2016 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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06 - 10 November 2016, Sanya Marriott Yalong Bay Resort & Spa, Hainan-Island China
More than 520 Abstracts submitted from 80 countries - Please contact us ASAP if you want to update an abstract or a full paper.
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Stein E. Johansen

Norwegian University of Science and Technology / Institute of Basic Research, USA

Anthropology Of Hadronic Science And Technology – Addressing The Significance Of External Cultural Factors For Promotion Vs. Obstruction Of Sustainable Industrial Processing At A Global Scale
Santilli International Symposium (Intl. Sympo. on Sustainable Mathematics Applications)

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Ruggero Maria Santilli initiated and established novel scientific fields of hadronic mathematics, hadronic mechanics and hadronic chemistry, enriched by various contributions by many other scientists, e.g. by Animalu in the field of hadronic superconductivity. These scientific achievements unfolded into the novel technology of plasma-arc-flow-recyclers from 1998 on, and later into the novel technology of intermediate controlled nuclear fusion without radiations. These hadronic technologies claim to represent radical advances in ecological respects, and are backed not only by patents, but by up-and-working technology and by experimental confirmation from independent investigating bodies. Also, there has emerged a vast and growing body of scientific publications inside various fields inside the hadronic sciences, being met with close to zero opposing scientific publications. Despite this success as approached from sober scientific and technical standards, the growth in implementation of the aforementioned novel and ecological hadronic technologies has so far remained rather slow. To some extent, this may be explained by obstructing factors residing inside certain (more or less external) scientific communities, connected to paradigmatic blockings as well as to some protectionism with regard to positions of prestige or power. However, to a significant extent, there may be strong cultural factors of obstruction (vs. promotion) involved, which reside outside the spheres of science and technology themselves. The paper will address and discuss some such factors, related to interfacing information flows between forefront hadronic science and various other cultural segments; more specifically to scientists working in other fields, to the layman via popular media, to industry and finance, to geopolitics, and to the ecological movement. The tentative conclusion is that it is hard to imagine fast progress in implementation and growth of sustainable hadronic technologies without an occurrence of catalyzing intervention from cultural spheres residing outside science and technology.

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