lithium Ionic Conductor Membrane
    Tsuyoshi Hoshino1;

    As a means of addressing global warming, the world is increasingly turning to the use of Li-ion batteries in electric vehicles and as storage batteries in the home. Therefore, there is a growing need for Li. I propose a method for recovering Li from used Li-ion batteries by using innovative dialysis, wherein Li only permeates from the positive electrode side to the negative electrode side through a Li ionic conductor functioning as a Li separation membrane (LISM). Measurements of the Li ion concentration at the negative electrode side, as a function of dialysis duration, showed that the Li recovery ratio increased to approximately 8.6% after 72 h with 5V applied electric voltage. Moreover, other ions in a solution of used Li-ion batteries did not permeate the LISM.
    Figure 1 shows the proposed Li recovery method. This innovative method involves the use of an LISM whereby only Li ions in a solution of used Li-ion batteries permeate from the positive electrode side to the negative electrode side during electrodialysis; the other ions, including Co, Al, and F, do not permeate the membrane. Li0.29La0.57TiO3 was selected as the LISM. The positive side of the dialysis cell was filled with used Li-ion battery solution. Then the negative side was filled with distilled water. The applied dialysis voltage was 5 V, and electrode area was 16 cm2. The Li recovery ratio increased with electrodialysis time. Then, Co, Al, and F were not permeated.
    After electrodialysis, CO2 gas was bubbled in the Li recovery water to produce lithium carbonate (Li2CO3) as a raw material for Li-ion batteries. The Li2CO3 deposition was easily generated by the reaction of CO2 gas and the Li recovery solution as a lithium hydroxide (LiOH) solution (Fig. 2).


    T. Hoshino, Desalination, 2015, 359, 59-63

    [Solid and liquid wastes from industrial processes: Innovations in material recovery and environmental protection]
    Mastering of Technology of Waelz-Oxide Calcination in Rotary Furnace
    A. Panshin1; Sergey Yakornov2; Pavel Kozlov3;
    1LLC "UMMC-HOLDING", Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Russian Federation; 2LLC "UMMC-HOLDING", Verkhnya Pyshma, Russian Federation; 3UMMC-HOLDING, Moscow, Russian Federation;

    This article gives the results of the mastering of the technology of Waelz oxide calcinations in rotary furnaces in the Chelyabinsk Zinc plant. A flow hardware diagram is shown together with calcinations process modes.
    Waelz oxide calcinations technology includes the following measures: pelletizing of powdered oxide into pellets, calcinations in pipe furnaces, pellet cooling, milling of calcined oxide in ball-rod mill, gas cooling, and cleaning with secondary fumes' recovering. Calcined products are prepared to be leached, while secondary fumes are washed with sodium carbonate and water from chlorine and fluorine.
    Calcination is carried out in oxidizing the atmosphere at the temperature of 900-1100C for efficient removal of halides and oxidation of iron (II), arsenic, and metal sulfides. Residence time of the material in high temperature zones is not less than 2 -3 hours.
    The calcinations technology, mastered in the Chelyabinsk Zinc plant, allows the carrying out the following measures:
    - Removal of Waelz oxide halides (up to a residual content of Cl-0.06% and F-0.01%);
    - Oxidation of Fe (II) and As, reduced their passing into solution during Waelz oxide leaching;
    - Increase of solubility of zinc (up to 91%) and cadmium (80%) in Waelz oxide, simplifying its leaching technology and reducing metal loss;
    - Reduction of material amount approximately by 2 times, increasing the leaching flowsheet productivity.
    As a result of the calcinations technology, the shop processing Waelz oxide efficiency was increased by 33-36%. The wash water volume is 15-20 times lower during secondary fumes washing than during Waelz oxide washing, and the obtained solution is suitable for concentration and evaporation.

    Concentrating; Leaching; Smelting; Technology; Zinc;

    [1] Lakernik M.M., PakhomovaG.N., Metallurgy of Zinc and Cadmium, Moscow: Metallurgiya, 1969. 314 p.
    [2] Kozlov P.A., Waelz-process, Moscow: "Ore and Metals" Publishing House, 2002. 176 p.
    [3] Iordanov I.T., Popov M.Z., Karoleva V.D., Yanchen Ya. Kh.Opyt, Experience of processing of Waelz-oxides at non-ferrous metals'combine in Plovdiv (Republic of Bulgaria). Non-ferrous Metals. 1963. No. 1. pp. 23-30
    [4] Panshin A.M., Kozlov P.A., Zatonskiy A.V., Gizatulin O.V., Ivakin D.A., Creation of technology of Waelz-oxide calcination using large pipe furnace. Non-ferrous Metals. 2010. No. 5. pp. 17-20.

    Model Analysis of the Methods to Decrease Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions during Fuming- and Waelz-Processes Performed for Zinc-Bearing Middlings
    Viktor Shumskiy1; Natalya Kulenova2;
    1VNIITSVETMET, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan; 2EAST KAZAKHSTAN STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan;

    The objective of the work was a model analysis of possible methods to decrease the consumption of carbon energy resources and associated emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere during fuming and Waelz processing of zinc-bearing middlings. The METSIM models of fuming process for zinc slag from lead smelting and Waelz process for the charge, based on zinc residues of electro-lytic zinc operation, were developed by the authors and used for this analysis. Adaptation of models to the data of industrial processes made it possible to use them for the analysis of options to decrease energy consumption and CO2 emission with changes in operating parameters of the studied processes. According to the model analysis, carbon consumption and CO2 emissions into the atmosphere during zinc slag fuming can be decreased when the blast is heated and the O2/C ratio is decreased, while oxygen enrichment of the blast is inefficient. During the Waelz pro-cessing of charge, based on zinc residues, the highest estimated effect in carbon energy resources saving is achieved by the use of additional oxygen blasting and heated air blasting with associat-ed decrease in air suction into the kiln from the atmosphere. Thus, the model analysis made it possible to compare and optimize various options to decrease the consumption of carbon energy resources and CO2 emission into the atmosphere during processing of zinc-bearing middlings.

