There is an ongoing debate as to whether our biologic origin is dualistic or monistic. Theoretically, there should be unequivocal scientific evidence for one state or the other being the primary source of the evolutionary origin of serial Symbiogenesis. The essence of this article is that the process of Symbiogenesis- the assimilation of factors in the environment that have posed existential threats as the physiologic basis for consciousness provides that hypothetical evidence. Peter Rowlands’ Rewrite Mathematics is an algorithmic homolog of Epigenetic Inheritance that explains the how and why of mathematics running true to physiology. However, it only accounts for synchronic or ‘real time’ consciousness, not for diachronically emergent nonlocal consciousness. It is how and why Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems are incomplete….they overlook Gödel’s nonlocal consciousness that was necessary for formulating the formal math.