In Honor of Nobel Laureate Dr. Avram Hershko
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SIPS 2024 takes place from October 20 - 24, 2024 at the Out of the Blue Resort in Crete, Greece

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More than 540 abstracts submitted from over 50 countries

Featuring many Nobel Laureates and other Distinguished Guests


The Gradual Abandonment of many types of well known Experimental Based Models in favor of a more Universal Algebraic Theory from the General Application of a Unified Theory of Analytical Integration: 2nd Workshop

By: Mr. Mike Mikalajunas, CIME, Canada

SIPS 2024 Short Course: 20 - 24 Oct, 2024, Out of the Blue Resort, Crete, Greece

(date & time to be determined later)

Fee: 200 Euros

General Overview:
This course is a continuation of the first course that was given in Panama last year at the SIPS 2023 conference. Our primary objective for this year will always remain the same by providing a more transparent solution on the current major limitation of Calculus in terms of not being able to establish some form of a unified theory of analytical integration.

The complete mathematical solution that was presented at the last SIPS Workshop was described in the form of Specialized Differential Forms or SDF for short with some major applications in the field of the Physical Sciences that would include Fluid Dynamics, Mechanics of Material, Quantum Mechanics and even in Cosmology. We will be demonstrating at this Workshop how the unique mathematical properties of SDF would play a major role in the development of more reliable theoretical models of the human body by working only with the general analytical solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations for the Mechanical aspect and the Schrödinger equations for the Chemical aspect of the human body.

Currently there exist no such theoretical models of the human body that would be based entirely on general analytical solutions of PDEs because of the severe limitation of Calculus which if successfully resolved by the method of SDF would become immeasurable in terms of reducing our excessive dependency on the use of experimental models in the Physical and Biological sciences.

Details of the course are given here (pdf).

Sustainable development through negotiations: a board-game experience

By: Dr. Rajiv Vaid Basaiawmoit, Aarhus University, Denmark; Dr. Taru Deva, Biosymfonix, Denmark; Dr. Paraskevi Yiouta-Mitra, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

SIPS 2024 Short Course: 20 - 24 Oct, 2024, Out of the Blue Resort, Crete, Greece

(date & time to be determined later)

Fee: 200 Euros

General Overview:
The workshop is related to the submitted abstract "Negotiating our way towards sustainability: an Educational board game and its contextualization into the mining sector" by Basaiawmoit, Deva and Yiouta-Mitra and all theoretical background shall be found in that paper.

The workshop is a full game run to experience the negotiation game as it is. This workshop has proven to be very engaging for the duration of around 3 hours. The participants will be asked to develop their sector of choice but will actually be trained in the skills of negotiations. They will form teams and develop their cause according to government policies and sustainability directives. Their terrain will be set on the board game currently under development called “Pactopolis” – where you win the game through the ability to make deals (pacts) with fellow industry partners from various sectors – such as agriculture, real-estate, energy and industry - whose roles you take in the game. The game starts with asymmetric information across all sectors and it is the task of the players to figure out the right incentives as well as strategy. While money and resources will be needed to expand each industry’s area (and influence), the key to winning the game is the ability to make deals. Secondly, all development happens in a natural area where the government tries to oversee the development of the area in the most sustainable way possible.

Details of the course are given here (pdf).
A flyer for the course is given here (pdf).