In Honor of Nobel Laureate Prof. Ferid Murad

Abstract Submission Open! About 500 abstracts submitted from about 60 countries

Featuring 9 Nobel Laureates and other Distinguished Guests

Abstract Submission
Nguyen_Tran Directeur de l'Ecole de Chirurgie - HVL

Nguyen Tran

Nancy, France

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Short Bio:

Pr. Nguyen TRAN, 54, manages his pedagogical and research investment in the School of Surgery of Nancy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lorraine. This facility is now one of the biggest training centers in Europe dedicated to technological innovation in surgery and in advanced multidisciplinary therapeutic validation. In research, he focusses his interest in the area of innovative strategies to repair chronic heart failure. He has contributed to the development of cardiac cell transplantation and cardiac tissue engineering to replace dysfunctional, necrotic, and/or apoptotic cardiomyocytes with (i) new cells of mesodermal origin and (ii) new 3-dimensional polymeric scaffolds. In 2006, his team was the first in France to perform a clinical comparative investigation to evaluate the contribution of direct injection of mesenchymal stem cells in infarct areas. Recently, he leads a project in the development an original Direct Cardiac Compression cardiac assist device dedicated to the assistance of patients suffering from end-stage chronic heart failure. This type of assistance allows treatment of heart failure without direct contact with the patient's blood (unlike circulatory assistance where blood contact is a problem) and without requiring major surgery. In Pedagogy, he develops and impulses the simulation approaches to certify the surgical skills of young doctors. He is one of the founding members of the SoFraSims (French Health Simulation Society) sponsored by the French High Authority of Health (HAS). From 2019, he has joined the French National Digital Council as a representative of researchers.