In Honor of Nobel Laureate Dr. Avram Hershko
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SIPS 2024 takes place from October 20 - 24, 2024 at the Out of the Blue Resort in Crete, Greece

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More than 540 abstracts submitted from over 50 countries

Featuring many Nobel Laureates and other Distinguished Guests


Hassan Tarabishi1; Alhassan Hamad1
1Somicon Industrial, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

PAPER: 339/Pharmaceutical/Regular (Oral) OS
SCHEDULED: 13:20/Tue. 22 Oct. 2024/Minos


Water, something that we often take for granted, has a fourth phase [1] that holds mysteries crucial to understanding many natural phenomena. This theory on structured water fourth phase was often met with skepticism and labelled as pseudo-science but recently, finds acceptance as researches advances with more evidences through more sensitive equipment and modern super-computer quantum energy calculations.

The concept of Structured Water (SW) fourth phase between solid and liquid is defined as cluster of water molecules joined by strong H-bonds to form relative stable ringed-structures molecular called Coherent Domains (CD) with characteristics that differs from classical notions of bulk liquid waterBased on the Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) field theory, the two phases, unstructured/non-coherent bulk water and structured/coherent (CD) water, exist together in liquid water at variable proportion depending on water conditions and environment [2-6]. The Coherent Domains (CD) are created when water molecules oscillate between two electronic configurations in phase with a resonating electromagnetic field (EMF) [7-8], which can create a quantum resonating cavity in the Coherent Domain (CD) trapping specific frequencies/waves [9-10]. In other words, bulk water may convert into (SW) water by resonating with and collecting coherent (EMF) fields generated from either in vivo or environmental sources [11]. The trapped non-vanishing (EMF) field doesn’t dissipate and tends to resonate with other CDs coherently. This phenomenon is referred to as Water Memory (WM) by Dr. Luc Montagnier [12]. Similarly, at hydrophilic surfaces, structured water (CD) is formed as dense lattice of hexagonal-ringed molecules expelling contaminates out of those tight H-bonded layers of hexagonal rings, firstly referred to as Exclusion Zone (EZ) by Dr. Gerald Pollack. The honey comb structure forms 60 degree shifted layers up to 1 mm in thickness capable of accommodating helix structure [13-14].

Recent (SW) studies employing Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) to detect and image structured water (CD) in liquid water and on metal surfaces [15-18]. AFM images revealed water supra-molecules of various sizes and shapes potentially comprising millions to billions of clustered H-bonded water molecules with soft, gel-like properties. Each supra-molecules rod-like or spiral-helical structures comprised of much smaller “spheres” resembling pentamers and hexagonal ring structure (CD). The spheres’ (CD) outer shell is electron-dense, indicating that the outer shells are a cloud or cold vortex of quasi-free electrons. These structures remain stable for weeks or months at room temperature and pressure [19]. As CD spheres approach a hydrophilic surface, they flatten out into a liquid crystalline lattice, known as Exclusion Zone (EZ), composed of tight layers of H-bonded, hexagonal-ringed water molecules [20]. The cold vortices of quasi-free electrons in the outer shell of the (CD) sphere are converted into quasi-free electrons within the (EZ) layers that interfaced with the hydrophilic surface [6,7,20]. When the H-bond strength increases to provide more structure to water, it becomes less fluid, with higher viscosity but the pentamers and hexagonal ring structure (CD) spheres or rods is less dense than liquid bulk water (similar to ice). However, the tight lattice structured water at hydrophilic surfaces is more dense than liquid bulk water [21].

In structured coherent domain the molecular electrons fluctuate between being strongly bound (ionization potential 12.60 eV) and an excited configuration (12.06 eV) in which one electron per molecule is “quasi-free”. Additionally, the trapped (EMF) radiation inside the (CD) had an equivalent of (0.26 eV) [19,22]. Even weak energy sources like red light (~680nm) have enough energy (1.8 eV) to bring the quasi-free electrons over the threshold of ionization potential. Infrared and other weak frequencies emitting subtle (EMF) electromagnetic and magnetic fields are able to increase structured water (EZ) [23-24]. However, many studies showed that, microwave frequencies (2.45 GHz) of older cell phones and (20-60 GHz) of newer 5G reduce water structure (EZ) layers since they destroy covalent bonds and disrupt H-bonding dynamics in water [25-27].

(SW) is not just H2O but rather pentamers or hexagonal ring structure with 3 x -eH3O2 which bears noticeable negative charge (-100 mV to -200mV) due to losing protons +H to the adjacent bulk water forming positively charged hydronium ions +H3O, lowering its pH < 7 and serving as energy reservoir [28]. A quantum computational model study of anionic and neutral hexamer structures showed that a set of two hexamer rings could be stacked on top of another with quasi-free electrons in the π orbitals. The computational spectral signature of (SW) hexagonal rings was 271 nm [29], which matched the experimental spectral signature of (EZ) water 270 nm [30-31].

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