    Model analysis; Fuming; Waelz process; Zinc-bearing middlings; Carbon energy resources; CO2 emission

    [1] Beketov V.E. et al. The Kyoto Protocol as the first step towards solving the problem of global
    warming. Kommunal'noe khozyaistvo gorodov. 2008. No. 81, pp. 111–120 (Russian original)
    [2] Belousov V.N., Smorodin S.N., Lakomkin V.Yu. Energy saving and greenhouse gas
    emissions (СО2). SPb.: St. Petersburg State Technological University of Plant Polymers, 2014
    (Russian original)
    [3] Kulenova N. et al. Modeling of the materials burning processes in the rotating tube furnaces //
    International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (IJTRD). ICAST. 2017, pp. 97-99.
    (Russian original)
    [4] Shumskiy V.A. et al. Investigation of the possibility of carbon dioxide reduction by Waelz
    processing of oxidized zinc-containing material. Izvestiya Vuzov. Tsvetnaya Metallurgiya
    (Universitiesʹ Proceedings. Nonferrous Metallurgy), 2019, No.2, pp.65-74. (Russian original)
    [5] Choi C.Y., Lee Y.H. Treatment of Zinc Residues by Ausmelt Technology at Onsan Zinc
    Refinery. Proceedings of the REWAS’99 - Global Symposium on Recycling Waste Treatment
    and Clean Technology. - San Sebastian, Spain, 1999, 2: pp. 1613-1622.
    [6] Creedy S. et al. Sustainable Treatment of Zinc Containing Secondary Materials Using
    OUTOTEC® AUSMELT Technology. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Nonferrous
    Minerals & Metals - 2014. - Nagpur, India, 2014, Ed. by Dr. Abhilash et al., Int - 1/1-9.
    [7] Okunev A.I., Kostyanovskiy I.A., Donchenko P.A. Fuming of slags: (Theory and practice). -
    Moscow: Metallurgy, 1966. - 259 p. (Russian original)
    [8] Abdeev M.A., Kolesnikov A.V., Ushakov N.N. Waelz processing of zinc-lead-containing
    materials. Moscow: Metallurgiya, 1985. - 120 p. (Russian original)
    [9] Kozlov P. A. Waelz process. Moscow: Ruda i metally, 2002. - 175 p. (Russian original)
    [10] Hunt A.G., Grimsey E.J., Gray N.B. Simulation of the Kalgoorlie nickel smelter flowsheet
    using METSIM: Proceedings of the 5th Extractive Metallurgy Conference. AusIMM. 1991, pp.
    [11] Gray J.M. Development of a METSIM Model of a Zinc Plant Circuit / J.M. Gray, D.J.
    Palmer // CHEMECA 91 Conference. - Newcastle, Australia, 18-20 September 1991, pp.359-366.
    [12] Walker M.J. KIVCET smelter on-stream at Trail. Mining Journal. 1998. Vol. 178, No. 4,
    pp. 256-263.
    [13] Chamveha P. et al. Performance analysis of a smelting reactor for copper production
    process. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2009, Vol. 48, Iss.3, pp.1120-1125.
    [14] Tripathi N. et al. Advanced Metallurgical Modeling of Ni-Cu Smelting at the Xstrata Nickel
    Sudbury Smelter, TMS Annual Meeting, 2009, p. 251.
    [15] Zhao Qiuyue et al. Application of Process Simulation Software METSIM in Metallurgy.
    TELKOMNIKA, Vol.10, No.8, December 2012, pp. 2202-2208.
    [16] Bartlett J., Holtzapple A., Rempel C. A Brief Overview of the Process Modeling /
    Simulation and Design Capabilities of Metsim. Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and
    Petroleum, Jan 1, 2014. URL: http://www.onemine.org/ document/ abstract.cfm?docid=220516&title
    (reference date 06.06.2019).
    [17] Shukla A.K. Thermodynamics-Based Modeling of Iron- and Steelmaking Processes Using
    Flow Sheet-Based Approach Employing METSIM. Transactions of the Indian Institute of
    Metals, March 2019, Vol. 72, Iss. 3, pp. 767-775.
    [18] Gaurav G., Khanam Sh. Different processes of Sponge Iron production - A Review. -
    Proceedings of the ACE 2013 - International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering, IIT
    Roorkee, India, February 22-24, 2013. - URL: https:// www.researchgate.net/profile/Gajendra
    _Gaurav/publication/260265389_Different_ processes_of_Sponge_Iron_production_-_A_Review/
    (reference date 25.04. 2019).
    [19] Pimenov P.I., Mikhaylov V.I. Treatment of oxidized nickel ores. - Moscow: Metallurgy, 1972. -
    336 p. (Russian original)
    [20] Gerasimov S.G. et al. Thermal engineering reference book. Moscow-Leningrad:
    Gosenergoizdat, 1957. Vol. 1 (Russian original).

    [Solid and liquid wastes from industrial processes: Innovations in material recovery and environmental protection]
    Non-ferrous and Ferrous Dust Processing by Waelz Process
    Pavel Kozlov1; Leontyev Leopold Igoryevich2; Dyubanov Valeriy Grigorievich3;
    1UMMC-HOLDING, Moscow, Russian Federation; 2RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, Moscow, Russian Federation; 3BAYKOV METALLURGY & MATERIALS INSTITUTE, Moscow, Russian Federation;

    Gas cleaning dusts, forming in ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, have a high content of zinc, lead, copper and other components. These metals may be extracted from steel electrosmelting dust and copper smelting dust for matte into the intermediate products for their production. In the Russian Federation (RF), steel electrosmelting dusts, containing 30% or more of zinc [1], began to be recycled only in recent years [2]. Millions of such dusts disposal tonnes have been accumulated. Copper smelting dust for matte contains 10-25% of zinc and 10-30% of lead that makes it perspective for non-ferrous metals recovery [3]. The technological flowsheets of metallurgical dusts processing of steel and copper production are given in this work at the conditions of Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant, PJSC. The main flowsheet with intermediate products obtaining for zinc, lead and iron production, as well as an auxiliary flowsheet with zinc powder and lead fumes production are presented for steel electrosmelting dust. Both flowsheets are presented for coper smelting dust: a functional flowsheet with two pyrometallurgical stages with intermediate products obtaining for zinc, lead, tin and copper production and a developed flowsheet with one pyrometallurgical stage. The valuable components extraction from wastes of steel and copper production contributes to increase the economic and ecological efficiency of production in the nonferrous-metals industry by means of raw materials economy and implication in recycling of resulting and non-utilizable wastes.

