2023-Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit
Intl. Symp on Energy, Carbon, Biochar and Cement

Editors:F. Kongoli, S.M. Atnaw, H. Dodds, M. Mauntz, T. Turna, A. Faaij, J. Antrekowitsch, G. Hanke, H.W. Kua, M. Giorcelli
Publisher:Flogen Star OUTREACH
Publication Year:2023
Pages:204 pages
ISBN:978-1-989820-94-0 (CD)
ISSN:2291-1227 (Metals and Materials Processing in a Clean Environment Series)
CD shopping page


    Mauro Giorcelli1;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Id Paper: 383
    Topic: 9


    Biochar is a carbonaceous material derived from the pyrolysis of biomass, which is often considered a waste material with the associated disposal problems. In this work will be summarises the latest research developments in biochar materials, a field that is gaining increasing popularity due to biochar's potential to replace carbon materials derived from non-renewable sources. The work explores emerging and innovative applications of biochar, covering all aspects of the field, from production [1] to applications, including details on the techniques used. Special attention is given to biochar as a material for composites and sensors [2]. 

    The applications of biochar in the field of cement-based composites will also be discussed as it is expected that the cement industry will have a high demand for biochar in the coming years as biochar has proven to be an excellent substitute for both inert material and cement itself without altering the properties of the final composite.

    This work has been reported in the first book [3] to address the emerging applications of biochar as an innovative, versatile and renewable carbon-based material, going beyond its traditional uses in agriculture. The book is a valuable reference for all researchers in the field of biochar and carbon-based materials, including practitioners.


    Composition; Environment; Material; Waste; Carbon Materials; Physical and chemical Properties; Emerging applications


    [1] M.Bartoli, M.Troiano, P.Giudicianni, D. Amato, M. Giorcelli, R. Solimene, A. Tagliaferro, Applications in Energy and Combustion Science (2022), Elsevier
    [2] A. Noori, M. Bartoli, A. Frache, E. Piatti, M. Giorcelli, A. Tagliaferro, Micromachines 11 (4), 339 (2020)
    [3] A. Tagliaferro, C.Rosso, M.Giorcelli, “Bochar emergin applications”, IOP Science (2020) ISBN: 978-0-7503-2660-5

    Cite this article as:

    Giorcelli M. (2023). BIOCHAR: A TSUNAMI OF CARBON OPPORTUNITIES. In F. Kongoli, S.M. Atnaw, H. Dodds, M. Mauntz, T. Turna, A. Faaij, J. Antrekowitsch, G. Hanke, H.W. Kua, M. Giorcelli (Eds.), Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit Intl. Symp on Energy, Carbon, Biochar and Cement (pp. 47-48). Montreal, Canada: FLOGEN Star Outreach