2016 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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06 - 10 November 2016, Sanya Marriott Yalong Bay Resort & Spa, Hainan-Island China
More than 520 Abstracts submitted from 80 countries - Please contact us ASAP if you want to update an abstract or a full paper.
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Mariana Calin

Leibniz-Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW Dresden)
Germany (Deutschland)

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Short Bio:

Mariana Calin is currently associate professor and Metallic Biomaterials Group leader at the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW Dresden), Germany. Prior to joining IFW Dresden in 2006, M. Calin was a faculty member at the Materials Science & Physical Metallurgy Deparment, University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Romania. Mariana Calin has been awarded the prestigious Humboldt Research Fellowship (1996-1998, Dortmund University) provided by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. In 2010 she received the Institute for Complex Materials Research Prize for her work on titanium-based biomaterials. Her primary interests are in the phase transformations and mechanical behavior of metallic materials, with focus on Ti-based biomaterials, metallic glasses and nanostructured alloys. M. Calin has co-authored over 90 publications in peer-reviewed journals including the Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia, Applied Physics Letters, and has delivered many presentations on her research at international conferences. She has ample experience with large-scale European research projects.

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