2018-Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit
SIPS2018 Volume 5. Zehetbauer Intl. Symp. / SISAM

Editors:F. Kongoli, S. Kobe, M. Calin, J.-M. Dubois, T. Turna
Publisher:Flogen Star OUTREACH
Publication Year:2018
Pages:154 pages
ISSN:2291-1227 (Metals and Materials Processing in a Clean Environment Series)
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    Bulk and Thin-film Stoichiometric and Off-stoichiometric Full Heusler Thermoelectric Systems

    Ernst Bauer1; Bernhard Hinterleitner1; Michael Poneder1; Christoph Eisenmenger1; Johannes Rehak1; Rene Moser1; Raimund Podloucky2; Takao Mori3; Xing-Qiu Chen4;
    1TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITäT WIEN, Vienna, Austria; 2TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITäT WIEN, Wien, Austria; 3NIMS TSUKUBA, Tsukuba, Japan; 4NIMS TSUKUBA, Shenyang, China;
    Type of Paper: Invited
    Id Paper: 226
    Topic: 42


    Among the various families of thermoelectric materials, half-Heusler and full-Heusler systems are appreciated for their excellent mechanical properties and an outstanding thermal stability. While half-Heusler materials are also known for their superior thermoelectric performance as characterized by the so-called figure of merit, ZT, reaching ZT values above 1, the thermoelectric efficiency of full-Heusler systems is still moderate and does not exceed ZT ~ 0.1 - 0.2. The latter finding is based on the unfavorable fact that the total thermal conductivity of such Heusler phases is pretty large, exceeding that of well-behaving thermoelectric materials by more than one order of magnitude. Nevertheless, the power factor of Heusler systems like those based on Fe<sub>2</sub>VA1, is comparable, or even exceeds that of well behaving and excellently performing materials based on Bi-Te.
    In this contribution, the influence of substitution on different lattice sites (e.g., V/W or Fe/Ni) on the thermoelectric performance is studied, both from experiments as well as from first principles DFT calculations. In addition, we show that thin film preparation of Heusler systems results in an significant enhancement of the power factor pf substantial drop of the lattice thermal conductivity and thus in an dramatic increase of the figure of merit ZT. A number of microscopic observations are accounted for to explain this boost.


    Advanced materials; Electronic structures;



    Cite this article as:

    Bauer E, Hinterleitner B, Poneder M, Eisenmenger C, Rehak J, Moser R, Podloucky R, Mori T, Chen X. (2018). Bulk and Thin-film Stoichiometric and Off-stoichiometric Full Heusler Thermoelectric Systems. In F. Kongoli, S. Kobe, M. Calin, J.-M. Dubois, T. Turna (Eds.), Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit SIPS2018 Volume 5. Zehetbauer Intl. Symp. / SISAM (pp. 121-122). Montreal, Canada: FLOGEN Star Outreach