    Dust; Ferrous; Industry; Material; Metal; Recycling; Smelting; Wastes;

    [1] Yakornov S.A., Panshin A.M., Kozlov P.A., Ivakin D.A. Current state of electrical arc furnace dusts processing in Russia and abroad // Tsvetnye Metally. - 2017. - No. 4.-P. 23-29.
    [2] Stefanova A., Aromaa J. Stefanova A., Aromaa J. Alkaline leaching of iron and steelmaking dust. Helsinki: Aalto University, School of Chemical Technology, 2012. 72 p.
    [3] Grudinsky P. I., Kozlov P.A., Dyubanov V.G. Copper smelter dust as promising material for recovery of non-ferrous metals by the Waelz process // Perspektivnye materialy. 2018. No 12. P. 74-81. (In Russian)

    Optimization of a Leaching Process for Pulverized Metal-Containing Residues
    Eva Gerold1; Stefan Luidold2;

    The selective recovery of valuable metals from metal-containing residues not only conserves the primary resources, but also improves the availability of raw materials. First and foremost, the focus must be kept on previously unrecycled wastes as these have been removed from the circular resource flow.
    The recycling of used batteries effects not only the treatment of hazardous waste, but also the recovery of valuable elements used in this field. On the commonly used pyrometallurgical route, mostly only the main metals are recovered. The application of hydrometallurgy remedies this problem and is mentioned in various research papers [1]. This process route gives the possibility of recycling for materials such as rare earths, cobalt and nickel which are often slagged in the pyrometallurgical process [2]. The recycling of metal-containing residues from the battery sector by hydrometallurgical means offers a wide range of possibilities. It is assumed that many different residues, as well as nickel-cadmium or nickel-metal hydride batteries and lithium-ion batteries can be recycled. Recycling processes for these metal-containing residues are divided in chemical processes (leaching, selective precipitation, solvent extraction) and mechanical and/or thermal processes [2,3].
    The optimization of leaching parameters in the field of recycling of metal-containing residues represents a complex topic in the literature. In addition to the selection of an appropriate leaching medium, the variation of different leaching parameters such as temperature, time, solid-liquid ratio and concentration of the leaching medium have to be investigated in order to obtain the best possible result. Efficient leaching can only occur if there is an optimized process window with upper and lower limits for the respective parameters [4]. For experimental design and evaluation, a statistical software for design of experiments based on a fully factorial model serves for the interpretation of the process area [5].

    Chemical; Electrolytes; Non-Ferrous; Oxides; Recycling; Thermodynamics; Waste;

    [1] Ordonez, J., Gago, E. J., Girard, A. (2016). Processes and technologies for the recycling and recovery of spent lithium-ion batteries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 60, 195-205.
    [2] Kaindl, M., Luidold, S., Poscher, A. (2012). Recycling von Seltene Erden aus Nickel-Metallhydrid-Akkumulatoren unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung von Saeurerueckgewinnung. Berg Huettenmaenn Monatsh 157/1, 20-26.
    [3] Xu, J., Thomas, H. R., Francis, R. W., Lum, K. R., Wang, J., Liang, B. (2008). A review of processes and technologies for the recycling of lithium-ion secondary batteries. Journal of Power Sources 177/2, 512-527.
    [4] Takacova, Z., Dzuro, V., Havlik, T. (2017). Cobalt precipitation from Leachate Originated from Leaching of Spent Li-ion Batteries Active Mass-Characterization of Inputs, Intermediates and Outputs. World of Metallurgy - ERZMETALL 70/6, 336-343.
    [5] Mantuano, D. P., Dorella, G., Elias, R. C. A., Mansur, M. B. (2006). Analysis of a hydrometallurgical route to recover base metals from spent rechargeable batteries by liquida-liquid extraction with Cyanex 272. Journal of Power Sources 159/2, 1510-1518.

    [Solid and liquid wastes from industrial processes: Innovations in material recovery and environmental protection]
    Potential of briquetting in sustainable recycling of residues in steel industry
    Elsayed Mousa1;
    1SWERIM AB, Luleå, Sweden;

    Iron and steel making is accompanied by generations of various types of by-products and waste materials which usually need some pre-treatment to be usable [1]. The resource efficiency, environmental, and economic benefits are vital keys to motivate the re-circulation of steel mill residues and recovery of their associated minerals as far as possible to save the virgin resources and reduce material sent to landfills. Nowadays, the steel industry pays more attention to adopt a circular economy model to reach zero waste through reuse and recycling of all by-products. In this context, briquetting can play an important role in residues re-circulation in the steel industry and circular economy [2-5]. The developed briquettes should have adequate chemical composition and mechanical strength to be suitable for usage in iron and steel production units [6, 7]. In the present study, the residues rich with lime and metallic iron are selected for developing briquettes suitable for basic oxygen furnace (BOF) implementation. The briquetting is performed with binders which have low sulfur content to enhance the recycling efficiency. Various recipes are designed and produced using lab scale hydraulic press and pilot scale roller press. The mechanical strength of the developed briquettes is evaluated using cold compression strength device and drop test. The potential of the developed briquettes on saving lime and scrap will be addressed. The gained knowledge can contribute to the enhancement of residues re-circulation in other metallurgical sectors.

    Converter; Industry; Iron; Recycling; Scrap; Sustainability; Wastes;

    [1] Fact Sheet- Steel Industry by-products; https://www.worldsteel.org/en/dam/jcr:1b916a6d-06fd-4e84-b35d-c1d911d18df4/Fact_By-products_2016.pdf; [accessed on 18 January 2018].
    [2] L. Sundqvist, K.O. Jonsson, H.O. Lampinen, L.E. Eriksson: Committee on Raw Materials-Seminar, Proc. International Iron and Steel Institute (IISI), (1999), Brussels.
    [3] K. Kundvist, M. Braimming, J. Riesbeck, A. Wedholm: New methods for waste minimization in an integrated steel site; Chem. Eng. Trans. (2015), No. 45, 739-44.
    [4] S. Maneesh: Studies on the cement bonded-briquettes of iron and steel plant by-products as burden material for blast furnaces (2002) PhD thesis, Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering/Process Metallurgy, Luleå University of Technology. ISRN: LTU-DT-02/50-SE.
    [5] A. Andersson, M. Andersson, E. Mousa, A. Kullerstedt, H. Ahmed, B. Bjairkman, L. Sundqvist-Aikvist: The potential of recycling the high-zinc fraction of upgraded BF sludge to the desulfurization plant and basic oxygen furnace; Metals (2018), No. 8, 1-13.
    [6] C. Coenraets, J. Banchet: Binder-free compaction: a new technology to enhance efficient recycling of by-products, 8th European Oxygen Steelmaking Conference, 10-12 October 2018, Taranto, Italy.
    [7] E.A. Mousa, H.M. Ahmed, C. Wang: Novel approach towards biomass lignin utilization in ironmaking blast furnace; ISIJ Int. 57 (2017), No. 10, 788-1796.

