In Honor of Nobel Laureate Dr. Avram Hershko
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SIPS 2024 takes place from October 20 - 24, 2024 at the Out of the Blue Resort in Crete, Greece

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More than 540 abstracts submitted from over 50 countries

Featuring many Nobel Laureates and other Distinguished Guests


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Oral Presentations

8:00 SUMMIT PLENARY - Marika A Ballroom

3rd Intl. Symp. on Technological Innovations in Medicine for Sustainable Development
Wed. 23 Oct. 2024 / Room: Marika A
Session Chairs: Francis V Fernandes; Krasimir Vasilev; Student Monitors: TBA

14:00: [MedicineWedPM104] OS Keynote
Vladimir Valentinovich Egorov1
1NRC “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russian Federation
Paper ID: 286 [Abstract]

In medical practice, a high optical resolution of medical devices used to visualize cancerous tumors [1] and cells [2] and in photodynamic therapy [3,4] is an extremely important factor. High resolution is determined by the small width of the corresponding optical bands, which, in turn, is determined by the rational use of physical phenomena on which the creation of medical devices is based. The ideal physical phenomena here would be any optical resonances that have a small width and high intensity. Such a resonance is the Egorov nano-resonance [5‒8]. Egorov’s nano-resonance is one of the important consequences of the new physical theory — quantum ‒classical mechanics [5,6,9,10]. As is known, in standard quantum mechanics, a certain statistical characteristic of a microparticle (wave function) obeys a certain dynamic equation (Schrӧdinger’s equation). This statistical characteristic is an innate property of an individual microparticle. In quantum‒classical mechanics, in addition to this innate statistical characteristic of an individual microparticle, innate chaos appears in the interaction of microparticles. This chaos is called dozy chaos. In quantum mechanics, molecular (electron‒phonon) transitions are singular, and they are damped by dozy chaos in quantum‒classical mechanics [10]. Dozy chaos is present only in the transient state of electron‒phonon transitions, and it can be neglected in the initial and final adiabatic states of the transitions. Egorov’s nano-resonance is a resonance in nano-scale molecular systems between the extended motion of an electron and the motion of reorganization of the environmental nuclei in the process of electron‒phonon transitions under conditions of weak dozy chaos [8]. Based on Egorov’s nano-resonance, the resonant nature of the change in the shape of optical absorption bands in the series of polymethine dyes, in which the length of the polymethine chain changes, as well as the narrow and intense J-band of well-known J-aggregates are explained [5‒9,11]. In the framework of quantum–classical mechanics, on the basis of Egorov nano-resonance and the law of conservation of energy, an explanation is given for the strong detuning of the resonance and the associated significant parasitic transformation of the shape of the resonant optical absorption band as a result of the transition from linear to nonlinear, two-photon absorption in polymethine dyes in solutions (in selenopyrylium-terminated polymethine dye Se-3C dissolved in chloroform) [12‒14]. Based on this explanation and model band shapes of the theoretical fit to the experimental optical bands [12], the conditions for reconstructing the resonance shape of the band for two-photon absorption and its redshift are predicted [14]. The creation of quantum–classical mechanics of nonlinear optical processes in polymethine dyes will further serve as a theoretical basis for the study of nonlinear optical processes also in more complex organic systems, which are promising for applications in three-dimensional (3D) fluorescence imaging, lasing up-conversion, optical power limitation, photodynamic therapy, 3D optical data storage and so on (see [14] and refs 57‒60 therein).

