In Honor of Nobel Laureate Prof. M Stanley Whittingham


Abstract Submission Open ! About 500 abstracts submitted from around 60 countries.

Featuring many Nobel Laureates and other Distinguished Guests


Gang Cao

University of Colorado at Boulder

Quest For New Quantum States Via Magneto-synthesis
Poeppelmeier International Symposium(3rd Intl Symp on Solid State Chemistry for Applications & Sustainable Development)

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We report our recent advances in the science and technology of materials fabrication in magnetic fields via magneto-synthesis [1,2]. The capabilities and feasibility of the magneto-synthesis are strongly supported by evidence gleaned over the last six decades [3] and our own studies in recent years. However, the uniqueness and importance of magnetic energy for quantum material synthesis have not been widely recognized until very recently. Nevertheless, it is clear that magnetic fields can not only improve crystal homogeneity via Lorentz forces, but also can modify phase boundaries by taking advantage of the dependence of the Gibbs free energy on the applied magnetic field. Magneto-synthesis works particularly well for quantum materials with strong spin-orbit interactions and near-degeneracies [2], that can offer exquisite control of structural and physical properties unattainable by other means. This Lecture presents our most recent results of single-crystal quantum materials via magneto-synthesis with comparison drawn with those of the counterpart materials synthesized without magnetic field. The overall
significance of the magneto-synthesis could be comparable to that of the floating-zone technology first developed in the 1950s, which made ultrapure semiconductors possible and was a critical enabling factor for the eventual development of semiconductor devices.