    [Solid and liquid wastes from industrial processes: Innovations in material recovery and environmental protection]
    Research and Development of Hydrometallurgical Processing Stage in Copper Industry Wastes'Recycling Technology with Tin Recovery into Tin Concentrate
    Viktor Shumskiy1; Pavel Kozlov2; A. Panshin3; Dmitriy Ivakin4;
    1VNIITSVETMET, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan; 2UMMC-HOLDING, Moscow, Russian Federation; 3LLC "UMMC-HOLDING", Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Russian Federation; 4CHELYABINSK ZINC PLANT, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation;

    The Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant developed the technology of processing of zinc-, lead- and tin-containing copper industry dusts, including the following stages:
    -Pyrometallurgical stage: calcinations with addition of sulphidizer, flux and reducing agent to the product, where lead is removed from the product with transfer in processed sublimates, while zinc and tin stay in cinders;
    - Hydrometallurgical stage: high-temperature leaching of cinder, where zinc, iron, copper, etc. are extracted in solution during the obtainment of tin-concentrating solid residue.
    Here we consider the hydrometallurgical stage of obtaining of tin-containing concentrate from cinder with low content of lead (less than 1%).
    Here is shown the low extraction of zinc in solution and absence of selective separation of tin and lead with acid sulfuric-acid dust leaching without application of the pyrometallurgical stage.
    There-stage leaching (similar to the technology of hydrometallurgical processing of Waelz-oxides, existing in Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant) and one-stage high-temperature leaching were researched for obtaining cinder. Three-stage product leaching is low-efficient, because it requires a lot of equipment and does not provide the required concentration of tin in solid residue.
    About 98% of zinc contained in cinder, and more than 95% or copper and iron is transferred in solution during the high-temperature product leaching by waste zinc electrolytes with addition of sulfuric acid (t= 80-90°C, concentration of H2/SO4 is 160-170g/dm3). The obtained solution is required for application in the technological cycle of the zinc plant. Solid residue contains 14-21% of tin, which allows its use at tin enterprises.

    Concentrating; Hydrometallurgical; Recycling; Technology; Wastes; Zinc;

    [1] Kozlov P.A., Mastering of processes of recycling of anthropogenic wastes of non-ferrous metallurgy. Izvestiya vuzov. Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals. 2014. No. 2. pp. 45-52.
    [2] Panshin A.M., Shakirzyanov R.M., Zatonskiy A.V., Kozlov P.A., Ivakin D.A., Processing of dusts of bag collectors formed during production of secondary copper, containing zinc, lead and tin. Proceedings of congress with international participation and elements of young scientists'school "Fundamental researches and applied developments of processes of utilization and processing anthropogenic formations". Yekaterinburg: Ural Department of Russian Academy of Science, 2014. 522 p.
    [3] Syroeshkin M.E., Yumakaev Sh.I. Processing of Waelz-oxides, slag sublimates and lead dusts on lead-zinc plants. Moscow: Metallurgy, 1971. 88 p.

    [Solid and liquid wastes from industrial processes: Innovations in material recovery and environmental protection]
    Rotary Kiln Dust As A Raw Material For Production Of The Magnesium Sulphate In MIM - GOLESHI
    Shefik Imeri1; Florian Kongoli2;
    1MIM-GOLESH, Prishtina, Kosovo; 2FLOGEN TECHNOLOGIES INC., Mont-Royal, Canada;

    The rotary kiln process that produces magnesite sinter creates a considerable amount of dust that contains up to 96% MgO [1]. Usually the quantity of the produced dust is 16% of the quantity of the magnesite concentrate charged in the Rotary Kiln. Up to now, about 90% of the dust is recycled with the feed of the Rotary Kiln, while about 10% of this quantity is lost with the gas.
    The quantity of the dust recycled creates various problems in the Rotary Kiln such as process disturbances, creation of accretions that decrease the active volume, and decreases in the productivity of magnesite sinter.
    Another alternative is to stop dust recycling in the Rotary Kiln and use it as a raw material to produce magnesium sulphate in a separate unit after the dedusting chamber.
    Eliminating dust recycling in the Rotary Kiln will improve the stability and efficiency of the process, increase the production rate since new magnesite concentrate will be charged in the feed instead of the dust, and significantly decrease the production cost of the magnesite sinter. The magnesium sulphate produced in this way will also constitute a new marketable product that will increase the profit of the company.
    In this paper, the production of magnesium sulphate using the magnesite sinter Rotary Kiln dust as a raw material will be studied and evaluated and the best production technology will be suggested while, in a subsequent publication, a description of the project on building and commissioning of magnesium sulphate production unit and its process will be described.

    Dust; Leaching; Optimization;

    [ 1 ]. Upustvo za rukovanje postrojenjem za pecenje magnezita sa kapacitetom od 150t/dan. Magnohrom, rudnik nmagnezita Goles, I sveska sa prilozima, Budimpesta, maja 1972, M4 - 02012,

    [Solid and liquid wastes from industrial processes: Innovations in material recovery and environmental protection]
    Selective Vaporization of Indium and Silver from an Iron Precipitation Sludge via a Reductive Chlorination Process
    Stefan Steinlechner1;

    Technologies are getting more complex each day and with that the metals and alloys utilized are getting more specialized and unique in their composition. This in turn leads to an increase in the importance of the so-called high-tech metals [1]. Many such valuable elements are only produced as a by-product of another carrier metal in the absence of the specific minerals mined for their primary production. These minor, rare, valuable or special metals, however those technologically important hitchhikers are labelled, gained their importance in the last few decades [2]. As a result, they recently caught the attention of the recycling industry and as a consequence, industrial residues were landfilled for decades and by-products, as well as intermediate process streams, are still generated today without extracting these elements. A striking example of this is the iron precipitation "jarosite residue" from the hydrometallurgical zinc industry, which is the investigated material described in this paper.
    As a result of low zinc and lead contents, a targeted economic recycling of this material also has to take into account the present minor elements, such as indium and silver. In this context, a pyrometallurgical process is investigated which recovers zinc, indium and silver simultaneously as a dust product and the iron, as an alloy. The technology investigated is a reductive vaporization step, exploiting the selective formation of volatile compounds especially of Indium and Silver by the addition of a chlorine carrier [3]. Therefore, the paper summarizes the fundamentals, such as morphology of jarosite and required pre-treatment of the material, to allow the formation of volatile indium- and silver-compounds.


    [1] Paschen P.: Heavy nonferrous metals in world economy over the last 50 years. World of Metallurgy - ERZMETALL, 60 (2007), 263-272.
    [2] Reuter M.: Metal recycling. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya (2013).
    [3] Steinlechner S. and Antrekowitsch J.: Thermodynamic considerations for a pyrometallurgical extraction of indium and silver from a jarosite residue. Metals, 8 (2018) online Proceedings.

