In Honor of Nobel Laureate Dr. Avram Hershko
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SIPS 2024 takes place from October 20 - 24, 2024 at the Out of the Blue Resort in Crete, Greece

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More than 540 abstracts submitted from over 50 countries

Featuring many Nobel Laureates and other Distinguished Guests


Hassan Tarabishi1; Alhassan Hamad1; Hans George Breitmoser2
1Somicon Industrial, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates; 2Hyperdes Water Technology, Wörnitz, Germany

PAPER: 391/Pharmaceutical/Regular (Oral) OS
SCHEDULED: 16:25/Tue. 22 Oct. 2024/Minos


Energized structured water (SW) consists of relative stable h-bonded cyclic rings with quasi-free electron swarm and readily available protons. Structured water (SW) in contact with hydrophilic biological surfaces, like cell or mitochondria membranes, proteins and DNA turns into biological structured water (BSW) or exclusion zone (EZ), adheres to the surface and is the main charge contributor due to its energized quasi-free electrons and adjacent proton +H or hydronium ion +H3O. Thus, playing a major rule in cell redox reactions, respiratory functions and in maintaining healthy cellular functions [1-5]. Negatively charged (SW) unexpectedly adheres to negatively charged lipid membrane surfaces and forms exclusion zone (EZ) [6]. According to Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) theory, resonance attraction forces (SW) is generated when coherent domains (CD) oscillate in phase with resonant waves emitted from the lipid membranes [7]. 

Aquaporins in cell and mitochondria membranes are more permeable for SW/BSW than liquid bulk water enhancing the functionality of mitochondria and cell [8-10]. Mitochondrial heat energy (53-54°C) equivalent to FIR of 10174 nm [11] is absorbed by BSW, increasing EZ layers and providing additional energized quasi-free electrons for cellular activities, acting like an energy store [12-13]. Near-infrared and red-light wavelengths, directly from the sun or indirectly through Schumann Resonance (SR) frequencies (7.8, 14.1, 20.3, 26.3 and 32.5 Hz) [11,14], has higher energy to penetrate the body and increase (EZ) layers in the cells. Interestingly, Schumann Resonance (SR) frequencies agree with the human brain electroencephalogram (EEG) frequencies. These waves can carry & transmit specific resonating information (EMF) to the coherent domains (CDs) in the hexagonal ring-layers of (BSW) initiating specific cellular functions similar to old radio receivers that use hexagonal silicon quartz crystal [15]. Furthermore, Dr. Luc Montagnier demonstrated that weak EMF at 7.8 Hz for 18 hours could transfer specific DNA (EMF) to SW in another tube, where DNA signals were detectable even at extreme dilutions, referred to as water memory (WM). This water, when exposed to specific DNA (EMF) digital acoustic files, can reproduce the same DNA strain in a PCR reactor, called Water Transduction (WT) [16-17]. Qi or Ki, transmitted by a trained person, through special breathing techniques by Nishino, in near-infrared wavelengths (0.8-2.7 µm), can manipulate muscle contraction and suppress cancer cell growth in vitro [18]. The explanation lies in the influence of NIF on (EZ) water in the cells. Water respiration (WR) energy theory is based on a cascade of redox reactions including reactive oxygen species (ROS), which is considered the main cause for age-related diseases. However, when superconductivity, a characteristic of BSW, is considered, redox reactions in vivo could occur at superconductive speeds without causing detectable (ROS) damages [19-23]. Along with BSW, cells require a four-fold excess of oxygen to prevent ROS accumulation injury [19]. Specific (EMF) wavelengths, such as infrared radiation energize BSW maintaining good O2 levels within cells.

Neutrophils inactivate pathogens through NADPH oxidase producing Radical Oxygen Species (ROS) in a process called respiratory burst, which increases oxygen consumption by 10-15-fold [19,24-25]. Myeloperoxidase MPO then produces localized small quantities of HOCl as biocide. Studies found that (SW) increases Natural Killer cell activity from 8% to 25% and doubling phagocytic activity [26]. In a close manner, our innovative PLUS biocide, which consist mainly of (SW) water99.7% and HOCl with traces of other (ROS) biocides totally equivalent to 250 ppm free chlorine, inactivates pathogens and enhances cell functionality/metabolism. PLUS's physiological effect can’t be solely attributed to 250 ppm free chlorine. Its wide spectrum and fast eliminations of pathogens incl. viruses, Chlorine resistant bacteria and spores > 99,9999% qualifies PLUS as a “chemical sterilant”. Simultaneously, due to its (SW) water, enhance and support cell granulation and speed up damaged area recovery (e.g. wounds & burns), safe on dermatological cells/skin and non-bleach. PLUS is produced in a unique reactor by electrolysis of NaCl salted purified water, producing hydroxylated water with hydronium ions +H3O and hydroxyl radicals OH. These reform into (SW) water with stronger H-bonds that favor cyclic rings enhancing electrical conductivity and dielectric constant [27-29]. PLUS, generation process involves a combination of synergetic technologies like ionizing energy, electromagnetic field (EMF), resonance, catalytic TiO2 and ceramics membrane, ozone + hydrogen peroxide reactions to form stable gentle biocide with energized (SW) & HOCl. Plus is stable with pH 7 unlike chemically produced HOCl stable at pH 4-5. Additionally, its UV spectrum differs from chemically produced HOCl with 2 peaks around 240 and 290 nm. Plus, safe and effective regime of disinfection opens doors for new holistic biocide supporting human health and animals’ wellbeing.

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