- Analysis & Characterization
- Physical Concentration Methods
- Mining and Mineral Processing Management of Complex Ores;
- Processing of Industrial Minerals;
- Non-Sulphide flotation
- Hydrometallurgy and Bio-Processing
- Coal Processing
- Plant and Process Design & Operating Practice
- Simulation, Control & Modeling;
- Soil Remediation
- Secondary Resource Recovery
- Eco-friendly waste management, utilization and recycling
- Innovation in Mineral Processing
- Economic Aspects in Mineral Processing
Round Table topics include the symposium topics above as well as some specific topics described below: (Participants are free to add topics as per their interest)
- Errors in sampling and consequences in metal accounting.
- Sampling improvement for the advance of the plant performance.
Grinding Strategies
- Improving the efficiency of this least efficient circuit in the concentrator
- Improving the shape and particle size distribution for good metal recovery in flotation or in gravity separation
- Improving the electrochemical potential of the grinding circuit product
Selectivity in Flotation
- Minimizing disturbances in the sulphide flotation processes of problematic minerals such as the iron sulphides pyrite and pyrrhotite, and talc
Collectors in Flotation
- Improving sulfide flotation using ``green collectors``, which do not produce carbon disulphide and are more selective.
- Improving metallurgical performance as compared to the single xanthate arrangement.
Modern Process Mineralogy
- Dealing with the treatment of difficult and complex ores that require more sophisticated characterisation and understanding.
- Dealing with the treatment of lower grade minerals containing deleterious elements that require tailored treatment.
- Applying a more sustainable approach including environmental and societal considerations in process mineralogical assessment providing the critical information that stands between failure or collapse and survival or success of some mining operations.