2022-Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit
SIPS2022 Volume 3 Horstemeyer Intl.Symp. Multiscale Materials Mechanics & Applications

Editors:F. Kongoli,E. Aifantis, A, Konstantinidis, D, Bammann, J. Boumgardner, K, Johnson, N, Morgan, R. Prabhu, A. Rajendran
Publisher:Flogen Star OUTREACH
Publication Year:2022
Pages:382 pages
ISSN:2291-1227 (Metals and Materials Processing in a Clean Environment Series)
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    Numerical Framework for Weak Gravity Dynamics

    Mark Horstemeyer1;
    1LIBERTY UNIVERSITY, Lynchburg, United States;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Id Paper: 564
    Topic: 1


    We introduce a computational framework for performing numerical experiments in weak gravity dynamics under the conditions of non-flat inherent geometry of space. It
    is a generalization of the Particle Mesh method for the case of non-Euclidean geometry. As such, it includes a solver for the Poisson Equation and particle accelerations
    for the general case of a non-flat three-dimensional space. The framework is useful for performing numerical experiments to investigate the Inherent Structure Hypothesis
    explanation of the dark matter effect described in earlier work by Tenev and Horstemeyer (2019). It assumes weak gravity and nearly static gravitational fields,
    which are valid assumptions for our common experience of gravity and are consistent with the conditions under which the Dark Matter effect has been observed. The
    inputs to the framework are: 1) a displacement function into a transverse fourth dimensions used to specify the inherent curvature of space, 2) a fixed mass density
    field, and 3) a collection of point particles that only interact through their contribution to the gravitational field. The framework was implemented in MATLAB R and was validated by using it to compute the Sun’s gravitational field and comparing the result to the theoretical prediction.

    Cite this article as:

    Horstemeyer M. (2022). Numerical Framework for Weak Gravity Dynamics. In F. Kongoli,E. Aifantis, A, Konstantinidis, D, Bammann, J. Boumgardner, K, Johnson, N, Morgan, R. Prabhu, A. Rajendran (Eds.), Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit SIPS2022 Volume 3 Horstemeyer Intl.Symp. Multiscale Materials Mechanics & Applications (pp. 233-254). Montreal, Canada: FLOGEN Star Outreach