2023-Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit
Intl. Symp on Energy, Carbon, Biochar and Cement

Editors:F. Kongoli, S.M. Atnaw, H. Dodds, M. Mauntz, T. Turna, A. Faaij, J. Antrekowitsch, G. Hanke, H.W. Kua, M. Giorcelli
Publisher:Flogen Star OUTREACH
Publication Year:2023
Pages:204 pages
ISBN:978-1-989820-94-0 (CD)
ISSN:2291-1227 (Metals and Materials Processing in a Clean Environment Series)
CD shopping page


    Abdollah Esmaeili1;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Id Paper: 33
    Topic: 17


    Well testing operation of gas condensate reservoirs is one of the complex issues in reservoir engineering. Performing this operation requires precision sampling and laboratory analysis and if these things are not followed, the obtained results will be uninterpretable. The reason for the complexity of well testing for gas condensate reservoirs can be related to phase changes, condensate remaining in finer pores, the two-phase flow of gas and liquid, phase redistribution in and around the well, and finally, re-evaporation of condensate into the gas phase. In such conditions, it has been observed that the graph of the derivative of pressure in terms of time in the gas condensate reservoirs after transition from the dew point looks like scattered and cannot be interpreted. Now, considering these conditions, the exact reason for this phenomenon should be understood and the suitable corrections should be found for the application of these data or, if necessary, a suitable technique for performing well testing operations on gas condensate reservoirs should be designed. Methods which can normally be taken for this purpose is using of mathematical relations that provide the appropriate virtual pressure for the purposed gas condensate, considering the geological and petrophysical properties of the formation and PVT properties and equations of state for reservoir fluid. In this paper, Well Test and its application for a gas condensate reservoir will be discussed.


    Energy; Engineering; Gas; Petroleum; Reservoirs;


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    2. D.R.Mc Cord & Assoc., "Fracture Study of Asmari Reservoir", 1975.
    3. "Log Interpretation Charts", Schlumberger Well Services, 1989.
    4. "Schlumberger Log Interpretation Principles", Schlumberger Educational ervices, 1989.
    5. Tiratsoo, E.N., "Oil Field of the World", Gulf Publishing Company, 1986.
    6. Sylvain j. pirson, "WELL LOG ANALYSIS", Prentice-Hall, 1989.
    7. Thompson & Wright, "OIL PROPERTY EVALUATION", Colorado School of Mines, 1985.
    8. James R. Jorden & Frankl. Campbell,"Well Logging", Society of Petroleum Engineers, 1994.

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    Cite this article as:

    Esmaeili A. (2023). WELL TEST AND ITS APPLICATION FOR A GAS CONDENSATE RESERVOIR. In F. Kongoli, S.M. Atnaw, H. Dodds, M. Mauntz, T. Turna, A. Faaij, J. Antrekowitsch, G. Hanke, H.W. Kua, M. Giorcelli (Eds.), Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit Intl. Symp on Energy, Carbon, Biochar and Cement (pp. 165-170). Montreal, Canada: FLOGEN Star Outreach