In Honor of Nobel Laureate Dr. Avram Hershko
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SIPS 2024 takes place from October 20 - 24, 2024 at the Out of the Blue Resort in Crete, Greece

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More than 540 abstracts submitted from over 50 countries

Featuring many Nobel Laureates and other Distinguished Guests


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Oral Presentations

8th Intl Symposium on New & Advanced Materials and Technologies for Energy, Environment, Health and Sustainable Development
Tue. 22 Oct. 2024 / Room: Ariadni B
Session Chairs: Sanjeev Khanna; Andriani Manataki; Student Monitors: TBA

14:25: [AdvancedMaterialsTuePM205] OS
Tetiana Prikhna1; Viktoriya Podhurska2; Viktoriia Shtefan3; Orest Ostash4; Myroslav Karpets1; Vladimir Sverdun5; Fernand D. S. Marquis6; Semyon Ponomaryov7; Tetiana Serbeniuk1; Alexander Kuprin8
1V. Bakul Institute NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine; 2Physico-Mechanical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine; 3Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden, Dresden, Germany; 4Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine; 5Institute for Superhard Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine; 6United Nano Technologies (UNT) & Integrated Materials Technologies and Systems (IMTS), Seaside, United States; 7Institute of Semiconductor Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU), Kyiv, Ukraine; 8National Science Center Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkov, Ukraine
Paper ID: 409 [Abstract]

Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells (MCFCs) are a relatively recent development in fuel cell technology, with applications ranging from small to large scale power generation systems. The interconnect is the part of the MCFC to which the anode and cathode are attached and through which the electrical current generated by the cell is conducted. Therefore, the interconnect must not only be mechanically strong and resistant to oxygen and hydrogen, but also maintain high electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance (including on the surface of the interconnect) at high temperatures (550...650°C) for long periods.

Interconnections (0.3-0.5 mm thick) made of stainless steel (which contains 16-18% Cr and has a high density γ ~ 8 g/cm3) lose surface electrical conductivity due to oxidation. MAX phases Ti2AlC3 and Ti2AlC have two times lower density (γ ~ 4.1 - 4.3 g/cm3) than stainless steel, are stable in oxygen and hydrogen atmosphere at high temperature, and have high electrical conductivity. Therefore, the MAX phase based coatings are potentially promising for this application. OT4-1 titanium alloy substrates with protective coatings are being developed for use as interconnects for MCFCs to replace 316L stainless steel.

Ti-Al-C, (Ti,Mo)-Al-C and (Ti,Cr)-Al-C coatings were deposited on OT4-1 alloy substrates by hybrid magnetron sputtering and cathodic arc evaporation. For magnetron sputtering, a MAX phase (Ti2AlC - 63 wt.% and Ti3AlC2 - 37 wt.%) target prepared by hot pressing of TiC, Al and TiH2 under 20 МPа, at 1350 °С for 10 min was used. Simultaneously with magnetron sputtering of the MAX phase target, chromium or molybdenum was deposited using a cathodic arc plasma source. Three types of coatings were deposited: Ti-Al-C magnetron-only and hybrid (Ti,Mo)-Al-C and (Ti,Cr)-Al-C. The thickness of the deposited coatings was 5-11 µm.

X-ray diffraction analysis showed that all deposited coatings are close to amorphous state. The SEM-EDX study indicated that the average composition of the coatings obtained from the MAX phase based target was Ti2Al1.0-1.1C1.1-1.3 (close to 211), for the coating with additions of Mo: Ti2 Mo2.1Al0.9C2.8 (close to 413) and Cr: Ti2Cr2.6Al0.8C1.5. The nanohardness of the coatings varied from 11 to 15 GPa and the Young's modulus from 188 to 240 GPa.

The (Ti,Cr)-Al-C coating showed the highest stability against electrochemical corrosion in 3.5 wt.% NaCl aqueous solution at 20 °C: corrosion potential Ecorr = 0.044 V, corrosion current density icorr = 2.48×10-9 A/cm2, anodic current density ianodic (at 0.25 V vs. SCE) = 5.18×10-9 A/cm2. This coating also showed the highest long-term oxidation resistance and after heating in air at 600 °C, 1000 h its electrical conductivity s= 9.84×106 S/m was slightly higher than before heating s= 4.35×105 S/m, the nanohardness and Young's modulus are in the range of 15 GPa and 240 GPa, respectively. The increase in electrical conductivity after long-term heating at 600 °C can be explained by the observed crystallization of the amorphous phase in the structure of the coating.