[1] N. S. James, Y. Chen, P. Joshi, T. Y. Ohulchanskyy, M. Ethirajan, M. Henary, L. Strekowsk and R. K. Pandey, Theranostics, 2013, 3, 692‒702.
[2] S.G. Kӧnig and R. Krämer, Chem. – Eur. J., 2017, 23, 9306–9312.
[3] S. M. Usama, S. Thavornpradit and K. Burgess, ACS Appl. Bio Mater., 2018, 1, 1195–1205.
[4] J. Atchison, S. Kamila, H. Nesbitt, K. A. Logan, D. H. Nicholas, F. Colin, J. Davis, B. Callan, A. P. McHale and J. F. Callan, Chem. Commun., 2017, 53, 2009–2012.
[5] V. V. Egorov, Chem. Phys., 2001, 269, 251–283.
[6] V. V. Egorov, J. Chem. Phys., 2002, 116, 3090–3103.
[7] V. V. Egorov, Mathematics, 2022, 10, 1443-1‒1443-25.
[8] V. V. Egorov, Comput. Sci. Math. Forum, 2023, 7, 31-1‒31-8.
[9] V. V. Egorov, Challenges, 2020, 11, 16-1–16-12.
[10] V. V. Egorov, Heliyon Phys., 2019, 5, e02579-1‒e02579-27.
[11] V. V. Egorov, R. Soc. Open Sci., 2017, 4, 160550-1–160550-20.
[12] J. M. Hales, J. Matichak, S. Barlow, S. Ohiro, K. Yesudas, J.-L. Bredas, J. W. Perry and S. R. Marder, Science, 2010, 327, 1485–1488.
[13] A. Petrenko and M. Stein, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2019, 123, 9321–9327.
[14] V. V. Egorov and S. Thomas, Nano-Struct. Nano-Objects, 2021, 25, 100650-1‒100650-10.

14:20 POSTERS/EXHIBITION - Ballroom Foyer

3rd Intl. Symp. on Technological Innovations in Medicine for Sustainable Development
Wed. 23 Oct. 2024 / Room: Marika A
Session Chairs: Vladimir Valentinovich Egorov; Student Monitors: TBA

14:25: [MedicineWedPM205] OS
Vladimir Valentinovich Egorov1
1NRC “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russian Federation
Paper ID: 104 [Abstract]

The new fundamental physical theory, quantum–classical mechanics (QCM), takes into account the chaotic dynamics of the transient state (TS) in electron-phonon transitions [1–3]. In the case of strong transient (dozy) chaos QCM gives the same result as the standard Franck–Condon picture of electronic-vibrational transitions [4]. Dozy chaos (DC) provides the convergence of a series of time-dependent perturbation theory which is absent in the standard quantum picture [2]. In the case of weak DC, an important result of QCM is the Egorov nano-resonance (Enr), which is associated with the appearance of a pronounced regular dynamics against the background of DC and which explains the nature of the narrow and intense optical J-band of the well-known J-aggregates [5]. The discovery of QCM and Enr opens up the possibility of creating optical spectroscopy of extended molecular systems, in which, along with DC, the effects of regular dynamics in TS are significant. DC in TS is provoked by a light electron “in order” to ensure the reorganization of a very heavy nuclear subsystem, and hence the very possibility of electronic-vibrational transitions. This organizing property of the electron undoubtedly plays an enormous role in biological processes. The next stage in the development of QCM can be to complicate the system by organizing various aggregates, where the “elementary cell” in the theory and/or the starting point for the development of the theory will be the already solved problem of elementary electron transfers in QCM [6]. The purpose of such complication and enumeration of all possible variants of aggregation will be to find the “molecule of life”, that is, the rather complex, but “minimal” structural configurations, in which elements of self-organization, both structural and dynamic, observed in theoretical optical spectra, are clearly manifested. The “atom of life” here is the electron itself which provokes DC. Thus, through the increasing complexity of the design of molecular systems, QCM opens up great prospects for the search and study of the simplest forms of life organization and related phenomena. For example, a new kind of possible materials, “living materials”, can provide us with much more comfortable living conditions [6]. Advanced artificial living beings (ALBs), created based on targeted molecular systems design and engineering, and, for example, radiation-resistant, will be able to greatly help humanity in future space exploration [6]. On planet Earth, diverse communities of ALBs will represent a virtually unlimited source of skilled labor in all areas of human activity and entirely under human control. Among other things, ALBs will give impetus to the creation of the most effective form of socio–economic and moral organization of human civilization (see [6] and references therein), which is unattainable under the currently existing egoistic paradigm of human society [7], which arose as a result of a long evolutionary process.

