The symposium will be covering but not limited to:
- Specialized Differential Forms and their applications in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence), Mechanical Engineering (Fluid Dynamics and Mechanics of Material), Cosmology: (Einstein Field actions), and many other application
- Mathematics and its application in physics, chemistry, engineering, biology, medicine, sociology, superconductivity, and cosmology.
- Mathematics and its application in social phenomena, politics, and management.
- Mathematics and its application in arts, music, paintings.
- Fractional Calculus, Fractals and Applications.
- Iso-, geno-, hyper-, isodual-numbers and Hadronic mechanics/chemistry: An extended quantum mechanics/chemistry framework.
- Mathematics and Non-Extensive Entropy – Tsallis Statistics and Applications.
- Novel Mathematics and Numerical Algorithms for New Science, Technology, Sociology, Arts, Music and Sustainability.
- Mathematical and Resource Optimization
- Mathematical Data Science