    [Solid and liquid wastes from industrial processes: Innovations in material recovery and environmental protection]
    Simultaneous Synthesis And Characterization of Anhydrite and LimeGyp From Nonmetallic LD Slag Fines By a Zero Discharge Hydro-metallurgical Process
    Shrenivas Ashrit1; Ravikrishna Chatti1; Supriya Sarkar1;

    The present study describes a zero discharge hydrometallurgical process for value addition of non-metallic LD Slag fines to multiple products of industrial importance. The process involves the quantitative separation and conversion of calcium along with some key nutrient elements which are part of LD Slag fines. This includes magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and manganese, which are used to form a new chemical compound viz Limegyp (Registered trade mark product) which finds application in the field of agriculture as a multi-nutrient soil conditioner. At the same time, the authors have also converted calcium into an insoluble anhydrite containing silica. The significance of the process lies in producing two types of products at the same time. One of the advantages of the process is that there is no generation of any type of gas or liquid pollutants. Hence it is strictly a zero discharge process which has enormous significance in the current global scenario. Another advantage of the process is that it reduces the recycling of LD Slag fines into iron making, thus limiting the entry of elements like phosphorus, alumina etc., in the steel making process. This innovative process is applied for patent vide Indian patent application No: P||1077||4||2019[1]. The present study further describes chemical and mineralogical characterization by different techniques such as ICP-OES Analysis, XRD, FTIR and Raman study.

    Acid; Calcium; Hydrometallurgical; Industry; Slags; Sustainability; Wastes;

    [1] World Steel Association report, World Steel in Figures, 2017 (Available from:
    [2] National Steel Policy report, 2017 published in The Gazette of India: Extraordinary,
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    [3] Gahan, C., Cunha, M., Sandstrom, A., 2009. Comparative study on different steel slags as
    neutralizing agent in bioleaching.In: Hydrometallurgy. Volume 95, 190–197.
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    Metalurgia Madrid.Volume 42, 409–416.
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    2010. Acid bioleaching of solid waste materials from copper, steel and recycling industries.
    In: Hydrometallurgy.Volume 103, 74–79.
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    Characterization of Waste Recycling Plant (WRP) reject fines by X-ray Diffraction. In:
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    Chemical and mineralogical characterizations of LD converter steel slags: A multi-analytical
    techniques approach. In: Material Characterisation, Volume 61, 39 – 48.
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    steel slag. In: Procedia Environmental Sciences. Volume 16, 791 – 801
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    sequestration by carbonation of steelmaking slags in an autoclave reactor. In: Journal of
    Hazardous Materials.Volume 195, 107-114.
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    Characterization of Gypsum Synthesized from LD Slag fines generated at Waste Recycling
    Plant of a Steel Plant. In: New Journal of Chemistry. Volume 39, 4128-4134
    [12] Ashrit S., Banerjee P.K., Chatti R.V., Venugopal R and Udayabhanu G. Nair, 2015.
    Characterization of Yellow Gypsum Synthesized from LD Slag fines generated at Waste
    Recycling Plant of a Steel Plant. In: Current Science. Volume 109, 727-732
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    American Mineralogist. Volume 52, 171 – 200.
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    Hundáková, M.2011. Composition of gypsum from the Kobeřice quarry (Czech Republic).
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    [23] Lucia Fernández-Carrasco, D. Torrens-Martín, L.M. Morales and Sagrario MartínezRamírez
    (2012). Infrared Spectroscopy in the Analysis of Building and Construction Materials,
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    spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. In: Journal of Materials Chemistry, Volume 16, 1263.

    [Solid and liquid wastes from industrial processes: Innovations in material recovery and environmental protection]
    Skull Formation in Fluid-Bed Furnaces during Fine Sulphide Zinc Concentrates' Calcination
    Pavel Kozlov1; Vladimir Terentev2;
    1UMMC-HOLDING, Moscow, Russian Federation; 2CHELYABINSK ZINC PLANT, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation;

    Provision of a stable and regulated process is an urgent task during the processing of sulphide zinc concentrates with different chemical and particle size composition in fluid-bed furnaces. This problem is solved by choosing temperature conditions of roasting, and calculation of the charge composition as a mixture of various zinc concentrates.
    The current trend in the change of zinc concentrates’ grain-size composition (average particle size decrease) and the increase of impurities of iron, lead, copper, and silica contained in them determines the necessity of the studies on the concentrates sintering ability during calcination, which is undesirable for the process in fluid-bed furnace.
    The article considers the effect of particle size composition on the probability of agglomerative sinter formation during calcination and the effect of impurities in the concentrates on the strength of the received sinters. The threshold particle size of the concentrates (100 µm) was defined. If the threshold particle is less than 100 µm, then agglomerative sinter is formed in the process of roasting. In the roasting process of different concentrates with fixed values of particle size, temperature and time agglomerative sinters with different mechanical strength were obtained. Dependence of the sinter strength on the iron content in the concentrate from 20 kPa at 1.43 % Fe to 540 kPa at 14.85% Fe was determined.
    Changes were made in the process of calculation and charge preparation for calcination in fluidized bed furnaces. Changes were also applied to the furnace design on the basis of current and previous researches. These changes made the prevention of adverse effects of the foregoing factors possible and ensured stable technology management.

    Concentrating; Material; Smelting; Sustainability; Technology;

    [1] Klyayn S.E., Kozlov P.A., Naboychenko S.S., Zinc extraction from ore raw materials. Yekaterinburg: Ural State Technical University -Ural Polytechnic Institute, 2009. 491 p.
    [2] Constantineau J.P., Bouffard S.C., Grace J.R., Richards G.G., Lim C.J., Demonstration of the conditions conductive to agglomeration of zinc calcine in fluidized bed roasters. Minerals Engineering.2011. Vol. 24. pp. 1409-1420.
    [3] Abramovskaya L.A., Saprygin V.A., Saprygin A.F., Ushakov N.N., Research of skull formation reasons during calcination of low-grade sulfide zinc concentrates in fluidized-bed furnaces. Non-ferous Metals. 2003. No. 2. pp. 29-33.

    [Solid and liquid wastes from industrial processes: Innovations in material recovery and environmental protection]
    Skull Formation in Rotary Kilns During Processing of Various Types of Oxidized Raw Materials
    Pavel Kozlov1;
    1UMMC-HOLDING, Moscow, Russian Federation;

    Formation of skulls is one of the main disadvantages of the processes carried out in rotary kilns (productivity decrease, process chemistry violation).
    Analysis of the skull formation process reveals the main causes of their growth:
    -chemical composition of charge mixture (containing slag-forming compounds: CaO, SiO2, FeO);
    -kiln rotation speed;
    -feed material quantity;
    -temperature conditions;
    -grain size composition of charge mixture.
    Setting operating conditions of rotary kiln in accordance with charge material composition makes it possible to avoid skull formation.
    At the same time it is necessary to make the skull-formation in kiln as a means of the furnace refractory protection from chemical and thermal “corrosion”.
    It is possible to solve the problem of the furnace operation without any skulls and refractory time facing more than 12 months by operating rotary kiln in variable silica ratio mode:
    - Period 1, silicate unit (C/S) – 0,4 – 0,6 (skull is not formed). Duration is 2-4 days. Skull is removed if the furnace operation is more than 4 days;
    - Period 2, silicate unit (C/S) – 1,4 – 1,6 (skull is formed). Duration is 1 day. Skull can be increased if the furnace operation is more than a day.
    Provision of operation mode requires the variable silicate module:
    - installation of thermal imager, controlling the furnace body temperature, which allows to estimate the skull thickness;
    - repeating the furnace operation with the silicate module 1,4 - 1,6.

