In Honor of Nobel Laureate Prof. M Stanley Whittingham


Abstract Submission Open ! About 500 abstracts submitted from around 60 countries.

Featuring many Nobel Laureates and other Distinguished Guests

Manisha_Rane-Fondacaro President

Manisha Rane-Fondacaro

Soul-Led Solutions LLC
Albany, United States

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Short Bio:

I am the president & owner of Soul-Led Solutions LLC, since May 2022. I envision One planet—One grid. Interconnecting all grids worldwide and generating low emissions—sustainable energy from God-given resources by economically harvesting energy from the sun, earth, water, air, and fire. Producing the cheapest clean electricity and green hydrogen through solar microgrids—in collaboration with local municipalities and renewable energy companies, businesses & communities, institutional investors & financiers, and local governments. Expediting renewable energy production— with resiliency & six-sigma reliability and sidestepping transmission congestion & long interconnection queues. Leading and engaging humanity towards sustainable solutions & environmentally conscious choices to bring economic prosperity to the world. My research and development experience includes the development/investigation of highly anisotropic magnetic materials for recording applications; ceramics corrosion in highly alkaline coal gasification environment; high-temperature thermochemistry of piezoelectric and magnetic material; high-efficiency luminescent phosphor materials for LED lighting; and radiation hard ceramic scintillator material for medical devices. My experience in clean alternative power includes energy generation (thin film solar cells); energy conversion (solid oxide and polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells); transmission (high-temperature superconducting cables); and energy storage devices (electrical and electrochemical devices).