[1] V. V. Egorov, Challenges, 2020, 11, 16-1–16-12.
[2] V. V. Egorov, Heliyon Phys., 2019, 5, e02579-1‒e02579-27.
[3] V. V. Egorov, Mathematics, 2022, 10, 1443-1‒1443-25.
[4] V. V. Egorov, Comput. Sci. Math. Forum, 2023, 7, 55-1‒55-10.
[5] V. V. Egorov, Comput. Sci. Math. Forum, 2023, 7, 31-1‒31-8.
[6] V. V. Egorov, Sci. Academique, 2023, 4, 7‒11.
[7] V. V. Egorov, Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences B, 2017, 29, 87–96.


Kanatzidis International Symposium (4th Intl. Symp. on Materials/Solid State Chemistry and Nanoscience for Sustainable Development)
Wed. 23 Oct. 2024 / Room: Ariadni A
Session Chairs: Myung-Gil Kim; Yihui He; Student Monitors: TBA

14:25: [SolidStateChemistryWedPM205] OS Keynote
Vladimir Valentinovich Egorov1
1NRC “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russian Federation
Paper ID: 60 [Abstract]

The well-known narrow and intense optical absorption J-band arises as a result of J-aggregation of polymethine dyes in their aqueous solutions. The J-band was discovered experimentally by Jelley and independently Scheibe in 1936. In 1938, Franck and Teller gave a theoretical explanation of the J-band based on the Frenkel exciton model. Subsequently, this explanation was developed in details by many authors. A drawback of this explanation is its inability to explain the shape of optical bands of polymethine dye monomers from which J-aggregates are formed. We give an explanation of the J-band in the framework of a new theory, quantum–classical mechanics [1–3], which includes an explanation of the shape of the bands of polymethine monomers. In quantum–classical mechanics the initial and final states of the “electron+nuclear environment” system for its “quantum” transitions are quantum in the adiabatic approximation, and the transient chaotic electron-nuclear(-vibrational) state due to chaos is classical. This chaos is called dozy chaos. The new explanation of the J-band is based on the so-called Egorov nano-resonance discovered in quantum–classical mechanics [4]. Egorov nano-resonance is a resonance between movements of the electron and the reorganization of the environmental nuclei during quantum–classical transitions in the optical chromophore under weak dozy chaos. In addition to explaining the nature of the J-band of J-aggregates, an explanation is given for the shift of the Egorov nano-resonance observed in polymethine dyes to the long-wavelength region with decreasing polarity of the solvent [5], the shape of the optical absorption bands of their dimers, H- and H*-aggregates [5], the shape of the optical absorption and luminescence bands of J-aggregates in Langmuir films [6], as well as an anomalously small Stokes shift of the J-bands of luminescence and absorption [6]. An explanation is given for the experimentally observed strong parasitic violation of the Egorov nano-resonance during the transition from one-photon to two-photon absorption, and the conditions for its restoration are predicted [7]. The idea of creating “living materials” is put forward, and a method for its practical implementation is indicated by purposefully complicating the design of molecular systems, the heuristic source of which can be the high dynamic organization of quantum-classical transitions in J-aggregates [8].

[1] V. V. Egorov, Challenges, 2020, 11, 16-1–16-12.
[2] V. V. Egorov, Heliyon Phys., 2019, 5, e02579-1‒e02579-27.
[3] V. V. Egorov, Mathematics, 2022, 10, 1443-1‒1443-25.
[4] V. V. Egorov, Comput. Sci. Math. Forum, 2023, 7, 31-1‒31-8.
[5] V. V. Egorov, R. Soc. Open Sci., 2017, 4, 160550-1–160550-20.
[6] V. V. Egorov, Res. Phys., 2019, 13, 102252-1–102252-14.
[7] V. V. Egorov and S. Thomas, Nano-Struct. Nano-Objects, 2021, 25, 100650-1‒100650-10.
[8] V. V. Egorov, Sci. Academique, 2023, 4, 7‒11.