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:: Home > Symposia SYMPOSIA < Back4th Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Non-ferrous Smelting and Hydro/Electrochemical ProcessingList of Accepted Abstracts until now
- Principles:
- Experimental techniques: existing and new developments
- Reaction kinetics, thermodynamics, minor element behavior
- Chemical and transport properties of slags, mattes, metals, fluxes, gases, etc.
- Fluid-Solid Reactions
- Flash/Bath Sulfide and Laterite Smelting
- Roasting, smelting, converting and refining processes and equipment
- Process modeling and simulation (computational fluid dynamic modeling, etc.)
- Thermo and Physicochemical Properties
- Refractory materials, degradation, control and optimization
- Technologies:
- New, Improved and Existing Technologies
- Direct producing of metals
- Extraction and Processing
- Chemical and metallurgical process reactors
- Furnace designs and refractory
- Control operations and new designs
- Alternative ways of producing metals from sulfide and laterite concentrates
- Control and optimization
- Recycling, waste treatment, soil remediation and biotechnologies
- Industrial Practice:
- Plant and furnace operations
- Process parameters in smelting and refining furnaces
- Electrical furnaces
- Production of metals from sulfide or laterite concentrates
- Feed preparation processes, equipment
- Smelter gas handling and acid plants processes and equipment
- Smelter dusts and fugitive emissions
- Environmental issues and policies related to sulfide smelting
- New smelter and expansion/capital projects
- Predicted future of sulfide smelting operations
- Process control, optimization and automation
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List of Accepted Abstracts until now
Florian Kongoli
FLOGEN Technologies Inc.
USA/Canada |
Guo Xueyi
Central South University China
Viktor Shumskiy
Kazakhstan |
Pavel Kozlov
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