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October 2021 Events


The live streamed video can be seen at the link below:

Dr. Florian Kongoli, President of SIPS2022 and President of FLOGEN, Honorary Member of the Lorraine Academy of Sciences - Official Ceremony (abbreviated)

Dr. Florian Kongoli-Honorary Member of Lorraine Academy of Sciences-Official Ceremony (full version)

Dr. Florian Kongolis, President of SIPS2022 and President of FLOGEN, livestreamed ceremony of his Honorary Membership to the Lorraine Academy of Sciences - Livestreamed

Dr. Kongoli's livestreamed visit to the Institute Jean Lamour, in Nancy, France - Livestream.

Dr. Kongolis livestreamed visit to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Nancy, France. – Livestream

Dr. Kongolis visit to the The Virtual Hospital of Lorraine, with Prof. Jean Marie Dubois and Prof. Tran Nguyen.