    Industry; Material; Metal;

    [1] Kozlov P.A., Waelz-process. Moscow: "Ore and Metals" Publishing House, 2002. 176 p.
    [2] Kolesnikov A.V., Ivakin D.A., Kozlov P.A., Skull Formation in Rotary Kilns During Zinc Cake Processing. Non-ferrous Metals. 2010. No.1. pp. 25-32.
    [3] Pusko A.G., Yarygin V.I., Kolesnikov A.V., Zheludkova E.A., Reasons of skull-formation in rotary kilns. Non-ferrous Metals. 1976. No.2. pp. 32-37.

    Slag Basicity Variation at Block Smelting for the Recycling of Tantalum
    Dominik Hofer1; Stefan Luidold1; Tobias Beckmann2;

    Tantalum rich ores containing oxidic minerals like tantalite or columbite are primarily mined by artisanal and small scale practices. [1] Major sources located in countries around the African Great Lakes like Congo and Rwanda control global output with a 60 % share. [2] Direct treatment of concentrates with a Ta2O5 content higher than 25 % takes place via leaching followed by liquid-liquid extraction. Recycling, chlorination and processing of low grade residues, slags, sludges or dusts represent aspiring alternatives accounting for approximately 30 % of the tantalum world production. [3] The pyrometallurgical manufacturing of synthetic tantalum concentrate (syncon) in a multi-stage process constitutes an established procedure for various input materials. [4] Within this study, the first step (smelting and reduction) is recreated in a small scale induction furnace as well as a DC-EAF. Huge amounts of high melting slag comprising mostly Al2O3, CaO, MgO, SiO2, TiO2 and ZrO2 arise whilst Nb and Ta concentrate in the metal phase. Previous flow behaviour investigations [5] and viscosity calculations reveal low viscous slag to be crucial for good metal/slag separation at elevated CaO content. Therefore, a variation of slag basicity is tested for further process optimization and to attain technical standard regarding treatment time, tapping procedure and slag composition of < 0.2 % Ta2O5. Accumulation of value components was successfully realized and validated by SEM/EDX. Thus, yield, energy saving potential and other process adjustments for the syncon production can be investigated at the laboratory scale before upscaling to industrial quantity.

    Non-Ferrous; Processing; Recycling; Slag; Temperature;

    [1] Killiches F. et al.: Sorgfaltspflichten in den Lieferketten von Zinn, Tantal, Wolfram und Gold. DERA Deutsche Rohstoffagentur Commodity TopNews 46, 2014.
    [2] Reichl C., M. Schatz and G. Zsak: World Mining Data. Minerals Production, 2017.
    [3] Andersson K., K. Reichert and R. Wolf: Tantalum and Tantalum Compounds: Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry (2000), 1-15.
    [4] Schulenburg F., H. Rossel and U. Bartmann: Tantalrecycling: Thiel, Thome-Kozmiensky et al. (Hg) 2017 - Recycling und Rohstoffe, 137-154.
    [5] Hofer D. et al.: Influence of CaO/SiO2/Al2O3 Ratio on the Melting Behaviour of SynCon Slags. In: Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (Hg.): TMS 2019 148th Annual Meeting & Exhibition supplemental proceedings. Cham: Springer, 1139-1148.

    Structure Study of Polymeric Materials During Recycling and Additive Influence in their Characteristics
    Indrit Vozga1; Jorgaq Kacani2;
    1, Tirana, Albania; 2UNIVERSITETI POLITEKNIK TIRANE, Tirane, Albania;

    The purpose of our work was the application of instrumental and analytical methods for studying of changes that happen to plastic materials during the recycling process and the way they are affected by the additives. The research covered the studying of plastic materials microstructure, the specification of additives and the change of principal physical and mechanical properties during the recycling process.
    The plastic materials analyzed were polyethylene PE, polypropylene PP and polystyrene PS. As recycling process we used extrusion in industrial scale. For the studying of microstructure were used infrared FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy methods and scanning electronic microscopy SEM, equipped with energy distribution system EDS for the qualitative analysis of chemical elements. Moreover we used X-ray diffractometry method to study the crystalline structure and the ability to determine the additives when they contained more than 5% of the total mass. Among the physical properties determined were specific gravity, density, melt flow index MFI, viscosity and average molecular mass. Mechanical properties were determined on polymeric rods with different diameters using the tensile test in one direction. The results obtained show the structural changes and the physico-mechanical properties during the recycling process and the influence of additive on them.

    Industry; Material; Recycling; Technology;

    Study of the Capabilities of the Efficient Arsenic Removal from the Lead Dust
    Igor Startsev1; Vera Reznichenko1; Viktor Shumskiy1;
    1VNIITSVETMET, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan;

    The objective of the work was to study the capabilities of the efficiency arsenic removal from the lead dusts which are either generated by the copper smelters or removed from lead operation cycles. Arsenic removal issue is the vital problem to be solved to get the dusts involved into the processing operation [1]. According to the sources, sulphatisation of the dusts with sulphuric acid at the temperature of 300-400°С is the most efficient way to get arsenic removed. In terms of arsenic removal rate and leaching agent consumption, the sulphatisation process is more efficient method in comparison with direct sulphuric leaching [1-3]. That is, it is predetermined by the fact that lead dusts contain arsenic compounds which are hardly soluble in sulfurous solutions, but get transformed and fumed into the gas phase at the increased temperatures specific to sulphatisation process [1].
    Arsenic transition to gas phase using conventional dust sulphatisation process, however, requires both increased power consumption and installation of the complex systems to collect and utilize the fumes. That makes the sulphatisation process less environmentally friendly than direct sulphuric leaching. Besides, conventional sulphatisation process is less efficient in terms of lead, copper, and zinc recovery degrees.
    The possibility to combine advantages of both the sulphatisation process and direct sulphuric leaching of the dusts without arsenic sublimation to gas phase was studied within the paper. It was found out that high degrees of arsenic, copper, and zinc recovery to the solutions could be achieved at a decrease of the sulphatisation process temperature to 100-150°С. This provides high quality of the lead products and prevents arsenic fuming. Further, processing of the product solutions including arsenic and valuable metals recovery to final products can be performed using commonly known methods [3-4].

