2018 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
4-7 November 2018, Rio Othon Palace, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
4th International Symposium on Science of Intelligent and Sustainable Advanced Materials (SISAM)

Bio | CV | Publications
This major symposium is in honor of the distinguished work and lifetime achievements of Prof. Michael Josef Zehetbauer, an outstanding scientist and enthusiastic representative of modern Materials Science. So far Michael Zehetbauer has published about 260 mostly peer-reviewed papers in high impact journals, which have been currently cited more than 5000 times, corresponding to an h-factor of 38. He has organized 9 international conferences and the publication of related proceedings, and has also edited the book "Bulk Nanostructured Materials" with 30 reviews of articles from world-renowned authors.
The scientific oeuvre of Prof. Michael Zehetbauer is based on fundamental works in the plasticity of metals and of polymers. Besides new findings raising the importance of dislocation kinetics for the strength of semicrystalline polymers, he has established the stages IV and V of plastic deformation, and a physical model called "Zehetbauer's model" simulating the strengthening in solids in terms of statistical interactions of screw and edge dislocations, and deformation-induced vacancies. His high expertise in large plastic deformation led him to pioneer the famous field of "Severe Plastic Deformation" (SPD) which allows to achieve nanocrystalline materials in bulk shape. Here, he highlighted the role of hydrostatic pressure for both reaching ultrahigh deformation strains and very high densities of defects especially vacancies which can cause considerable hardening as well. As of recent, M. Zehetbauer has been demonstrating the high potential of those SPD-induced defects for increasing the efficiency of functional materials, such as nanostructured thermoelectrics, hydrogen storage materials, and biodegradable implant materials. Following those important achievements of Prof. Zehetbauer, this symposium welcomes contributions illuminating and examining the complexities of Intelligent Sustainable Advanced Materials (ISAM) within the following topics:
- Computational Simulation of ISAM, including simulation of atomic and molecular structures, and of mechanical, thermoelectric, and magnetic properties
- H2-Storage Advanced Materials with emphasis on enhancing the storage kinetics with respect to dissociation, diffusion and trapping of hydrogen
- Amorphous Materials aiming at high stability and mechanical formability
- SPD Nanomaterials aiming at the principles to increase the ductility at still high strength
- Advanced Thermoelectrics optimizing the efficiency by constraints and defects
- Magnetic Materials, including advancements of coercivity and magnetostriction by means of exchange coupling mechanisms
- Advanced Biomedical Materials achieving case-dependent mechanical & biocorrosion properties
- Semicrystalline Polymers, with special emphasis on the role of dislocations for macroscopic strength
- Current Intelligent Sustainable Advanced Materials like Graphene, CNTs, High Entropy Alloys
- ISAM Industrial Applications, and the trend of increasing commercialization of materials (amorphous & nanocrystalline materials, magnetic materials, and others)
- Nano-Analytic Methods comprising diffraction line profile and texture analysis, including Synchrotron and neutron radiation, dilatometry, and positron annihilation spectroscopy
A round table discussion open to everyone interested will be organized during the symposium. This will allow high level representatives of various industries, technologies, and academic disciplines to discuss and debate freely, without reservations, all topics of this symposium and identify possible research and development pathways towards a future industry with increased sustainability.
You are cordially invited to actively participate in this symposium by submitting and presenting a paper, or by attending the round table. We look forward to meeting you at the
Rio Othon Palace in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on 4-7 November 2018. Contributed articles will be double peer-reviewed and published in the Conference Official Proceedings having an ISBN and an ISSN number, and available through many indexes such as Scopus, EI index, Google Scholar, CiteSeerX etc. Selected contributed articles will also be published in reputable Journals.
Click here to see the detailed scope and topics.
Florian Kongoli
FLOGEN Technologies
Spomenka Kobe
Josef Stefan Inst.
Slovenia, [Bio]
Mariana Calin
IFW Dresden
Germany, [Bio]
Jean-Marie Dubois
Inst. Jean Lamour
France, [Bio]
Tamer Turna
TES Energy Consulting
Turkey, [Bio]