2023-Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit
Torem Intl. Symp/ Mineral Processing

Editors:F. Kongoli, G. N. Anastassakis, A. Abhilash, H. R. Kota, A. G. Merma, E. Souza, C.H. Sampaio, R. Souza, M.M. Vellasco, F. Zeballos, J. Sokolovic
Publisher:Flogen Star OUTREACH
Publication Year:2023
Pages:142 pages
ISBN:978-1-989820-90-2 (CD)
ISSN:2291-1227 (Metals and Materials Processing in a Clean Environment Series)
CD shopping page


    Jessica Cordaro1;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Id Paper: 287
    Topic: 5


    Due to the current climate crisis, growing social inequities, and continued exploitation of the environment and its inhabitants, there is a dire need to incorporate education for sustainability (EfS) into mainstream education globally. STEM education is a popular educational initiative that has been integrated into curricula worldwide, which has some overlap with the pedagogies as EfS. A scoping literature review was conducted to examine the parallels between STEM education and EfS pedagogies in K-12 education. A total of 35 articles from 2012 to 2022 were reviewed. When comparing both sets of literature, the use of digital technology was a top pedagogical practice in both STEM and EfS. While design-based instruction was a common element of STEM education literature, it was only found in one of the EfS studies. Digital-technology based instruction was the most common pedagogy in the EfS literature followed by inquiry-based instruction and collaborative methods. Future research can be conducted in these areas to examine educator effectiveness at integrating EfS and STEM education by using these areas as bridges between the educational initiatives, allowing EfS to become more mainstream in K-12 education globally.


    Curriculum; Education; Educational Strategy; Sustainability; Teacher Education


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    Cite this article as:

    Cordaro J. (2023). EXPLORING PEDAGOGIES OF K-12 STEM EDUCATION AND EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABILITY. In F. Kongoli, G. N. Anastassakis, A. Abhilash, H. R. Kota, A. G. Merma, E. Souza, C.H. Sampaio, R. Souza, M.M. Vellasco, F. Zeballos, J. Sokolovic (Eds.), Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit Torem Intl. Symp/ Mineral Processing (pp. 115-116). Montreal, Canada: FLOGEN Star Outreach