2017 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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22-26 October 2017, Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun All Inclusive Resort, Cancun, Mexico
Almost 400 Abstracts Submitted from 60 Countries
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Mery-Cecilia Gomez-Marroquin

Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria-UNI
Lima, Peru
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Short Bio:

MERY CECILIA GOMEZ MARROQUIN D Sc. Eng. Metallurgical Engineer (2001), by Universidad Nacional de Ingenieri-UNI (Peru), with a Master's (2004) & Doctor Science (2008) in Materials Engineering and Metallurgy by Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro-Brazil, and post-doctorate by six months at same university (2008). Senior Technological Researcher I at "Instituto General de Investigacion - UNI" . Is a Professor at UNI at Materials and Metallurgical Department FIGMM UNI and founding partner and president of the board of directors of Minerals, Materials and Metallurgy Peruvian Association-APMMM. Has published 2 papers in scientific journals, and more than 40 papers and 30 abstracts in conference proceedings. Has been working on the following subjects: characterization and reduction by CO-CO2 mixtures gases of zinc ferrite pure and the zinc ferrite present into Electric Arc Furnace Dusts - EAFD using different techniques as such: X Ray Diffraction (using the Rietveld method), Transmission Microscopy Electronics and Scanning Microscopy Electronics. Has researches that had been reported onsets with the characterization of the compounds present in EAFD - Iron (III) oxide, zinc oxide & zinc ferrite - using techniques, methodologies and equipments for thermal characterization (DTA-TGA), structural (XRD), microscopic (SEM-TEM coupled to EDS), physical (briquette porosity, specific gravity, average size & particle specific surface) and chemical analysis. She has as main publications: - GOMEZ MARROQUIN, M. C. , D'ABREU, J. C., KOHLER, H. M., "REDUCAO DE FERRITA DE ZINCO E DE POEIRAS DE ACIARIA ELECTRICA POR MISTURAS CO-CO2" presented during the ABM Week 2015 - 70O CONGRESSO ANUAL DA ABM on August 17th to 21th, 2015 in Rio de Janeiro, RJ-Brazil. - GOMEZ MARROQUIN, M. C. , D'ABREU, J. C., KOHLER, H. M. "CHARACTERIZATION AND KINETICS STUDIES OF THE ZINC FERRITE SYNTHESIS" presented during the SECOND PAN AMERICAN MATERIALS CONFERENCE 2014 & 69� CONGRESSO ANUAL DA ABM on July 21st to 25th, 2014 in Sao Paulo, SP-Brazil. http://www.programmaster.org/PM/PM.nsf/ViewSessionSheets?OpenAgent&ParentUNID=5624445C4E7E934F85257CD900560B7D GOMEZ MARROQUIN, M. C. , D'ABREU, J. C., KOHLER, H. M. "CINETICA DA REDUCAO DE FERRITA DE ZINCO E DE POEIRAS DE ACIARIA ELECTRICA POR MISTURAS CO-CO2" presented during the 69O CONGRESSO ANUAL DA ABM on July 21st to 25th, 2014 in Sao Paulo, SP-Brazil. GOMEZ MARROQUIN, M. C.; D'ABREU, J. C.; KOHLER, H. M. PLANEAMIENTO FACTORIAL DE LA REDUCCION GASEOSA DE FERRITA DE CINC USANDO LA METODOLOGIA SUPERFICIE RESPUESTA-RSM, trabajo presentado al XIII Congreso Internacional de Metalurgia, Materiales y Medio Ambiente - CONIMETM 2013. Por la transformacion de nuestros metales y la conservacion del y Medio Ambiente. Arequipa, 28 al 30 de Noviembre del 2013. GOMEZ MARROQUIN, M. C.; D'ABREU, J. C. ; KOHLER, H. M. FACTORIAL PLANNING OF ZINC FERRITE REDUCTION BY CO-CO2 GAS MIXTURES USING RESPONSE METHODOLOGY SURFACE-RSM, presented to the 43rd ABM Ironmaking Seminar & 14th ABM Iron Ore Symposium, which took place from 1st to 4th September 2013 in Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil GOMEZ MARROQUIN, M. C.; D'ABREU, J. C. ; KOHLER, H. M. ANALISIS FACTORIAL DE LA REDUCCION GASEOSA DE FERRITA DE CINC PRESENTE EN POLVOS DE ACERIA ELECTRICA, trabajo presentado al VI Congreso Internacional de Metalurgia de Transformacion "Mecanismos y Herramientas Metalurgicas". Lima, 4 al 7 de Diciembre del 2012. GOMEZ MARROQUIN, M. C. ; D'ABREU, J. C. KINETICS REDUCTION OF ZINC FERRITE CONTAINED IN EAF DUSTS, BY PURE CO AND CO-CO2 GAS MIXTURES presented to the 6th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Ironmaking - ICSTI / 42nd ABM Ironmaking Seminar & 13th ABM Iron Ore Symposium, which had place from 14th to 18th October 2012 in Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil. Ver el siguiente sitio web: http://www.gbv.de/dms/tib-ub-hannover/767806328.pdf GOMEZ MARROQUIN, M. C. ; D'ABREU, J. C. REDUCCION DE POLVOS DE ACERIA POR MEZCLAS CO - CO2, trabajo en el IV CONGRESO LATINOAMERICANO DE METALURGIA. realizado en la ciudad del Cusco, entre el 19 y 21 de Noviembre del 2011. GOMEZ MARROQUIN, M. C. ; D'ABREU, J. C. REDUCCION DE POLVOS DE ACERIA POR MEZCLAS CO - CO2, trabajo en el Encuentro de Operadores del 30 PERUMIN - CONVENCION MINERA. Tema: Investigacion Minera, realizado en la ciudad de Arequipa, entre el 12 y 18 de Setiembre del 2011. GOMEZ MARROQUIN, M. C. ; D'ABREU, J. C. CINETICA DE REDUCCION DE FERRITA DE CINC PRESENTE EN LOS POLVOS DE ACERIA POR LA MEZCLA CO - CO2, trabajo en I Congreso Internacional de Metalurgia Extractiva y V Congreso Internacional de Metalurgia de Transformacion, presentado en Tacna durante los dias 24 y 27 de Noviembre del 2010 v. 1, p. 206-209. GOMEZ MARROQUIN, M. C. ; D'ABREU, J. C. ; KOHLER, H. M. PLANEJAMENTO FATORIAL DA REDUCAO DE FERRITA DE ZINCO PELA MISTURA CO-CO2 USANDO A METODOLOGIA DE SUPERFICIE RESPOSTA-RSM. 39o Seminario de Reducao de Minerios de Ferro e Materias Primas, 2009, Ouro Preto-MG. Anais do 39o Seminario de Reducao de Minerios de Ferro e Materias Primas. Sao Paulo - SP: Associacao Brasileira de Metalurgia e Materiais, 2009. v. 1. p. 125-134.

Distinguished Guests

Prof. Dan Shechtman
2011 Nobel Prize Winner
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