CONTRIBUTION TO MINERAL RESEARCH IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF ALGODAO DE JANDAIRA, STATE OF PARAIBA, BRAZIL, WITH EMPHASIS TO ALGODAO HILL Francisco Souza1; 1IFPB, Campina Grande, Brazil; PAPER: 409/SolidStateChemistry/Regular (Oral) SCHEDULED: 12:20/Tue. 29 Nov. 2022/Andaman 1 ABSTRACT: The main objective of this work was to analyze and understand the geological and tectonic constitution of the municipality of Algodão de Jandaíra, state of Paraíba and offer a contribution to mineral research, whether local or regional, since the municipality is inserted in the Borborema Province in northeastern Brazil, rich in industrial and metallic minerals such as tantalite/columbite, gold, scheelite, gemological minerals (beryl, marine water, tourmalines), etc. The geochemical parameters were defined using the portable X-ray fluorescence analytical instrument (p-XFR) for some major elements, traces and light rare earth (ETR-L) elements in active stream sediments, basalt vein, in pegmatite dike and quartz veins, in order to enrich the scientific literature regarding the advancement of research on mineral potential in any regions of Borborema Province. The results obtained by p-XFR, when plotted in tables and graphs, contributed to the important interpretations on ore content, geochemical associations, magmatic evolution and contribution of hydrothermalism, geological and tectonic weathering in the geochemical mobilization of the elements. Field research shows that the tectonic modeling of the rocky bodies of the studied area has a strong local structural control exercised by the Pocinhos and Casserengue shear zones. The set was the target of strong compression, stretching, boudinagem and injection of veins. Tectonic reactivations of extensional character were responsible for the production of open fractures, orthogonal to the regional trend, allowing the intrusion of basalt veins, modeling the drainage pattern and generating vertical walls that served as a panel for rock art, with prehistoric paintings made by ancestors, such as the pedra da letra in the passagem river. The studies culminated in the preparation of the Course Completion Work. References: [1] CAVALCANTE, R; CUNHA, A, L, C; COSTA, A, P; DANTAS, A, R; Carta geológica-geofísica: folha SB.24-Z-B-VI Picuí. Recife: CPRM, mapa color. Escala 1:100.000. (Avaliação dos Recursos Minerais do Brasil). 2008. [2] DA SILVA, M. R. Petrographical and geochemical investigations of pegmatites in the Borborema Pegmatitic Province of Northeastern Brazil. 306 f. Tese de Doutorado não publicada – Ludwig Maximilians Universität München, Munique, 1993. [3] FIGUEIREDO, M.C.H. Introdução à geoquímica dos elementos terras raras. Bol. IG-USP, série científica, v.16, p. 15-31. 1985. [4] GALINDO, A. C; JARDIM DE SÁ, E. F; NASCIMENTO, R. S. C; HOLLANDA, M. H. B. M; [5] NASCIMENTO, M. A. L; LARDEAUX, J. M; Caracterização geoquímica e contexto geodinâmico dos granitoides alcalinos na porção oriental da Faixa Seridó (RN-PB). In: 17o Simpósio de Geologia do Nordeste (p. 263- 267.). Fortaleza, Boletim 15. 1997. [6] HAWAI’IVON BASSENHEIM, D.W. Evaluation of portable XRF for characterizing basalts: a case study on ballistic blocks from Kilauea. Gac Mac Abstracts. 2019. [7] HENDERSON, P. General geochemical properties and abundances of the rare earth elements. In: HENDERSON, P. (Ed.).i?are earth elements geochemistry, Amsterdam: Elsevier, p. 1-32. 1984. |