A Lattice Gas Cellular Automata Model For the Simulation of Gas Flow Over A Solid Particle with Chemical Reaction
He1; Zhong
Zheng2; Zhiwei
Chen3; Hongsheng
Chen2; Pengfei
Zhou2; Maohong
1, Chongqing, China; 2CHONGQING UNIVERSITY, Chongqing, China; 3UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, Vancouver, Canada;
Type of Paper: Regular
Id Paper: 49
Topic: 3Abstract:
Problems related to gas-solid reaction are important in many industrial applications, such as chemical and metallurgical processes. In this paper, a lattice gas cellular automata (LGCA) model with multi-substance and multi-energy is developed for the simulation of gas-solid reactions. Real-time concentration and temperature in the simulation zone are described by the evolution of particles marked with different substance states and energy states. To control the diffusion of gas particles, a collision probability is introduced according to the concentration gradient of different components. The chemical reaction is controlled by a reaction probability derived from the Arrhenius rate equation at macroscopic level. Furthermore, present LGCA model for reaction is validated by applying to the numerical simulation of a typical gas-solid reaction problem, i.e. the isothermal reduction process of iron oxides by reducing gases. Results show that the characteristics of flow and mass transfer in the gas-solid reaction system can be well captured, the detailed information of the interaction between gas particles and the solid particle can be obtained at meso-scale.. The rate of reaction increases with increasing the velocity, temperature and concentration of reactant gas and the simulation results agree well with experimental data, indicating that this model can be used to simulate a complex system involving the problems of fluid flow, heat transfer and chemical reaction.
Lattice gas automata; Simulation; Multiphase flow; Gas-solid reaction
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He K, Zheng Z, Chen Z, Chen H, Zhou P, Tian M. A Lattice Gas Cellular Automata Model For the Simulation of Gas Flow Over A Solid Particle with Chemical Reaction. In: Kongoli F, Akiyama T, Nogami H, Saito K, Fujibayashi A, editors. Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit SIPS 2016 Volume 6: Yagi Intl. Symp. / Metals & Alloys Processing. Volume 6. Montreal(Canada): FLOGEN Star Outreach. 2016. p. 322-335.