Thus, the hybrid deposited (Ti,Cr)-Al-C coatings exhibit high corrosion and oxidation resistance while maintaining electrical conductivity and can be used to protect titanium alloy interconnects in lightweight MCF cells.

Acknowledgments The work was supported by the III-7-22 (0785) Project of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine "Development of wear-resistant electrically conductive composite materials and coatings based on MAX phases for the needs of electrical engineering, aviation, and hydrogen energy"; by the NATO project SPS G6292 “Direct liquid fuelled molten carbonate fuel cell for energy security (DIFFERENT)”, and by the MES Ukraine project №0122U001258 “Development of nanotechnological methods to prevent corrosion of structural materials in thermal and nuclear power plants”.


8th Intl Symposium on New & Advanced Materials and Technologies for Energy, Environment, Health and Sustainable Development
Tue. 22 Oct. 2024 / Room: Ariadni B
Session Chairs: Tetiana Prikhna; Amr Henni; Student Monitors: TBA

16:05: [AdvancedMaterialsTuePM309] OS
Tetiana Prikhna1; Pavlo Barvitskiy2; Myroslav Karpets1; Alexander Borimskiy3; Viktor Moshchil1; Fernand D. S. Marquis4; Anastasia Lokatkina5
1V. Bakul Institute NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine; 2Institute for Superhard Materials, Kiev, Ukraine; 3V. Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine; 4United Nano Technologies (UNT) & Integrated Materials Technologies and Systems (IMTS), Seaside, United States; 5Institute for Superhard Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Paper ID: 420 [Abstract]

Ultra-high temperature (UHTC) transition metal borides can be used for a wide range of mechanical applications - as components of military and commercial equipment operating in extreme conditions, for rocket propulsion, hypersonic flights, atmospheric reentry, protective coatings on graphite, for using in abrasive, erosive, corrosive and high-temperature environments, which requires materials with significantly improved physical properties. To UHTC belongs TaB2 which exhibits high melting point (3200 °C), hardness (24.5 GPa -25.6 GPa), fracture toughness (4.5 MPa m0.5), bending strength (555 MPa), excellent chemical stability, electrical (308×104  Ω-1×-1 and thermal (0.160 -0.161 W×cm-1×K-1 at 300-1300 oC) conductivity, good corrosion resistance [1-5]. To increase the oxidation resistance and mechanical characteristics TaB2 can be modified by silicides [1]. In the present study we investigated modification of TaB2 by MoSi2, ZrSi2 and Si3N4 in the amount of 20-30 wt.% and its sintering process under hot pressing conditions (30 MPa, 1750-1950 oC) and high pressure (4.1 GPa) - high temperature (1800 oC) conditions. The highest Vickers hardness HV=31.5 GPa and fracture toughness K1C=6 MPa×m0.5 under P= 9.8 N load was obtained for the composite sintered at 30 MPа, 1750 °C, 20 min from TaB2+20 wt.% ZrSi2, the increase of amount of ZrSi2 up to 30 wt.% leads to further increase in K1C= 6.9 MPa×m0.5, but to the reduction of microhardness  down to HV=23.5 GPa. The composite sintered under 30 GPa at 1950 °C for 40 min from TaB2+20 wt.% MoSi2 showed HV=28.2 GPa and K1C= 5.42 MPa×m0.5TaB2+30 wt.% Si3N4 sintered at 4.1 GPa, 1800 oC for 7 min had HV=18.8 GPa and K1C= 4.82 MPa×m0.5. The specific weight of the materials prepared from TaB2+20 wt.% MoSi2 was g=10.82 g/cm3TaB2+30 wt.% Si3N4g=8.77 g/cm3TaB2+20 wt.% ZrSi2g=9.35 g/cm3TaB2+30 wt.% ZrSi2g=10.12 g/cm3.

