2023-Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit
Torem Intl. Symp/ Mineral Processing

Editors:F. Kongoli, G. N. Anastassakis, A. Abhilash, H. R. Kota, A. G. Merma, E. Souza, C.H. Sampaio, R. Souza, M.M. Vellasco, F. Zeballos, J. Sokolovic
Publisher:Flogen Star OUTREACH
Publication Year:2023
Pages:142 pages
ISBN:978-1-989820-90-2 (CD)
ISSN:2291-1227 (Metals and Materials Processing in a Clean Environment Series)
CD shopping page


    Abdurassul Zharmenov1;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Id Paper: 497
    Topic: 5


    Science and Technology as described in the FLOGEN Sustainability Framework is the first and most efficient and important pillar to achieve sustainability.  The National Center on Complex Processing of Mineral Raw Materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan as the largest scientific institution in the mining and metallurgical industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Central Asia countries has used the scientific research and developed new technologies to solve the global problems of traditional deposits depletion, treatment of off-grade and man-grade raw materials, achievement of integrated processing of primary minerals, and achieving the transition to deep and ultra-deep horizons in order to reduce environmental pollution and improve the quality of life of current and future generations. This presentation will describe some of these achievements with special emphasis on the following developments.

    A new technology that produces an alloy of two incompatible metals – iron and aluminum that simultaneously deoxidizes and inoculates in steel. Developed as part of   "Kazakhstani Alloy" project in cooperation ThyssenKrupp (Germany) and Posco (South Korea) the technology has been patented in numerous countries. 

    A new technology for thermomagnetic beneficiation and dephosphorization of high-phosphorous brown iron ores and concentrates which for the first time treats low-quality brown iron ores and produces a prime concentrate with an iron content of 65% and phosphorus content of no more than 0.25% that fully meets the requirements of metallurgical treatment in terms of chemical and mineral compositions, as well as physical properties.

    An unusual new technology has been proposed to obtain ferrosilicon with a low content of aluminum and titanium based on the processing of large-tonnage renewable raw materials unconventional for metallurgy - rice husk. 

    A new technology for processing of low-quality, complex oxidized and mixed gold-copper ores with poor gold content based on which more than 20 Kazakhstani and foreign gold processing enterprises have been created. Combined beneficiating and hydrometallurgical technologies for processing low-grade copper-containing raw materials have been introduced at a number of domestic deposits. 

    A new technology and pilot-plant production facilities for the production of stable isotope of osmium, iodine and their compounds that put Kazakhstan on the top 3 countries leading in the production of stable isotopes.

    New safe mining technologies, the latest innovative automated systems for positioning people and equipment, managing a geotechnological complex at open pit (Jetygara) have been implemented at a number of mines in Kazakhstan.

    The above new technologies are added to the existing Kazakistani technology for lead smelting, using the KIVCET flash-cyclone-oxygen-electric smelting method, that has been implemented in Bolivia, Italy, Canada, and China that overall, today smelt a tenth of the world's primary lead output.

    The implementation of these technologies has been made possible by a volume of investments of more than $3.5 billion and the annual output of commodity products at these enterprises at today's prices exceeds $4.0 billion while the total amount of investments in new production facilities based on them in the next 2-3 years will reach $2-2.5 billion. 

    These success stories have tremendously helped achieving sustainability through science and technology and it is an important confirmation of the role of science and technology as forecasted by FLOGEN Sustainability Framework 


    Mining; Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metallurgy; Rare Metals; Gold; Refractories; Ferroalloys

    Cite this article as:

    Zharmenov A. (2023). SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY COMMERCIALIZATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINING AND METALLURGICAL INDUSTRY. In F. Kongoli, G. N. Anastassakis, A. Abhilash, H. R. Kota, A. G. Merma, E. Souza, C.H. Sampaio, R. Souza, M.M. Vellasco, F. Zeballos, J. Sokolovic (Eds.), Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit Torem Intl. Symp/ Mineral Processing (pp. 107-108). Montreal, Canada: FLOGEN Star Outreach