In Honor of Nobel Laureate Prof. Ferid Murad

SIPS2021 has been postponed to Nov. 27th - Dec. 1st 2022
at the same hotel, The Hilton Phuket Arcadia,
in Phuket, Thailand.
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Abstract Submission Open! About 300 abstracts submitted from about 40 countries

Featuring 9 Nobel Laureates and other Distinguished Guests


On Sustainable Metals & Alloys Processing (6th Intl. Symp.)

Bio | CV | Publications

This major symposium is in honor of the distinguished work and lifetime achievements of Prof. Andrey Dmitriev, a very well-known professional with deep impact in the metals and alloys field and its applications for sustainable development.

Prof.-Dr. Andrey N. Dmitriev, 70, is a noted scientist in the field of the development of a scientific basis for the complex use of mineral raw materials. He studies the basic scientific directions of development and improvement of mathematical models and their use for the analysis and optimization of processes involving ores. For the first time, he has developed and introduced a method of analytical research for blast furnace smelting on the basis of complex two-dimensional mathematical models that essentially supplement the experimental methods used in practice. He has also developed the scientific basis for the application of computer methods for the analysis and perfection of pyrometallurgy processes; an original technique for the influence estimation of iron ore raw materials and coke quality on indicators of blast furnace smelting; and an original technique for the monitoring system of the firebrick lining state of the blast furnace hearth intended for emergency prevention. The scientific ideas and development stemming from his work are used to create and perfect technologies for the processing of titaniferrous magnetite, chromic iron ores, silicate-nickel iron ores, siderite iron ores, leucoxene concentrates used for the elimination of the existing deficiency in the Ural of the steel-making iron ore raw material, and the raw materials for manufacturing the pigment dioxide of titan and scrap.

Additionally, Dmitriev developed and introduced the monitoring system of the firebrick lining state of the blast furnace hearth on five blast furnaces of China, earning the Silver Medal at the Metal-Expo’2014 in Russia; the Award of the Governor of Sverdlovsk Region, 2015; Diploma of 1 degree; and the Gold Medal of the Petersburg Engineering Fair, 2016.

Also Prof. Dmitriev awarded the Diploma of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1999) for fruitful work in the Russian Academy of Sciences in connection with the 275 anniversary of the Academy; the Prize-Medal. V. E. Grum-Grzhimailo of regional Ural Branch of the Academy of Engineering Sciences (2004) for the development and implementation of a complex two-dimensional mathematical models of the blast furnace process with the aim of solving practical problems of comprehensive processing of iron ore; The Diploma of the Ministry of industry and energy of Sverdlovsk region (2007) for conscientious work, large contribution to the development of science and in connection with 75-th anniversary of academic science in the Urals; the Medal of the Academy of Engineering Sciences named after A. M. Prokhorov, «For contribution to the development of engineering Sciences», 2016, order of Academy of engineering Sciences named after A. M. Prokhorov, «For contribution to the development of engineering Sciences», 2018.

Additional areas of his work include implementing the concept of commissioning actual Kachkanarsky deposit of titanomagnetite ores and the beginning of an examination of the use of ores from the Gusevogorsky deposit. He has also contributed to the Institute of Metallurgy of UB RUS in the field of processing, specifically work that generalized titanium containing iron ores and created the concept in Russia productions of pigmentary titanium dioxide on the basis of South Ural deposits and the Komi Republic. In addition to the scheme of processing of titanomagnetite iron ores of the Tebinbulak deposit (Republic of Uzbekistan) offered earlier, «metallization – electrosmelting», his work has contributed «the blast furnace - the converter» scheme and formulated conditions that allow for selecting and implementing one of these schemes. He also took part in a project that examined the processing of titanium containing ores from the Masalsky deposit (Republic of Kazakhstan). Moreover, he is the leader of investigations on experimental and mathematical modeling of pyrometallurgy processes, the «Ural» regional program, the «State Support of Integration of Higher Education and Fundamental Science» federal program – working with industrial enterprises, grants of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, and the international programs. He is the author of 8 monographs, more than 350 articles; and 13 patents; has participated as a lecturer (including invited lecturer) at many conferences, including international ones; and was the official opponent at the defense of 9 doctoral theses and 9 candidate’s degree theses. In addition, he has served as the head of 3 post-graduate students.

Notably, Dmitriev is an expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Federal Research Centre for Projects Evaluation and Consulting Services, and a member of the editorial boards of a number of Russian and foreign magazines.

