In Honor of Nobel Laureate Dr. Avram Hershko
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SIPS 2024 takes place from October 20 - 24, 2024 at the Out of the Blue Resort in Crete, Greece

Honoree Banner

More than 540 abstracts submitted from over 50 countries

Featuring many Nobel Laureates and other Distinguished Guests



  • All Initial Full Papers submitted will be peer-reviewed by at least 2 independent professionals.

  • The peer review process can reject the papers, approve or conditionally approve them (with suggestions for modifications and/or clarifications by the authors). After the peer review process, the authors submit the Final version of the paper(s).


    The final submitted papers will be published in Official Publication Volumes which, similarly to all previous publications (www.flogen.org/books ) will:
    1. Contain official ISBN numbers
    2. Contain official ISSN numbers
    3. Be legally deposited at Library and Archives, Canada (Government of Canada)
    4. Be available through Google Scholar and SCOPUS.
    5. There are more than 3600 FLOGEN published articles indexed in Google Scholar. They can be viewed here: https://bit.ly/3qRrdGt
    6. There are close to 6000 citations to articles published by FLOGEN (h-index = 38 and i10-index = 182). They can be viewed in the Google Scholar web site https://scholar.google.com/citations? User=ruisHwcAAAAJ&hl=en
    7. The Publication CD will be available for free to the authors and attendees of the symposium that have paid the registration fees.
    8. Each Honoree symposia will have a separate volume bearing the name of the Honoree symposia.
    9. All thematic symposia will have a corresponding publication volume published by FLOGEN Star Outreach as in all previous summit since 2003 ( https://www.flogen.org/?p=30#toop )
    10. The co-chairs of each symposia are automatically editors of the corresponding volume.


    Numerous papers from the symposium after un upgrade will be subsequently published in special dedicated numbers of reputable professional journals including:
    NOTE: the list of the reputable journals to be completed shortly


    At the time of paper submission, all authors are provided the following copyright agreement:

    COPYRIGHT TRANSFER I/We hereby agree to transfer the copyright of my/our paper to FLOGEN STARS OUTREACH at the moment the paper is accepted for publication in the FLOGEN PROCEEDINGS. The exact contents of this paper have not been copyrighted, published or submitted for publication elsewhere. If you subsequently submit your paper to another publication, please be sure to indicate that the paper was first published in the FLOGEN specific conference mentioned above citing the issue volume and number, page numbers and date

    All authors who wish to submit their manuscript must accept these terms. Upon agreement to these terms, it is the author’s responsibility to have fully read and understood this agreement, and to abide by it.