Intl. Symp. on Laws and their Applications for Sustainable Development
Bio | CV | Publications
This major symposium is in honor of the distinguished work and lifetime achievements of
Malcolm McNeil, attorney at law. Malcolm focuses on litigation, business, and transactional matters involving international clients.
Malcolm McNeil was born in San Francisco. He received an Arts Degree from Los Angeles city College, a Bachelor degree in management and administration from Antioch University and his juris doctor degree from Loyola Law school, Los Angeles.
During his law school career, he was also a financial advisor and manager with a major life insurance company. His duties included advising clients on sensitive matters involving assets, state protection, and tax matters.
Shortly after passing the bar, McNeil opened his own law office. The practice was centered on commercial matters and in regulatory offenses matters brought by state and federal agencies.
The practice was client focused. McNeil found out that his role broadened to be a trusted advisor for small to medium size companies as well as start up’s.
McNeil became a member of Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats (AIJA) to broaden his international skills. Shortly after, he was elected to the executive committee, became its national vice president for the United States, and was ultimately elected president for AIJA presiding over its congress in Helsinki in 2000.
As his experience developed, he provided general counsel advice to clients in cross-border transactions with a specific emphasis on inbound Asian work. McNeil’s first business trip to China was in 1993. This practice area continues until the present.
McNeil currently practices law as the international coleader of the Arent Fox law firm working out of both Los Angeles and San Francisco offices.
He is licensed to practice law in California and Washington DC. He is also admitted to the United States District Court for the northern, eastern, Central and Southern District of California, to the US Court of Appeals for the fifth and ninth circuit’s; the United States court of international trade (CIT) and the United States Supreme Court.
McNeil has been an adjunct professor for the University of Laverne School of Law.
In addition to the positions held with AIJA, McNeil has also been the chair of the international section of the Los Angeles county bar association. He has held a variety of positions with the American Bar Association including the chair of the China committee, vice chair of the Asia-Pacific committee, Vice chair of the international mediation committee, and liaison between the bar associations.
Presently, McNeil is a member of the executive committee of the Beverly Hills Bar Association which leads to the presidency of the association at the conclusion of the term.
Malcolm’s practice has included representation of clients in most forums, including a range of administrative forums, statewide and nationally. Known for his leadership and accomplishments, particularly for clients with business interests in China, Malcolm is a panel member on the Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration in the Beijing International Arbitration Commission. Malcolm also serves as the co-chair of Arent Fox's International Group
McNeil is a prolific writer and has been in demand as a speaker on a wide variety of legal topics which include international components.
A round table discussion open to everyone interested will be organized at a specific date and time during the symposium. It will be a platform for high level representatives of various industries, technologies, and academic disciplines to freely discuss and debate all topics of this symposium, and identify positive and efficient pathways towards sustainability in industrial practices, technologies, and research.
You are cordially invited to actively participate in this symposium by submitting and presenting a paper, or by attending the round table. We look forward to meeting you at the Cyprus, October 2019.