DEVELOPMENT OF RATIONAL RESOURCE-SAVING TECHNOLOGY FOR SMELTING FERROSILICOALUMINUM AND ORGANIZATION OF ITS PRODUCTION Abdurassul Zharmenov1; Jürgen Hein2; Sailaubai Baisanov3; Alibek Baisanov3; Yerbolat Makhambetov3; 1NATIONAL CENTER ON COMPLEX PROCESSING OF MINERAL RAW MATERIALS OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN RSE, Almaty, Kazakhstan; 2ICMD INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION OF METAL AND ALLOY DEVELOPMENT HOLDING AG, Ганновер, Germany; 3CHEMICAL-METALLURGICAL INSTITUTE NAMED AFTER ZH. ABISHEV, Karaganda, Kazakhstan; PAPER: 385/Iron/Regular (Oral) OS SCHEDULED: 17:50/Wed. 29 Nov. 2023/Dreams 2 ABSTRACT: The depletion of reserves of high-quality primary ore raw materials (quartzite, bauxite), the upward trend in the cost of coke, etc., presupposes an integrated approach to the use of mineral raw materials and coal mining products. Involving coal mining waste in the metallurgical process is one of the promising directions for organizing the production of complex silicon and silicon-aluminum alloys based on the electrothermal properties of high-ash carbonaceous rocks. The content of basic oxides in the ash of carbonaceous rocks, as well as the price, allows us to consider it as a cheap source of the corresponding elements in the composition of complex ferroalloys. The purpose of this work is to develop a rational resource-saving technology for the smelting of ferrosilicoaluminum using carbonaceous rocks. The technology for smelting ferrosilicoaluminum involves the use of high-ash coal waste with minor additions of quartzite without the use of coke. The process of reduction of silicon and aluminum is provided by carbonaceous rock. Waste carbonaceous rocks with an ash content of References: [1] Baisanov S.O., Tolymbekov M.Zh., Takenov T.D. etc. Mastering the technology of electrothermal smelting of ferrosilicon aluminum from coal waste at Ispat-Karmet OJSC. Steel, 2000. No. 7. P. 28-30.<br />[2] Baisanov S.O., Tolymbekov M.Zh., Karemkov A.A. Chekimbaev A.F. Terlikbaeva A.K. New types of carbonaceous rocks for smelting ferrosilicon aluminum // Steel. 2008. No. 8. – P. 59-61.<br />[3] Tsymbal V.P., Bogomekov V.I., Tolymbekov M.Zh. and others. Efficiency of using ferrosilicoaluminum for steel deoxidation // Steel, 2000, No. 6. – P. 24 |