He graduated from the Ural Polytechnic Institute in 1973 with a qualification as a metallurgical engineer. Currently, he serves as the chief scientific employee of the Institute of Metallurgy of the Urals Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences; full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; full member of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of the Russian Federation named A.M. Prokhorov; member of the NP «Expert Forum». He is also a current member of the Presidium of Regional Ural Branch of Academy of Engineering Sciences of the Russian Federation named A.M. Prokhorov, Russian Academy of Natural History (RANH), Russian Chemical Society named D.I. Mendeleev, Academy of Natural History, TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, USA), and BIT Congress Inc. (China).

The most significant scientific results achieved by Prof. Dmitriev during his scientific activity.
- One of the most significant achievements in the development and application of mathematical models is the complex of mathematical models of the blast furnace process. This set of models includes co-operating on the basis of a common database of two-dimensional model of gas dynamics, heat exchange, reduction, zone of cohesion and balance model to determine the consumption of coke, the blast flow rate, exit gas, temperature tuyere hearth, used as input parameters two-dimensional models.
- Balance equilibrium mathematical model. Analysis of experimental data from many blast furnaces over a long period of time allowed us to assume for the first time that in a certain zone of the furnace at the stage of magnetite reduction, the wustite reduction reaction tends to thermodynamic equilibrium, which is associated with the zonal mode of iron oxide reduction and carbon and hydrogen oxide regeneration reactions actually implemented in the blast furnace. It can be used both independently and in a set of models.
- Mathematical model of gas dynamics. For the first time, a method for calculating the gas-dynamic grid and the gas velocity field is implemented using the theory of functions of a complex variable in solving the problem of a point source. The actual law of pressure change in height in the blast furnace is taken into account. The assumption about the similarity of two-dimensional velocity fields of gas and burden in a blast furnace is substantiated and used.
- Mathematical model of heat exchange. For the first time, an analytical solution to the problem of layer heating in countercurrent motion of the burden and gas in the case of an arbitrary change in the height of the furnace of the heat transfer coefficient, the heat capacity of the gas flow, and the ratio of the heat capacity of the charge and gas flows, using the gas velocity field calculated using a mathematical model of gas dynamics.
- Mathematical model of reduction. For the first time, a numerical solution of the system of differential equations of mass transfer and reduction is performed when the gas velocity modulus obtained from the mathematical model of gas dynamics is explicitly introduced into it, as well as taking into account the dependence of the total mass transfer coefficient on both temperature and the degree of reduction.
- Mathematical model of the cohesion zone. The use of the developed mathematical models of gas dynamics, heat exchange and reduction processes leads to the fact that the estimated form of the area of cohesion, its thickness and the height position of the blast furnace are determined by the nature of the uniformity of temperature field, depending on the system load, the provisions of the tuyere hearth, the profile of the shaft and changes in flow resistance along the height of blast furnace; the temperatures of softening and melting of iron ore material, depending on the extent of reduction.
- Based on the balance (equilibrium) mathematical model, a method for determining the minimum possible consumption of coke in the blast furnace for a specific blast furnace has been developed.
- Based on complex mathematical models developed a method of analytical research of blast furnace process, allowing the machine an experiment to study the phenomena of the blast furnace, including new technical solutions and in case of deviations from normal operation, to analyze the influence of various parameters, including complex metallurgical properties of iron ore, on the performance of the blast furnace and temperature fields of furnace gas, the location and shape of the zone of cohesion. The method is used to analyze anomalous phenomena of blast furnace smelting and ways to eliminate them (crisis phenomenon in the ore ridge, circumferential unevenness, violation of the release schedule, quiet progress); research of new technical solutions in blast furnace production in order to increase their efficiency (oxygen enrichment of the blast, use of coal dust, optimization of the furnace profile).
- Developed scientific bases for the use of computer methods for analyzing and improving pyrometallurgical processes of ore processing, including complex ones.
- The brown-chromium ores of the Serov Deposit are a promising raw material base for the ferrous metallurgy, but they are difficult to enrich and refractory. The marked features of the ore prevent its involvement in exploitation. Using mathematical modeling methods, the features of blast furnace melting are analyzed and recommendations are given.
- The balance reserves of siderite ores of the Bakal Deposit are about 1 billion tons. Using a mathematical model, it is shown that the prospect of their use in blast furnace melting is limited due to their low iron content and high content of magnesium oxide. A new technology for processing such ore is proposed, for the development of which a new mathematical model of a rotating furnace is proposed. In order to estimate the cost of metallized concentrate from siderite ore (in relation to the rotating furnace of JSC «Magnezit Combine»), the corresponding calculations were performed, which showed that the cost of concentrate is 20-30% lower than the price of scrap metal on the world market. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the absence of non-ferrous metals in natural iron, and the purity of phosphorus.
- The importance of leucoxene concentrates from the Yaregsky Deposit as a raw material for producing pigmented titanium dioxide is shown. For the first time, the technology of thermal activation of leucoxene concentrate by reducing TiO2 to Ti3O5 was developed and tested in industrial conditions. The pigment obtained from the Yaregsky activated concentrate complies with international standards. A method for thermal activation of perovskite concentrate together with leucoxene in the solid phase is proposed, as well as a method for using it as a calcium-containing additive during electric melting of leucoxene concentrate in order to activate it in the liquid phase at relatively moderate temperatures.
- Titanomagnetite raw materials are the base of the Russian ferrous metallurgy. The principal possibilities of processing low-titanium and high-titanium concentrates of the Gusevogorsky Deposit using the «blast furnace – converter» and «metallization – electric smelting» schemes are shown. The results of research related to high-titanium ore and iron ore concentrate can be extended to the ores and concentrates of the Kachkanarsky Deposit Itself. The concept of commissioning the Kachkanarsky Deposit of titanomagnetite ores along with the use of the Gusevogorsky Deposit has been proposed and started.
- Generalized the experience of the Institute of metallurgy of UB RAS in the processing of titanium-containing ores and the concept of creation in Russia the production of titanium dioxide pigment based on the deposits of the Southern Urals and the Komi Republic.
- Proposed schemes for processing titanomagnetite ores of the Tebinbulak Deposit (Republic of Uzbekistan): «metallization - electric smelting» and «blast furnace – converter»; conditions for choosing and implementing one of these schemes are formulated.
- Developed method for analyzing the effect of quality characteristics of iron ore (reducibility, hot strength, in the softening temperature and melting) and coke (reactivity, hot strength) on technical and economic indicators of the blast furnace, which allows to determine the value of the new metallurgical raw materials based on the analysis of representative samples. This method is used, in particular, when performing end-to-end work on improving the quality of iron ore raw materials at the «Kachkanarsky Mining and Processing Plant» (JSC «EVRAZ KGOK») and improving the technical and economic performance of the blast furnaces of the «Nizhny Tagil metallurgical plant» (JSC «EVRAZ NTMK»).
- A system for monitoring the condition of the refractory lining of the blast furnace hearth was developed and implemented at five blast furnaces in China. The system is being implemented at blast furnaces of metallurgical plants in Russia.
- Works were performed to improve the technology of blast furnace melting and extend the campaign of blast furnaces of PJSC «Magnitogorsk iron and steel works».
- Work has been performed to reduce iron losses at PJSC «Nadezhdinsky Metallurgical Plant».
- A method for recycling environmentally hazardous red mud in a blast furnace by introducing it into the burden for the production of agglomerate and pellets is proposed.

