4th International Symposium on Sustainable Energy Production: Fossil (coal, gas, oil); Renewables (wind, solar, hydro, bioenergy, ocean, geothermal, hydrogen); Nuclear (fission, fusion); Waste handling , processing, and storage for all energy production technologies; Energy efficiency
This symposium is for scientists, engineers, managers, and other practitioners in each of the three fuel areas for energy production (fossil, renewables, and nuclear) including waste handling, processing, and storage as well as energy efficiency. There are many conferences annually that focus primarily on each fuel area, but very few conferences that focus on all three areas in the same conference. Thus, a primary objective of this symposium is to bring people in the three different areas together in one conference so that current work efforts and ideas in each area can be shared among people in all three areas. The sharing of information across the three areas should help to improve the understanding and importance of each area in contributing to sustainable energy production in the future.
During the past few years Professor Dodds has travelled both nationally and internationally to lecture on "Energy Choices and Consequences," a topic that he initially developed as a short course for students in the multi-disciplinary Honors Program at the University of Tennessee. The course addresses the three fuel areas mentioned above for energy production from the following perspectives: economics, the environment, public health and safety, sustainability, and politics. Professor Dodds continually updates the content of the short course and also his presentations on "Energy Choices and Consequences."
Professor Dodds began his professional career in the early 1960s working at NASA's Langley Research Center followed by working at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the Savannah River Laboratory (1970-1976), which is now the Savannah River National Laboratory. His graduate research for the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees was conducted at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He began his academic career at the University of Tennessee (UT) in 1976 and retired from UT in 2011. His research and development activities at UT, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and the Savannah River Laboratory were focused primarily on computational methods development and applications in nuclear engineering; criticality safety analysis; reactor analysis, kinetics, design, and safety; nuclear engineering education; and more recently on energy policy. He has also served as a consultant for several national and international organizations, and he has authored or co-authored over 200 technical publications and presentations. For the last 15 of his 35 years at UT, he served as Head of the Nuclear Engineering Department, where he led the department to a Top Ten national ranking by U.S. News and World Report. He has received many awards during his career including the American Nuclear Society Arthur Holly Compton National Teaching Award. Professor Dodds is a Licensed Professional Engineer and a Fellow of the American Nuclear Society.
This international symposium will feature plenary, keynote, invited, and contributed papers in each of the three fuel areas for energy production (fossil, renewables, and nuclear) as well as papers on waste handling, processing, storage, and on energy efficiency. All papers will be double peer-reviewed and published in the Conference Proceedings with ISBN and ISSN numbers, and available through many indexes such as Scopus, EI index, Google Scholar, CiteSeerX etc. Selected papers will also be submitted for publication in appropriate Journals.
A round table discussion open to everyone interested will be organized at a specific date and time during the symposium with high level representatives of various
industries, technologies and academia to discuss and debate freely without reservations all topics of this symposium and identify positive and efficient pathways towards sustainability in the industrial practice, technologies and research.
Click here for a descrition of the topics of symposium and the round table.
You are cordially invited to actively participate in this symposium by submitting and presenting a paper or by simply attending the round table.
We look forward to meeting you at the all-inclusive
Fiesta Americana Condesa 5-Star Resort
in Cancun, Mexico, on 22-26 October 2017.

Click here to see the detailed scope and topics.
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List of Accepted Abstracts as of 13/3/2025
Florian Kongoli
FLOGEN Technologies
USA/Canada |
Anthony Buhl
Tamer Turna
Yildirim Energy Investments
Turkey |
Manfred Mauntz
cmc Instruments GmbH
Germany |
Wesley Williams
Louisiana State University
Julius Rubinstein
Solid Fuel Preparation Institute
Russia |
Peter L. Fuhr
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Marissa Morales-Rodriguez
Oak Ridge National Laboratory