AcknowledgementS: This work was supported by the Project of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine III-5-23 (0786) “Study of regularities and optimization of sintering parameters of composite materials based on refractory borides and carbides, their physical and mechanical properties in order to obtain products of complex shape for high-temperature equipment with an operating temperature of up to 2000 oC”

[1] Laura Silvestroni, Stefano Guicciardi, Cesare Melandri, Diletta Sciti, TaB2-based ceramics: Microstructure, mechanical properties and oxidation resistance, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume 32, Issue 1, January 2012, Pages 97-105
[2] Zhang X, Hilmas GE, Fahrenholtz WG. Synthesis, densification, and mechanical properties of TaB2. Mater Lett 2008, 62: 4251-4253.
[3] Jiang Y, Liu T, Ru H, et al. Ultra-high-temperature ceramic TaB2-SiC-Si coating by impregnation and in-situ reaction method to prevent graphite materials from oxidation and ablation. Ceram Int 2019, 45: 6541-6551.
[4] http://www.jnm.co.jp/en/data/thermal_conductivity.htm
[5] https://www.google.com/search?q=TaB2+thermal+conductivity&rlz=1C1NHXL_ruUA717UA717&oq=TaB2+thermal+conductivity&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIJCAEQIRgKGKAB0gEKMzQ4OTFqMGoxNagCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

17:25 POSTERS/EXHIBITION - Ballroom Foyer

8:00 SUMMIT PLENARY - Marika A Ballroom

8th Intl Symposium on New & Advanced Materials and Technologies for Energy, Environment, Health and Sustainable Development
Wed. 23 Oct. 2024 / Room: Ariadni B
Session Chairs: Fernand D. S. Marquis; Brajadulal Chattopadhyay; Student Monitors: TBA

13:00: [AdvancedMaterialsWedPM101] OS
Tetiana Serbeniuk1; Tetiana Prikhna1; Volodymyr Zagorodnii2; Volodymyr Sverdun1; Myroslav Karpets1; Semyon Ponomaryov3; Fernand D. S. Marquis4
1V. Bakul Institute NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine; 2Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine; 3Institute of Semiconductor Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU), Kyiv, Ukraine; 4United Nano Technologies (UNT) & Integrated Materials Technologies and Systems (IMTS), Seaside, United States
Paper ID: 390 [Abstract]

In the electrodynamic properties study of new AlN- 5wt.%C(diamond powder)-5wt.%Mo composite materials the values ​​and   behavior of the real and imaginary parts of the microwave permittivity were determined and the optimal technological process for materials synthesis was established. The materials with density 3.16 g/cm3 and 3.30 g/cm3 were obtained by the pressureless sintering (PS) at the temperature of 1850 °C and by the hot pressing (HP) at the temperature of 1820 °C (pressure of 15 MPa), respectively.            

The microstructure and phase composition of the composite materials were studied using a scanning electron microscope and the X-ray diffractometer Ultima IV (Rigaku, Japan)  ​​with the Rietveld method for data analysis. The imaginary and real parts of the permittivity were measured by the microwave vector network analyzer Keysight PNA N5227A in the frequency range of 26 - 40 GHz.

The results of structural studies showed that sintering of composites by different methods results in  almost unchanged their phase composition, and the main phases are AlN, Al3(O,N)4, Mo2C, Y3Al5O12, and C (graphite) - as in [1].

It was determined that the real part of the permittivity (ε') for both composites obtained by the PS and HP methods is practically frequency independent between 26 to 36 GHz with the value of about 8 and 27 , respectively. At  the same time, the imaginary part of the permittivity (ε″) increases from 0.29 to 1 and from 3.46 to 5.56 for materials made by the PS and HP methods, respectively. When the test frequency is increased from 36 to 40 GHz, significant fluctuations in the permittivity values ​​ are observed, which is possibly related to the greater intensity of electromagnetic wave internal reflections due to the peculiarities of the formation of the materials structure.

As a result of the research, it was established that composite materials obtained by the hot pressing method are characterized by higher density and higher values ​​of the real part of the permittivity in the frequency range 26 - 36 GHz.

[1] Serbeniuk T.B., Prikhna T.O., Sverdun V.B., Oliynyk V.V., Grygoruk V.I., Zagorodnii V.V., KarpetsM.V., Ponomaryov S.S., Marchenko A.A., Polikarpova L.O. Effect of varying graphite concentration on electrodynamic properties of AlN-based composite materials. Journal of Superhard Materials. 2023. Vol. 45, No. 6. P. 424- 433

14:20 POSTERS/EXHIBITION - Ballroom Foyer

8th Intl Symposium on New & Advanced Materials and Technologies for Energy, Environment, Health and Sustainable Development
Wed. 23 Oct. 2024 / Room: Ariadni B
Session Chairs: Tetiana Prikhna; Fernand D. S. Marquis; Student Monitors: TBA

