In Honor of Nobel Laureate Dr. Avram Hershko
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SIPS 2024 takes place from October 20 - 24, 2024 at the Out of the Blue Resort in Crete, Greece

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More than 540 abstracts submitted from over 50 countries

Featuring many Nobel Laureates and other Distinguished Guests


Ibrahim Karim1
1BioGeometry Energy Systems, Cairo, Egypt

PAPER: 243/Pharmaceutical/Regular (Oral) OS
SCHEDULED: 17:30/Tue. 22 Oct. 2024/Minos


Smart Cities are being built everywhere in a competitive display of the extravagant possibilities of modern technology. An incomplete understanding of global warming results in making a zero-carbon footprint as the goal of environmental urban planning. The goal is reached by replacing combustion engine cars with electrically driven versions. This is a limited vision of considering oil as the only culprit in global warming.

The practical experience from applying BioGeometry solutions to areas plagued by a stressful situation resulting from electromagnetic radiation clearly show the harmful effects on human, animal and plant life. In the research projects done in Hemberg, St. Gallen (x) and Hirschberg Appenzell IR, Switzerland, in collaboration with the government Authority for Mobile communication and environment and Swisscom the government mobile communication provider, it was clearly shown that by infusing the electromagnetic radiation with BioGeometry life force energy quality (x) a significant improvement in human, animal and plant health was achieved. 

Electromagnetic radiation causes heat. Tests on mobile phone emission with Infra-Red technology showed a reduction in the raised temperature from the device electromagnetic radiation when infused with BioGeometry Life force solutions (Fig. 1). Although the heating effect from the motion of waves in the environment is a well-known fact, the electromagnetic radiation from modern technology contributes to global warming it is widely ignored. Replacing carbon emission with electricity is not only harmful to living systems in general but will also increase the effect on global warming.

Artificial Intelligence running smart cities will employ sensors on every level from the smallest to the largest and will depend on an information technology that will produce a huge increase in electromagnetic radiation in the environment. 

Urban settlements in history were always located around water springs, lakes and rivers that carried life force into the agriculture. They were also planned on the energetic patterns of the earth. Living communities in Egypt are concentrated around the Nile river. Roman planning based on life force earth patterns can be found everywhere in Europe. Zurich in Switzerland, originally the Roman Turicum, with its thousand natural water fountains is good example. 

Modern Smart cities however, showcase extravagant shapes, enabled by modern building and information technology, with a total disregard to the natural life force patterns of the earth. 

Carbon emissions from all types of life on earth form part of the energetic life force exchange in nature. Carbon emissions of modern technology however, do not contain life force and are not absorbed into the natural cycle of the living earth and stagnate in the atmosphere contributing to global warming. Similarly, the natural electromagnetic activity of the earth is part of the life force of all living species and contains an inner homeostasis responsible for the regulation and optimising of temperature. Electromagnetic radiation from modern technology however, is a is totally different and causes disturbance in the natural counterpart in nature causing global warming.

BioGeometry offers a fresh look at climate change by infusing carbon emissions and electromagnetic radiation with life force resulting in their integration in nature an harmonizing their effect on the temperature of their environment. The high intensity of carbon and electromagnetic activity will become a healthy healing environment. This is the practical solution that we applied successfully in the Swiss projects.

[1] Karim, Ibrahim, Hidden Reality, The BioGeometry Physics of Quality, 2022, Amazon
[2] GIBB Genossenschaft Information Baubiologie, Harmonisierung mit BioGeometrie, St. Gallerstrasse 28, CH-9230, Flawil, 2004, ISBN 3-033-00391-5
[3] Swanson, Claude, PhD Physics MIT/Stanford, Life Force: The Scientific Basis, Poseidon Press, 7320 North La Cholla, 2010, Tucson, AZ85741
[4] Yousef, Khaled, Experiment on BioGeometry Design on Electromagnetic (wifi) Waves in Architectural Spaces, PhD thesis, Cairo University,
[5] Egyptian patent office, A23L 03//38 // A 23 C 09/123, 1895, 31/12/1993, BioGeometry Research Projects, www.biogeometry.ca