In Honor of Nobel Laureate Dr. Avram Hershko
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SIPS 2024 takes place from October 20 - 24, 2024 at the Out of the Blue Resort in Crete, Greece

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More than 540 abstracts submitted from over 50 countries

Featuring many Nobel Laureates and other Distinguished Guests

Abstract Preparation

ABSTRACT SUBMISSION: https://www.flogen.org/sips2024/abstract_submission.php

Abstracts should be between 150-750 words in length. It should contain:
  1. A concise but descriptive title
  2. A short background on the subject
  3. The purpose and goals of the paper
  4. A short description of the methods employed
  5. Concise description of the conclusions
  6. Keywords that are related to the subject
  7. 3-5 major references to other published work

The abstract should not contain:

  1. Any figures or tables
  2. Any detailed mathematical formula
  3. Any acknowledgements

Example Abstract for Exact Science, Technology, and Engineering:

AUTHORS: Madjid Berkani1, Yassine Bounouri1, Marcelle Gaune- Escard2
AFFILIATION: 1Université de Bejaia, Bejaia, Algeria;
2Aix-Marseille Université/Polytech, Marseille, France;

KEYWORDS: Electrical conductivity, NdBr3-KBr binary system


The lanthanide halides and their mixtures with alkali metal halides play a very important role in many modern technologies. They are extensively used in optical and scintillation devices [1] and are attractive components for doses in high-intensity discharge lamps and new highly efficient light sources with energy saving features, lasers, etc. [2] The wide band gap materials like fluorides and other halides co-doped by lanthanide ions provide valuable insight into many aspects of luminescence centers and have wide applications. [3] Such wide applications of these compounds requires knowledge of their structural, physicochemical, and, in particular, their thermodynamic properties. In connection with our research program on lanthanide halides and their systems with alkali metal halides [4], we have investigated the binary system of neodymium(III) bromide with potassium bromide.

The only literature information on this system was the phase diagram reported, as a graphic, by Blachnik and Jaeger-Kasper [5]. The phase equilibrium in the NdBr3-KBr binary system was established in the present work by differential scanning calorimetry (SETARAM LABSYS evo TG/DSC 1600).

This system includes the K3NdBr6, K2NdBr5, and KNd2Br7 compounds and three eutectics located at the NdBr3 molar fractions x = 0.192 (T = 849 K), x = 0.532 (T = 754 K) and x = 0.689 (T = 802 K), respectively. K3NdBr6 undergoes a solid-solid phase transition at 680 K and melts congruently at 918 K. K2NdBr5 melts incongruently at 822 K with the formation of solid K3NdBr6 and finally KNd2Br7 melts congruently at 814 K.

The electrical conductivity of NdBr3-KBr liquid mixtures was measured over the whole composition range and a wide temperature range.

[1] V.B. Motalov, M.F. Butman, L.S. Kudin, K.W. Kramer, L. Rycerz, M. Gaune-Escard, J. Mol. Liq. 142 (2008) 78-82.
[2] T. Markus, U. Nieman, K. Hilpert, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 66 (2005) 372-375.[3] J. Cybinska, J. Legendziewicz, G. Boulon, A. Bensalah, G. Meyer, Opt. Mater. 28 (2006) 41-52.
[4] I. Chojnacka, L. Rycerz, M. Berkani, M. Gaune-Escard, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 582 (2014) 505-510.
[5] R. Blachnik and A. Jaeger-Kasper, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 461 (1980) 74-86.

Example Abstract for Law Sciences:

AUTHORS: Malcolm McNeil1
AFFILIATION: 1Arent Fox, Los Angeles, United States;

KEYWORDS: Laws; Artificial Intelligence; Human Judgment


Business owners, companies, decision-makers cannot ignore the impact of AI "Artificial Intelligence" in providing efficiencies, statistical analysis, and speed in the decision-making analytical context. However in today's ever-changing global environment, the role should AI process play in the decision-making process? Are there decisions that can be delegated to AI predictive conclusions? Does AI provide an answer to both human errors? This session will examine the proper role of AI in charting a course for the future. Decision-makers clearly understand they utilized AI for effectiveness and at the same time assess its limitations. Session will further explore where AI and human judgment coalesce and diverge. The participants will be encouraged to actively participate with examples within their own working environments.

