Although the denomination “steelmaking” is much more common in English, the world “siderurgy” also exists in English. The name “siderurgy” comes from the old Greek world for iron: sideros. Steelmaking and Ironmaking revolutionized the history of humankind: There are distincts quality of life for the 4 main hystorical ages: stone age, copper age [1], bronze age, and iron age.
Nowadays it became clear that the Old Egyptians were less advanced in metallurgy - or ironmaking - than their neighbors: The Tut-ankh-amon dagger is meteoritic (due to high nickel) and, besides, it probably was imported from Mittani or Hittite lands [2], thats is, present day Turkey .
The transition of bronze to iron and steel was very important for quality of life: In the iron age, furniture could be easily manufactured, and also ships and boats. This revolutionized the commerce. Bronze was very expensive due to the scarce and essential alloying element tin (11-12% in bronze). Instead, iron ore can be found almost everywhere.
It is reviewed the complex process that gave origin to smelting [3,4], for steel and iron production: Magnetite maybe the first ore used for reduction. The origin of first smelting techniques are still uncertain [5]. More and more it became clear that Black Sea regions started the iron smelting process, possibly in areas related to the Chalybes [6], near present day Trebzon.