In Honor of Nobel Laureate Dr. Avram Hershko
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SIPS 2024 takes place from October 20 - 24, 2024 at the Out of the Blue Resort in Crete, Greece

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More than 540 abstracts submitted from over 50 countries

Featuring many Nobel Laureates and other Distinguished Guests


Carlos Petter1; Renato Petter1; Weslei Ambros1; Tracy Fernandez1
1Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil

PAPER: 248/Mineral/Regular (Oral) OS
SCHEDULED: 15:25/Wed. 23 Oct. 2024/Lida


In the mining industry, one of the main concerns is estimating costs in order to carry out projects efficiently and profitably. MAFMINE is a tool that provides quick and effective results for decision-making. My research was carried out using two parametric equation modeling methodologies, mainly manuals were studied (Bureau of Mines Cost Estimating System Handbook and Costs and Cost Estimation of T. Alan O'Hara and Stanley C. Suboleski), this work focuses on the area of mineral processing, the estimates for operations in processing plant. The parametric equations proposed and added in the plant area make it possible to estimate the processing costs of various circuits, which are fundamental for future plant facility design. These equations also make it possible to estimate the cost of implementations within mineral processing, which in turn allows the most appropriate option to be selected based on the characteristics of each ore. Each methodology has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it was necessary to select appropriate standardization factors. Once the cost estimation tool had been updated with the new parametric equations obtained, it was applied to specific case studies. The results obtained demonstrate the tool's reliability. In conclusion, the study of parametric equation modeling methodologies has made it possible to update a cost estimation tool in the area of mineral processing plants. The inclusion of more parametric equations to estimate mineral processing costs will enable better decisions to be made.

[1] Ontario Securities Commission (OSC), (2018), “Mining Disclosure Essentials: NI 43-101 reporting fundamentals, industry best practices, and useful guidance for TSX and TSXV issuers”. Accessed online in September, 2019 at: https://www.osc.ca/sites/default/files/pdfs/irps/ni_20180307_43-101_mineral-disclosure.pdf. PDAC, 2018.
[2] T. Allan O’hara, (1980), “Quick guides to the evaluation of orebodies”, CIM Bulletin, February, 1980.
[3] O’Hara, T. & Suboleski, S. (1992), Costs and cost estimation, in ‘SME Mining Engineering Handbook’, Vol. 1, SME, Littleton, Colorado, pp. 405–424.
[4] NAGLE, A.J. Aide a l’Estimation des Paramètres Economiques d’un Projet Minier dans les Etudes de Prefaisabilité, (1988). Thèse Doctorat – École Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris), France, 1988.