Prof. Dmitriev worked for many years at the Department of iron and alloy metallurgy at the Ural Federal University as a visiting Professor. He gave lectures on «High and high-tech technologies in metallurgy», «Problems of using complex metallurgical raw materials in the Urals», «Theory of blast furnace melting», «Management of technological processes of pig iron production», etc. The monograph «Fundamentals of the theory and technology of blast furnace melting» published in collaboration with the Department's staff was approved by the educational and methodological Association for education in the field of metallurgy as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions studying in the field of metallurgy.

This introduction is only a very brief overview of the extremely large breadth of Dmitriev's innovative research, and those with the largest impact in the scientific communities were presented.
Contributions covering all aspects of Prof. Dmitriev's rich activity are welcomed, including both fundamental experimental and theoretical research, as well as applications in human life and activity or industry.
Contributed articles will be double peer-reviewed and published in Conference Official Proceedings, with an ISBN and an ISSN number and available through many indexes such as Scopus, Web of Sciences, Russian Science Citation Index, etc. Selected contributed articles will also be published in reputable Journals.

A round table discussion open to everyone interested will be organized at a specific date and time during the symposium. It will be a platform for high level representatives of various industries, technologies, and academic disciplines to freely discuss and debate all topics of this symposium, and identify positive and efficient pathways towards sustainability in industrial practices, technologies, and research.
You are cordially invited to actively participate in this symposium by submitting and presenting a paper, or by attending the round table. We look forward to meeting you in Phuket, December 2021.

Click here to see the detailed scope and topics.