Example Abstract for Medicine:

AUTHORS: Ferid Murad1
AFFILIATION: 1Stanford University, Washington, United States;

KEYWORDS: Medicine; Nitric Oxide; New Technologies in Medicine


The role of nitric oxide in cellular signaling in the past three decades has become one of the most rapidly growing areas in biology. Nitric oxide is a gas and a free radical with an unshared electron that can regulated an ever-growing list of biological processes. Nitric oxide is formed from L-arginine by a family of enzymes called nitric oxide synthases. These enzymes have a complex environment requirement for a number of cofactors and regulators including NADPH, tetrahydrobiopterin, flavins, calmodulin and heme. The enzymes are present in most cells and tissues. In many instances, nitric oxide mediates its biological effects by activating the soluble isoform of guanylyl cyclase and increasing cyclic GMP synthesis from GTP. Cyclic GMP, in turn, can activate cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG) and can cause smooth muscles and blood vessels to relax, decrease platelet aggregation, alter neuron function, etc. These effects can decrease blood pressure, increase blood flow to tissues, alter memory and behavior, decrease blood clotting, etc. The list of effects of nitric oxide that are independent of cyclic GMP formation is also growing at a rapid rate. For example, nitric oxide can interact with transition metals such as iron, thiol groups, other free radicals, oxygen, superoxide anion, unsaturated fatty acids and other molecules. Some of these reactions result in the oxidation of nitric oxide to nitrite and nitrate to terminate the effect, while other reactions can lead to altered protein structure function and/or catalytic capacity. These effects probably regulate bacterial infections, inflammation of tissues, tumor growth, and other disorders. These diverse effects of nitric oxide that are cyclic GMP dependent or independent can alter and regulate numerous important physiological events in cell regulation and function. Nitric oxide can function as an intracellular messenger, an antacoid, a paracrine substance, a neurotransmitter, or as a hormone that can be carried to distant sites for effects. Thus, it is a unique molecule with an array of signaling functions. However, with any messenger molecule, there can be too little or too much of the substance, resulting in pathological events. Some of the methods to regulate either nitric oxide formation metabolism, or function have been in clinical use for more than a century, as with the use of organic nitrates and nitroglycerin in angina pectoris that was initiated in the 1870s. Inhalation of low concentrations of nitric oxide can be beneficial in premature infants with pulmonary hypertension and increase survival rates. Ongoing clinical trials with nitric oxide synthase inhibitors and nitric oxide scavengers are examining the effects of these agents in septic shock, hypotension with dialysis, inflammatory disorders, cancer therapy, etc. Recognition of additional molecular targets in the areas of nitric oxide and cyclic GMP research will continue to promote drug discovery and development programs in this field. Current and future research will undoubtedly expand the clinician’s therapeutic armamentarium to manage a number of important diseases by perturbing nitric oxide formation and metabolism. Such promise and expectations have obviously fueled the interests in nitric oxide research for a growing list of potential therapeutic applications. There have been and will continue to be many opportunities from nitric oxide and cyclic GMP march to develop novel and important therapeutic agents. There are presently more than 180,000 publications in the area of nitric oxide research. The lecture will discuss our discovery of the first biological effects of nitric oxide and how the field has evolved since our original reports since 1977. The possible utility of this signaling pathway to facilitate novel drug development and the creation of numerous projects in the Pharmaceutical and biotechnology industrials will also be discussed.

[1] Ignarro L and Murad F (eds) Nitric oxide: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Therapeutic implications. Advances in Pharmacology, 34:1-516. Academic Press, 1995.
[2] Murad F. Signal transduction using nitric oxide and cyclic guanoside monophosphate. Lasker Award. Journal of the American Medical Association. 276:1189-1192. 1996.
[3] Murad F. Discovery of some of the biological effects of nitric oxide and its role in cellular signaling. Nobel Lecture. Bioscience Reports.19:133-154. 1999 and Les Prix Nobel 1998 (the Nobel Prizes. 1998). pp. 273-307. 1999.
[4] Murad F. Shattuck Lecture. The Discovery of nitric oxide and cyclic GMP in cells signaling and their role in drug development. New England J. Med 355.2003-20111.2006.

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