2018 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
4-7 November 2018, Rio Othon Palace, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Seven Nobel Laureates have already confirmed their attendance: Prof. Dan Shechtman, Prof. Sir Fraser Stoddart, Prof. Andre Geim, Prof. Thomas Steitz, Prof. Ada Yonath, Prof. Kurt Wüthrich and Prof. Ferid Murad. More than 400 Abstracts Submitted from about 60 Countries.
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    Fehrmann International Symposium on Sustainable Molten Salt and Ionic Liquid Processing (6th Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Molten Salt and Ionic Liquid Processing)

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    Molten salts and ionic liquids are both Coulombic fluids that consist of ions only, but they are typically applied in different temperature ranges. Both types of fluid are of a large academic and industrial interest and employ the same fundamental principles, so there is a lot of scope for the exchange of information between the two research communities.

    Essential for an in-depth understanding of these molten ionic media are aspects such as structure, thermodynamics, transport, electrochemistry, interface properties, and modelling. Both media inherently carry the potential for improving old processes and materials, as well as creating new ones in service for a more sustainable production strategy.

    Symposium Topics

    Thus, this symposium will address any research that contributes to the use of molten ionic media for more sustainable production of chemical and pharmaceutical products. This includes both fundamental studies of the media, as well as their possible or realized industrial applications.

    This symposium will cover - but is not limited to - the following topics :
    • Structural, physico-chemical, and functional aspects of traditional high and lower melting salts or mixtures, including ionic liquids regarding their use or possible use in synthesis, catalysis, metal production, heat transfer or as other important materials; interaction with surfaces, corrosion, and electrodeposition; toxicological and safety issues of use and handling.
    • Synthesis of chemical compounds, polymers, and pharmaceuticals utilizing molten ionic media and in particular, renewables, as the future resource for chemical production.
    • Studies of chemical reactions in molten ionic media addressing molecular structures, complex formation, reaction kinetics, and thermodynamics.
    • Theoretical and computational modelling of ionic media, structure, stability of species in solution, and reaction mechanisms.
    • Catalysis in molten ionic media, or in such systems on porous supports regarding reaction kinetics and mechanisms in addition to atomic efficiency in the particular catalyzed reaction.
    • Molten ionic media in sustainable energy production including their use in storage, battery or fuel- and solar cell technologies, as well as in environmental processes linked to the production of energy as flue gas cleaning and nuclear waste treatment.
    • Emerging technologies based on Ionic liquids including bulk chemical production with novel catalytic systems, selective gas separation and ionic liquid membranes, alternative pharmaceutical and herbicides formulations enhancing biological effects and allowing new delivery routes, lubrication materials etc.
    This symposium will conclude with a round table discussion, which will facilitate an open dialogue among all symposium participants on future sustainable approaches based on molten ionic media to solve important and threatening problems in the world community, and addressing the critical questions: where are we right now? What have we accomplished? Where do we want to go?
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Florian Kongoli
FLOGEN Technologies
Marco Haumann
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Peter Wasserscheid
Tom Welton
Imperial College London
UK, [Bio]
Marcelle Gaune-Escard
Austen Angell
Arizona State U.
Anders Riisager
DTU Chemistry