In Honor of Nobel Laureate Dr. Aaron Ciechanover

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SIPS 2025 takes place from November 17-20, 2025 at the Dusit Thani Mactan Resort in Cebu, Philippines

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Abstract Submission Is Now Open!

Featuring many Nobel Laureates and other Distinguished Guests

Types of Presentations


This type of presentation is given by speaking in front of a live audience of attendees and using audio and video equipment such as a projector, laptop and software such as PowerPoint, etc. They include the following:

Summit Plenary: This is a presentation in the SIPS Summit Plenary session that consists of either a major topic that cuts through various fields of science, technology, engineering, and all interrelated fields covered by the summit, and is closely related to sustainability or a description of major findings in a specific field of science, technology, engineering, and all interrelated fields and their relation with sustainability. This presentation is structured in such a way that its scientific, technological and scientific content is understandable to and raises the interest of all attendees at the summit independently of their diverse background. In this kind of presentation, deep scientific details that are very specific to a particular field of science are almost omitted in favor of broad scientific, technical and engineering conclusions that raises the interest of all participants belonging to numerous fields of science and to various technological and engineering backgrounds creating the link to sustainable development.

Plenary: This is a presentation in a specific SIPS symposium that generally overviews the results of recent research and projects which encompasses all the topics of that symposium. It usually gives a comprehensive and detailed picture of the status of science, technology, engineering and all interrelated disciplines, its current challenges and milestones as well as a forecast of the future trends and goals in fulfilling the 3 criteria of sustainability. This presentation is structured in such a way that its scientific, technological and scientific content is understandable to and raises the interest of all attendees at the symposium, independently of their affinity to specific topics of the symposium. Although an oral presentation, it is usually printed as a separate article in the symposium publication volume.

Keynote: This is a presentation in a specific SIPS symposium that consist of two categories. The first category overviews the results of recent research and projects in one specific topic of the symposium selected by organizers. It usually gives a detailed picture of the status of science, technology, engineering and all interrelated disciplines, its current challenges and milestones as well as a forecast of the future trends and goals in fulfilling sustainability criteria. The second category gives a description of achievements in scientific research, technology, engineering and interrelated fields in one of the topics of the symposium selected by organizers that, from their importance sets the tone in that particular topic of the symposium in fulfilling the 3 criteria of sustainability. Both categories are intended to have a deep scientific, technical or engineering content and be of primarily interest, but not limited to specialists close to that topic. Although an oral presentation, it is usually printed as a separate article in the symposium publication volume.

Invited: This is a presentation in a specific SIPS symposium that gives a description of one important achievement in scientific research, technology development or engineering achievement in one of the topics of the symposium, selected by organizers. It is intended to have a deep scientific, technical, engineering content in one of the topics of the symposium, or in a new or hybrid topic, and shows the visible link into fulfilling the 3 criteria of sustainability. Although an oral presentation, it is usually printed as a separate article in the symposium publication volume.

Contributed: This is the most valuable type of presentation being contributed by scientists, technologist and engineers who have achieved some interesting results in one of the topics of a specific SIPS symposium. This is intended to have a deep scientific, technical or engineering content in one of the topics of their choice, or in a new or hybrid topic within the field of the symposium and shows the visible link into fulfilling the 3 criteria of sustainability. Although an oral presentation, it is usually printed as a separate article in the symposium publication volume.


This type of presentation is prepared in the form of a poster and is displayed in the hallways or in specific venues of the SIPS summit specifically dedicated to posters. The poster presents the results of the scientific, technology and engineering project in a concise form using a combination of written words and picture or photos. It is intended to have a deep scientific, technical or engineering content in one of the topics of the symposium simplified in major point that fit the format of the poster. Although the oral presentation to the visiting attendees is not obligatory, the interaction and an oral presentation with colleagues is highly recommended and advised. It is usually printed as a separate article in the symposium publication volume. A combination of oral presentation and poster presentation is also possible and recommended.