    Dust; Leaching; Lead; Recycling; Smelting;

    [1] N.I. Kopylov, Yu.D. Kaminsky. Arsenic. Novosibirsk (2004) 367.
    [2] S.M. Isabayev. Hydrometallurgical processing of arsenic-bearing lead dusts generated by the copper operations, Non-Ferrous Magazine (No. 8, 2017) 33-38.
    [3] Yu.F. Sergeyeva. Complex processing of fine dusts generated by the copper smelter operated by JSC "SUMZ ", Yekaterinburg (2013) 173.
    [4] A.S. Sharipova. Complex processing of lead dusts generated by copper operations followed by ammonium perrhenate and non-ferrous metals compounds production, Almaty (2009) 22.

    Sulfobacillus Thermo Sulfidooxidans Electron Uptake from Cu-Fe Based p Electron Surface-Donors Probed by Raman and FTIR Spectroscopies
    Marios Papageorgiou1; Charalampos Tselios2; Constantinos Varotsis3;

    We will present the Raman microspectroscopic detection of bornite [Cu5FeS4] -, chalcocite [Cu2S] -, and covelitte [CuS] - bacterial interactions by Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans. The absorption signals of amide I, K+-jarosite [KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6] and of the produced extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) from Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans as a function of position on the surfaces of the bioleached bornite, chalcocite and covellite demonstrated their heterogeneity within the surface of the minerals. We will present a direct contact mechanism for the bioleaching of bornite [Cu5FeS4] -, chalcocite [Cu2S] -, and covelitte [CuS]. [1-2]
    Raman data were collected by a LabRAM from HORIBA Jobin Yvon equipped with a CCD detector. It is equipped with an Olympus BX41 microscope 50x. The 441.1 nm excitation laser beam was provided by a Helium-Cadmium laser. The laser power incident on the sample was 20 mW and the accumulation time 15-20 min for each spectrum.

    We report for the first time the v(Cu-S) of bornite and chalcocite which are intermediates in the bioleaching of chalcopyrite and the bioleaching behavior of bornite, chalcocite and covellite with the bacteria Sulfobacillus thermo sulfidooxidans by Raman microspectroscopy and compare it with that previously reported for chalcopyrite. [3-4]

    Bio-Extraction; Bio-Hydrometallurgy;

    [1] Sasaki, K., Nakamuta, Y., Hirajima, T., Tuovinen, O.H. Hydrometallurgy 95 (2009) (1-2), 153-158.
    [2] Parker, G.K., Hope, G.A., Woods, R, Colloids Surfaces A Physicochem. Eng. Asp 325 (2008) (3), 132-140.
    [3] A. Adamou, G. Manos, N. Messios, L. Georgiou, C. Xydas and C. Varotsis, Bioresour, Technol. 214 (2016) 852-855.
    [4] A. Adamou, A. Nicolaides and C. Varotsis, Miner. Eng. 132 (2019) 39-47.

    [Solid and liquid wastes from industrial processes: Innovations in material recovery and environmental protection]
    Technology of Waste Water Purification with Extraction of Valuable Components and Implementation of Closed-Loop Water Circulation System
    Oxana Fatkhutdinova1; A. Panshin2; Pavel Kozlov3;
    1CHELYABINSK ZINC PLANT, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation; 2LLC "UMMC-HOLDING", Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Russian Federation; 3UMMC-HOLDING, Moscow, Russian Federation;

    This paper discusses the results of the research carried out on the pilot zinc production wastewater treatment unit. The first stage of the pilot trials is chemical treatment of wastewaters (using reagents) and their concentration on the reverse osmosis unit. Deficiency of sulphurous zinc materials shows the need to engage recycled material in processing. During the recycling process, secondary raw materials are cleaned from impurities derived by sewage. Chlorides, sulfates and sodium fluorides are the main impurities removed by sewage. Standard limestone technology of wastewater treatment doesn't allow the possibility to remove the foregoing soluble impurities from the wastewaters. Return of wastewaters to the process isn't possible due to the harmful effect of sulphates, chloride, and fluoride on the process of zinc extraction.
    Developed technology of the wastewater treatment allows use of the purified water in industrial production and directs the concentrate acquired from reverse osmosis to evaporation.
    Optimal conditions and parameters of the following processes are defined:
    - Chemical treatment of wastewater (adding reagents): рН = 11.3-11.6; residual hardness-less than 1.0 meq/l; heavy metals precipitation degree comprises 93-98.9%;
    - Ultrafiltration: transmembrane pressure - 0.6 bar, partition coefficient - 85%; filtration rate - 375 l/m2h; filtrate turbidity - 0,6 NTU;
    - Reverse osmosis: concentration of soluble salts using two-stage reverse osmosis (in the concentrate) is 2.27 mg/dm3 (at pressure on the 1st stage is 48-52 bar, on the 2nd _ 60-64 bar), total concentration of salts in the permeate is 27.4 mg/dm3

    Metal; Recycling; Technology; Wastes; Zinc;

    [1] Gvozdev V.D., Ksenofontov B.S., Purification of industrial wastewaters and utilization of sediments. Moscow: Chemistry, 1988. 111 p.
    [2] Frog B.N., Levchenko A.P., Water Preparation: tutorial for universities. Moscow: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1996. 680 p.
    [3] Technical Reference Book on Water Processing: in two volumes: translated from French. Saint Petersburg. 2007.1696 p. (in Russian).

    Turning the Extractive-Waste Problems Into a Resource-Recovery Opportunity
    Teodor Velea1; Alexandra-Georgiana Vatui2; Ionut Macarescu2; Ioana Andreea Chirea2; Mika Paajanen3; Lieven Machiels4; Carlos Frias Gomez5; Vasile Predica6; Manuel Sevilla7;

    Apart from metals, the mining and metallurgical processing of non-ferrous metals such as Cu, Pb, Zn, Au, Ag produces large volumes of waste [3]. A particular challenge is generated by waste containing residual sulphides, like pyrite, as sulphides can, upon oxidation, cause so-called acid mine drainage. This paper presents the results of experiments for advanced removal of sulphur in order to obtain near zero-waste and valuable metals products as well as other by-products [5].
    The main process applied is leaching under pressure in an alkaline media (K2CO3, Na2CO3, KOH, NaOH) using air or oxygen at low to moderate temperatures and pressure (120-155oC and 4-8 atm.) [1-2][4].
    Results show that more than 96-99% of sulphur can be removed by leaching of pyrite in one stage while from an alkaline solution (coming from pressure leaching), pure crystals of K2SO4 / Na2SO4 were obtained as valuable by-products.
    This paper is part of the NEMO project which has received funding from the European Union, EU Horizon 2020 Programme under Grant Agreement No. 776846 - https://h2020-nemo.eu/.

