2018-Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit
SIPS2018 Volume 3. Fehrmann Intl. Symp. / Molten Salt and Ionic Liquid

Editors:F. Kongoli, M. Haumann, P. Wasserscheid, T. Welton, M. Gaune-Escard, A. Angell, A. Riisager
Publisher:Flogen Star OUTREACH
Publication Year:2018
Pages:154 pages
ISSN:2291-1227 (Metals and Materials Processing in a Clean Environment Series)
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    Homogeneous Catalysis for Sustainable Chemistry

    Martin Nielsen1;
    Type of Paper: Invited
    Id Paper: 137
    Topic: 13


    The transformation of biofeedstock into higher value bulk and fine chemicals is of paramount importance to become fully independent of fossil fuels. Using homogeneous catalysis for such valorization processes allows for highly selective transformation to be carried out under mild conditions.
    Here, we demonstrate the use of homogeneous PNP transition metal complexes for catalyzing a range of biofeedstock valorization processes. In addition, we show how this catalyst type may be used for hydrogen storage in organic compounds.
    For example (bio)ethanol may be transformed to to sodium acetate, ethyl acetate, or butanol. Likewise, potassium lactate is produced from glycerol and gamma-valerolactone is made from levulinates.
    Furthermore, we show how methanol, (bio)ethanol, isopropanol, glycerol, sugar alcohols, and carbohydrates all are well tolerated substrates for extruding hydrogen molecules.


    Compounds; Energy; Metals; Storage; Sustainability;


    [1] R. M. Padilla, M. Nielsen. Unpublished work.
    [2] E. Alberico, M. Nielsen. 2015. Towards a methanol economy based on homogeneous catalysis: methanol to H2 and CO2 to methanol Chem. Commun., 51, 6714-6725
    [3] M. Nielsen, E. Alberico, W. Baumann, H.-J. Drexler, H. Junge, S. Gladiali, M. Beller
    2013, Low-temperature aqueous-phase methanol dehydrogenation to hydrogen and carbon dioxide, Nature, 495, 85-89
    [4] M. Nielsen, H. Junge, A. Kammer, M. Beller
    2012, Towards a Green Process for Bulk-Scale Synthesis of Ethyl Acetate: Efficient Acceptorless Dehydrogenation of Ethanol, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 51, 5711-5713

    Cite this article as:

    Nielsen M. (2018). Homogeneous Catalysis for Sustainable Chemistry. In F. Kongoli, M. Haumann, P. Wasserscheid, T. Welton, M. Gaune-Escard, A. Angell, A. Riisager (Eds.), Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit SIPS2018 Volume 3. Fehrmann Intl. Symp. / Molten Salt and Ionic Liquid (pp. 125-126). Montreal, Canada: FLOGEN Star Outreach