Every year our planet loses 10 billion trees. In this rhythm, there will be none left within 300 years. Not to mention that, these would sequester over 1 billion tons of CO2 in 20 years. Besides that, one out of four people in the world experience some level of food insecurity. That number can double in two decades. Producing more food is fundamental. As well as planting more trees is. With that in mind, Atlantica Green Tech started a different approach on Reforestation, based on Flogen Sustainability Framework. The idea became reality during SIPS 2022, in Phuket, Thailand. All projects are designed considering the defined criteria that had to be balanced so as to achieve Sustainability, Environment Protection, Social Advancement and Economic Growth, as an objective guideline for all projects. Equally important is the proposal of agents that must act together in order to make it happen: Science and Technology, Education and Civil Society and, finally, Governance and Management.