2016 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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06 - 10 November 2016, Sanya Marriott Yalong Bay Resort & Spa, Hainan-Island China
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Jadran Lenarcic

Jozef Stefan Institute

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Short Bio:

Prof. Jadran Lenarčič, Ph.D. was born in 1955. He received B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, in 1979, 1981, and in 1986, respectively. He has been appointed by the J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, since 1979. He also holds a professorship at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, since 1988. \\r\\n\\r\\nAppointments at the J. Stefan Institute\\r\\n• Head of Robotics Laboratory (1985-1994)\\r\\nHead of Automatics, Biocybernetics and Robotics (1994-2005)\\r\\nDirector of Institute (2005-) \\r\\n\\r\\nPositions of trust at the J. Stefan Institute\\r\\n• Member of Council (1989)\\r\\nChairman of Council (1990)\\r\\nMember of Board of Governors (1992-1994)\\r\\nDeputy President of Scientific Council (1997-2005)\\r\\nMember of Scientific Council (2005-)\\r\\n\\r\\nPositions of trust - national\\r\\n• National Coordinator Production Technologies and Systems\\r\\nChairman of Scientific Research Council for Engineering Sciences\\r\\nMember of National Research Council\\r\\nMember of Council »Science for Piece«\\r\\nMember National Council for Higher Education \\r\\nMember of Development Advisory Council to the Prime Minister, Government of Slovenia \\r\\n\\r\\nPositions of trust - international\\r\\n• Member of Search Commitee for the President of European Research Council ERC\\r\\nMember of Executive Committee of the International Federation for the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms IFToMM\\r\\nMember of Board of the European Robotics Network - EURON\\r\\nMember of Executive Board of the European Association of Research and Technology Organizations EARTO \\r\\n\\r\\nLecturing\\r\\n• Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana\\r\\nUniversity of Nova Gorica\\r\\nJ. Stefan International Postgraduate School\\r\\nUniversity of Bologna, Italy\\r\\n\\r\\nVisiting professor\\r\\n• University of Ferrara, Italy\\r\\nUniversity of Hull, GB\\r\\nUniversity of Notre Dame, USA\\r\\nInvited seminars at more than 20 universities around the world\\r\\n\\r\\nMembership in academies\\r\\n• Regular Member of Slovenian Academy of Engineering, (President 2011/12, Vicepresident 2010/11, 2012/13)\\r\\nCorresponding Member of Accademia delle Scienze di Bologna, Italy \\r\\n\\r\\nHonorary awards and titles \\r\\n• Medal of Work with Silver Wreath \\r\\nCavaliere Ufficiale nell\\\'Ordine al merito della Reppublica Italiana\\r\\n\\r\\nResearch \\r\\n• Basic research interests of J. Lenarčič are in robotics, robot kinematics, biorobotics and humanoid robotics. His contributions are in the area of modeling and simulation of robots, mathematical evaluation and optimization of robot mechanisms, modeling of human upper extremity and control of redundant robots. He is member of editorial boards in a number of international journals (currently is Associated Editor in Theory of Machines and Mechanisms) and served as guest editor in special issues. He edited a series of international books on Advances in Robot Kinematics and contributed in international encyclopedias. He is co-author of books \\\"Robot Mechanisms\\\" and \\\"Robotics\\\", both published in Slovenian and in English by Springer.

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