25-28 August 2013, Hyatt Regency Mission Bay Spa & Marina, San Diego, California, USA
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Paper Preparation


Please, prepare an electronic version of your paper, of a maximum length of 6 pages, according to the following Style and Format.

For Authors using Microsoft Word the compressed file is available containing the following files:

  • The ifaconf.doc file, which can be used as a template for IFAC paper files
  • The ifaconf_sample_office PDF file

More details, instructions and template files for IFAC papers can be found here.

For Authors using LaTeX file: Click here. The package for IFAC papers consists of the following files:

  • The ifacconf.cls class style file for papers
  • The ifacconf.tex sample paper file
  • Some auxiliary files

Other than the sample file, there is no specific instruction on how to use the ifacconf.cls document class. Moreover, several requirements on the pdf files and the style of the manuscript are imposed. Briefly,

  • PDF version 1.4 or less
  • All fonts must be embedded in the file. Subsetting fonts is recommended
  • Bitmap (type 3) fonts are not allowed
  • Fonts that require non-English language support (e.g. CJK fonts) are not allowed
  • The file must contain searchable code. Scanned files are not acceptable
  • The document must not have any password protection
  • The document must not have any links or bookmarks
  • The number of pages and the file size must satisfy the conference requirements: 6 pages, 2 MB


All the paper submissions should be carried out through the official conference manuscript management system by use of the link "Submit a contribution to MMM2013".

Please take into account the available option of automatic PDF Conversion: If you are preparing your file using MS-Word or LaTeX, the system can convert your file to Xplore PDF compliant file automatically. At the point when you are asked to upload your file, instead of already created PDF file, you can

  • MS-Word: Upload your MS-Word file in the required form, the PDF file will be created for you. Please inspect the file and if margins are within prescribed gray background, you can simply click on Submit button to deposit your file. Make sure that the path to your MS-Word file or its name does not contain non-ASCII characters.
  • LaTeX1: Upload your LaTeX source file together will all images, style files in a SINGLE zip archive. The main LaTeX file must be called root.tex. Make sure that the path to your zip file or its name does not contain non-ASCII characters.

1 Documents prepared using "Scientific Workplace" or "Scientific Word" are not supported.

Templates for MS-Word as well as LaTeX can be downloaded from IFAC website here.


Papers submitted to a special session, are those that focus on the topics of an announced special session (authors auto decide). For a submission of this type, please use the "invited paper" option in the submission system, and the code of the corresponding Session (here ).

Regular papers and those submitted to special session are considered in the same manner during the peer review process which is independent from the organizers of the sessions.

Indeed, the special sessions are organized to enhance some particulars topics. These sessions are open to any participant (not limited to only those already invited by the session chairman).


Before the final paper submission, at least one of the paper authors is to be registered with the full or student (if applicable) registration fee. The full registration fee enables upload of any number of papers of the registered author, while the student registration fee enables upload of one paper of the author registered as a student.


Copyright of material presented at an IFAC meeting is held by IFAC. Authors will be required to transfer copyright electronically and/or in hard copy. The IFAC Journals and, after these, IFAC affiliated journals have priority access to all contributions presented. However, if the author is not contacted by an editor of these journals, within three months after the meeting, he/she is free to submit an expanded version of the presented material for journal publication elsewhere. In this case, the paper must carry a reference to the IFAC meeting where it was originally presented and, if the paper has appeared on the website, also a reference to this publication.

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