    Alkaline; Copper; Environmental; Non-Ferrous; Processing;

    [1] T. Velea, V. Predica, L. Gherghe, The Sixth International Copper-Cobre Conference, Toronto 2007, Symposium on Copper Hydrometallurgy, vol. 4, pg. 221-230.
    [2] T. Velea, V. Predica, L Gherghe, International Conference Copper Metallurgy, Krakow, Poland 2011.
    [3] INTMET Project no. 689515/2015-2019 financed by EU in Horizon 2020 programme.
    [4] T. Velea, V. Predica, D. Taloi, S. Onisei Proceeding of the XV Balkan Minerals Proceeding Congress, Sozopol, Bulgaria, p 12-26, 2013.
    [5] NEMO Project Horizon 2020- No. 776846, 2018-2022, funding from EU

    Using zinc cake flotation in columnar type equipment for increasing of Waelz Process Efficiency
    A. Panshin1; Pavel Kozlov2; Mark Viduetskiy3;
    1LLC "UMMC-HOLDING", Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Russian Federation; 2UMMC-HOLDING, Moscow, Russian Federation; 3INSTITUTE OF OF MATERIAL SCIENCE AND METALLURGY, URAL FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation;

    The Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant carried out the pilot tests of flotation technology removal of sulfur from zinc cake on pilot pneumatic flotation machine CFM-180. A key principle of the operation of pneumatic machines CFM is pulp oxygenation with finely dispersed air bubbles in the ejector, which reduces flotation time and increases its selectivity.
    Technological schemes of testing include basic flotation of original cake, control flotation of the chamber product, and two cleaner flotations of froth product.
    In comparison with mechanical flotation machine, the following indicators increase during flotation of cake on CFM:
    - Initial feed performance (by 4 times);
    - Sulfur recovery into flotation concentrate (by 1.4 times);
    - Silver recovery into flotation concentrate (by 1.2 times).
    The washed chamber product (0.06% of sulfide sulfur and 2.98% of sulphate sulfur) and foam product (18.1% of sulfide sulfur) were obtained during testing. The results of laboratory studies of the processing of the flotation products are presented.
    The flotation and zinc cake washing can reduce zinc cake output by 20-25%, which allows increase of the processing volumes of oxidized imported raw materials by the Waelz-process. Processing of chamber flotation product (zinc cake with low sulfur content) by the Waelz-process can improve the Waelz kiln performance and reduce the coke breeze consumption.
    Foam product can be used as a sulfurizing additive under independent processing of copper plant dust with zinc, lead, and tin extraction into fumes.
    On the basis of the carried out tests, the project of the processing site of zinc cakes by flotation on the basis of industrial machines CFM-600 and CFM -1400 has been realized.

    Material; Metal; Recycling; Smelting; Technology; Wastes;

    [1] Kozlov P.A., Kazanbaev L.A., Ivakin D.A. et al., Forecast calculation of yield of zinc, copper and cobalt cakes. Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals. 2006.No.4.pp.6-13.
    [2] Kozlov P.A., Waelz-process. Moscow: "Ore and Metals" Publishing House, 2002.
    [3] Panshin A.M., Kozlov P.A., Ivakin D.A., Research of thermaltechnical peculiarities of operation of pipe furnaces with Waelz-processing of metallurgy wastes., Non-Ferrous Metals. 2013. No.8, pp. 48-50.

    [Solid and liquid wastes from industrial processes: Innovations in material recovery and environmental protection]
    Valuable Products from Natural Polymer Waste
    Karel Kolomaznik1; Michaela Barinova2; Jiri Pecha1; Milan Adamek1;

    Natural polymers as products of animal and plant organisms play an irreplaceable role in the life of human society. The main natural polymer raw materials are cellulose, starch, chitin and proteins, which are mainly processed by the food, textile, leather, wood-processing and paper industries. Industrial processing of natural polymers, besides valuable final products, also generates large quantities of by-products, i.e. waste of different composition and quality. Our contribution deals particularly with protein waste (predominantly collagen and keratin) generated by the leather, textile and meat industries. Leather industry is one of major producers of solid protein waste, which often contains also potentially hazardous chemicals. In spite of numerous technological solutions described in the literature for collagen-based wastes, huge amounts of this waste are still left unutilized [1] and its sustainable valorization remains challenging not only from the technological point of view, but also from the viewpoint of commercial application of the products. Common utilization of the products as animal feed or fertilizers may not satisfy the increasing market demand for advanced products, or can be limited due to hygienic regulations related to certain animal by-products; therefore, it is necessary to shift research efforts in protein waste processing towards protein-based products with higher utility value [2] and potential applications in other industries. This also applies to waste keratin (wool, hair, feather...), the unique structure of which makes it difficult to process and to find a feasible and efficient technology of its treatment [3].
    We present several successful technological procedures for the processing of protein-based waste generated mainly by the leather, textile and meat industries, from laboratory experiments to scale-up from the laboratory to pilot scale and industrial production using mathematical-physical models verified by laboratory measurements. The procedures specifically include: 1) Processing of potentially hazardous chrome shavings from tanneries; 2) Technology of complete processing of green fleshings, another problematic primary waste from tanneries, into biodiesel and protein hydrolysate; 3) Hybrid technology applied to manipulation waste from footwear production; 4) Processing of protein waste generated during production of collagen casings for the meat industry; 5) Innovative method for the treatment of resistant keratin-based waste from textile and food industries.
    The processing technologies are based on hydrolysis of the feedstock carried out in an acidic or alkaline environment. Reactions in an alkaline environment are usually catalyzed by proteolytic enzymes. We also present most recent progress in selected technologies, applications of hydrolysis products in agriculture including eco-farming, and discuss their potential as auxiliary agents in the construction, plastic and rubber industries.

    Optimization; Recycling; Technology; Wastes;

    [1] Umme Habiba Bodrun Naher, MD. Rashidul Islam, MD. Abu Sayid Mia, MD. Farhad Ali, IJSETR 7 (2018) 837-841.
    [2] M.B.A. Kumar, Y. Gao, W. Shen et al., Front. Chem. Sci. Eng. 9 (2015), 295-307.
    [3] C.R. Holkar, S.S. Jain, A.J. Jadhav, D.V. Pinjari, Process. Saf. Environ. 115 (2018) 85-98.