5th International Symposium on Sustainable Molten Salt and Ionic Liquid Processing
This major symposium is in honor of the distinguished work and lifetime achievements of
Marcelle Gaune-Escard, Research Director at the French National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS). Marcelle Gaune-Escard is a well-known figure for her deeply impact in physics, chemistry and engineering of molten salts. Marcelle Gaune-Escard, born in Tunisia, was educated in France where, following several university diploma including PhD, she achieved her Doctorat d'Etat, the highest possible education in science.
Her scientific production includes more than 450 papers published in international Journals and conference Proceedings ; she also edited or co-edited 6 books
Marcelle Gaune-Escard has been an important proponent for saving information and making it accessible to the scientific community at large. She initiated and is the current editor of the MOLTEN SALTS & IONIC LIQUIDS Bulletin (Newletters since 1976 , distribution 600, 24 countries, quarterly ; Web edition since 1996). This important periodical gives information on publications and meetings in the field, in addition to a main research article in each volume.
Another major initiative of hers, supporting the molten salt community, is her work on setting up a molten salt data bank following the steps of G. J. Janz's pioneering work ("Molten Salt Database", which includes all reference data edited up to 1990, NIST-SRD) together with the most recent results of research or ongoing projects, IUPAC project TGM 23003-020-2-100 : "Ionic Liquid Database").
Marcelle Gaune-Escard is the Member several international societies (ECS, TMS, IUPAC, CODATA, ITMSF) and belongs to the Editorial board of several international scientific journals.
She was the Organizer or Member of the Organizing Committees of most International Molten Salt & Ionic Liquids Conferences since 1974.
She has developed a broad cooperation network with 25 research groups over 14 countries in Europe, Asia and America.
These research activities and achievements were highlighted by the 2004 "Max Bredig Award", which was granted by the Electrochemical Society (USA) for the first time to a French scientist (and a female)
Reflecting these outstanding career achievements, this international symposium will feature plenary, keynote and contributed talks focusing at any aspect of Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids. They are both Coulombic fluids that consist of ions only, but they are typically applied in different temperature ranges. Both are of a large academic and industrial interest.
Essential for their in-depth understanding are aspects such as thermodynamics, transport, electrochemistry, structure, interface properties and modelling. Experimental and theoretical methods as well as techniques for data collection and analysis are constantly being developed and improved, aiming to advance the manifold technological applications of these materials.
This distinctively incorporated symposium will cover, but is not limited to, the following topics: analysis, characterisation, chemical and electrochemical syntheses, corrosion, data in the electronic age, electrodeposition, fuel cells, industrial applications, interfaces, nuclear energy, solar energy, spectroscopy, structure, surfaces, theoretical and computational studies, thermodynamics, transport.
Contributed articles will be doubled peer-reviewed and will be published in Conference Official Proceedings having an ISBN and an ISSN number and available through many indexes such as Scopus, EI index, Google Scholar, CiteSeerX etc. Selected contributed articles will also be published in reputable Journals.
A round table discussion open to everyone interested will be organized at a specific date and time during the symposium with high level representatives of various
industries, technologies and academia to discuss and debate freely without reservations all topics of this symposium and identify positive and efficient pathways towards sustainability in the industrial practice, technologies and research.
Click here for a descrition of the topics of symposium and the round table.
You are cordially invited to actively participate in this symposium by submitting and presenting a paper or by simply attending the round table.
We look forward to meeting you at the all-inclusive
Fiesta Americana Condesa 5-Star Resort
in Cancun, Mexico, on 22-26 October 2017.

Click here to see the detailed scope and topics.
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List of Accepted Abstracts as of 9/3/2025
Florian Kongoli
FLOGEN Technologies
USA/Canada |
Rasmus Fehrmann
Technical University of Denmark
Lyngby, Denmark |
Slobodan Gadzuric
Trg Dositeja Obradovica
Novi Sad, Serbia |
Weiping Gong
Huizhou University
Guangdong, China |
Kenneth R. Seddon
Queen's University
Northern Ireland (UK) |
Viktor Malyshev
Vernadsky Institute
Kiev, Ukraine |
Shuichi Iwata
University of Tokyo
Japan |