In Honor of Nobel Laureate Prof. Ferid Murad

SIPS2021 has been postponed to Nov. 27th - Dec. 1st 2022
at the same hotel, The Hilton Phuket Arcadia,
in Phuket, Thailand.
Please click here for more details

Abstract Submission Open! About 300 abstracts submitted from about 40 countries

Featuring 9 Nobel Laureates and other Distinguished Guests

Home › Guidelines › Session Monitor
Session Monitor

Monitor duties include the following:
  1. Help the organizers and staff
    1. In the on-site registration process
      • By directing the attendees to the right places
      • Distributing badges, bags, and other materials
      • Provide Organizers/Staff with any help they might need

    2. During the summit
      • Placing direction signs in different places in the hotel
      • Placing and changing the door programs
      • Check for any late program updates on the room sign outside of the meeting room
      • Place session presenter update/cancellation notices on the session signs (if applicable)
      • Place the posters in the right stands
      • After poster sessions, remove all illustrations and collect other materials
      • Placing/carrying audio-visual instruments in the speakers' rooms
      • Sending written notices to attendees in the room during sessions
      • Provide Organizers/Staff with any help they might need

    3. During the social activities
      • Directing the attendees to the right places/tables
      • Help with Awards Ceremony in the Gala Dinner
      • Provide any special assistance to attendees
      • Provide Organizers/Staff with any help they might need

  2. Help the session chairs
    • Fulfill their duties described here: http://www.flogen.org/sips2020/page.php?p=47
    • During questions period direct the wireless microphones to the persons asking questions
    • Cooperate with and assist the session chair whenever your help is requested