1Federal University of Ouro Preto, Ouro Preto, BrazilPAPER: 236/Iron/Regular (Oral) OS
SCHEDULED: 13:40/Tue. 22 Oct. 2024/Ariadni C
ABSTRACT:The present work aims to analyze the characteristics of macauba (Acrocomia aculeata), as well as its occurrence in Brazil and its energy properties that differentiate it from other biomasses due to its extreme importance for the generation of clean energy, from sources extracted from the environment and for sustainable development. The energy potential of macaúba biomass provides the strengthening of the Brazilian domestic market, since the oil extracted from this palm tree may have differentiated applications, including in industries. Compared to other biomasses, it is noted that macauba oil is produced in greater quantity and has high agricultural profitability. In the steel mill, the use of macaúba contributes to mitigate the emission of polluting gases resulting from the burning of fuels in blast-ovens, besides having several other advantages, as well as the low amount of ash generated.
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