14:25: [AdvancedMaterialsWedPM205] OS
Tetiana Prikhna1; Aiswarya Kethamkuzhi2; Roxana Vlad2; Robert Kluge3; Myroslav Karpets1; Semyon Ponomaryov4; Viktor Moshchil1; Fernand D. S. Marquis5; Bernd Büchner3; Sabine Wurmehl3; Joffre Gutierrez2; Anton Shaternik1; Xavier Obradors2; Teresa Puig2
1V. Bakul Institute NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine; 2Institut de Ciencia de Materials de Barcelona, CSIC, Bellaterra, Spain; 3Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden e. V., Dresden, Germany; 4Institute of Semiconductor Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU), Kyiv, Ukraine; 5United Nano Technologies (UNT) & Integrated Materials Technologies and Systems (IMTS), Seaside, United States
Paper ID: 405 [Abstract]

REBCO (Re=Y, Eu, Gd) coated conductors (CC) based on biaxially textured, thick and homogeneous nanoengineered multilayer structures opened up new application opportunities, such as dissipation-free energy transmission in superconducting grids, highly efficient engines for electrical aviation or compact fusion reactors beyond ITER. However, current carrying capacities of CC could be further improved because they are still far from theoretical limits. As it has been shown, one of the possible robust ways to increase current carrying capacity of CC  is overdoping with oxygen the REBCO structure of CC. 

Treatment of GdBCO_CC under 100 bar of O2 at 600 °C for 3 h led to an increase in Jc (77K, 0 T) by 6% and a decrease in the c-parameter of Gd123 to 1.17310 nm, which may be associated not only with overdoping with oxygen, but also with silver diffusion into Gd123. No correlation was observed between Jc, Tc, c-parameter of RE123 (RE=Eu, Gd) and carrier density nH of EuBCO_CC and GdBCO_CC treated at 300-800 oC, 1-160 bar O2 for 3-12 h.

We have started investigating high oxygen pressure treatments of GdBCO and EuBCO-BHO Coated Conductors previously oxygenated with standard treatments. For our experiments we used commercially produced GdBCO and EuBCO-BHO coated conductors provided by Fujikura. The CC samples have been previously oxygenated with their standard process. For the high oxygen pressure post-treatment,  GdBCO and EuBCO-BHO coated conductors with 2 mm Ag layer on the surface of GdBCO CC and without and with Ag layer on the surface of  EuBCO-BHO CC were used. Therefore, before experiments the upper Cu layer (and in some cases the Ag layer) was chemically removed from CCs tapes. In the case of EuBCO-BHO_CCs  the Ag upper layer was removed chemically as well, but for some experiments it was preserved as indicated. The architecture (from  top) of the studied CCs was as follows: (1) FYSC : Ag (2μm)/ GdBCO (1.8μm)/ CeO2 (700 nm)/ MgO/ / Al2O3/Y2O3 /Hastelloy (75 μm)(2) FESC : EuBCO (2.5μm)+BHO Nanorods/ CeO2 (700 nm)/ /MgO/ Al2O3/Y2O3 / Hastelloy (50 μm); (3) Ag (2μm)/ EuBCO (2.5μm)+BHO Nanorods/ CeO2 (700 nm)MgO/ / Al2O3/Y2O3/ Hastelloy (50 μm).

A specially designed tube furnace was used for the oxygenation process. The oxygen pressure in the furnace varied from 1 to 160 bar, the temperature from 300 to 800 °C, and the heating rate was 5 ºC/min. After, a dwell of temperature for a certain time held at the required pressure was attained, and afterwards the heater was turned off.

Results on critical current density, superconducting transition temperature, charge carrier densities, c-lattice parameter and Auger, indicate that high oxygen pressures of 100 and 160 bar can be sustained by these materials when high temperatures are used and that this can be a route to overdope these Coated Conductors. Furthermore, we evidence that these post oxygen treatements should be done without Ag etching so that the REBCO material is not exposed to air during the high pressure treatments. Futher work is on-going to obtain the best conditions to increase the charge carrier concentration and consequently the criticial current density in a robust way.

AcknowledgementS: We acknowledge funds from MUGSUP, UCRAN20088 project from CSIC programme from the scientific cooperation with Ukraine, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the European Regional Development Fund, MCIU/AEI/FEDER for SUPERENERTECH (PID2021-127297OB-C21), FUNFUTURE “Severo Ochoa” Program for Centers of Excellence in R&D (CEX2019-000917-S), and HTS-JOINTS (PDC2022-133208-I00),  NAS of Ukraine Project III-7-24 (0788)  Authors also thanks Fujikura for supplying the samples